Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 123 The Secret of the Abyss

A newly opened abyss passage, Lin Mo met Sun Qian and others here again. There is no doubt that this is the small village they explored originally!

"So Sun Qian and the others have actually been caught by the monsters in the abyss?" Lin Mo frowned. He had already made such a judgment at the beginning, but he did not expect to see them in the abyss!

Lin Mo followed Miss Yu, wanting to take a look at what the so-called city lord looked like.

A group of people turned the corner and came to another dim room.

There were only two light red lights on in the corner of the whole room!

"Uncle, I'm here to see you!" Miss Yu said.

"The little girl is here!" A voice came from the corner. At the same time, the two light red lights began to become dazzling. In the end, they turned into two fist-sized red light balls!

Moreover, at this time, the lights in the entire room were suddenly lit up, and everything in the room appeared in front of Lin Mo's eyes.


Someone screamed and looked in the direction of the corner.

When Lin Mo saw the appearance of the city lord, he broke out in a cold sweat.

This is a black image. The two lights I saw earlier are just its eyes. You can see that its body is as thick as a bucket. The exposed part is three meters long. It is covered with black scales. , you can still see a lot of barbs on it!

The scariest thing is the face full of fangs!

What's shocking is that the back half of his body is actually inside the wall, as if he has grown inside!

"So his range of action is limited!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, this is one of the city lord's weak electricity...

"Come here!" the city lord said, without any emotion in his voice.

The housekeeper behind Miss Yu waved the long whip in his hand and hit Sun Qian and others directly. With exclamations, several people walked towards the direction of the Lord of Black Snake City!


When he was about to approach the city lord, a cold voice sounded, and in the crowd, a young man standing beside Sun Qian rushed forward!

His entire arm turned golden, glowing with metallic light.

The sharp breath came, and the moment he rushed out, there was an explosion in the air!

Lin Mo's eyes lit up. This attack at least showed the strength of a seventh-grade Martial King. The most important thing is that this attack was unexpected, and the black snake had no ability to move, so... the probability of success was very high!

However, the next moment, Lin Mo's eyes widened.

With a whoosh, a snow-white fang flew out from the black snake's mouth and pierced the young man's chest!

And after passing through the chest, the young man's body became extremely dark in just one second!


The young man's body fell to the ground, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

"Shen San!"

Some people in the crowd exclaimed, with tears on their faces.

"It's ridiculous to ignite the fire of life and end up with so little attack power!" Black Snake's voice sounded, his tone full of ridicule.

"I admire you very much. I won't kill you. In the future, you can find opportunities to kill me. I have been bored for so long and finally collected some humans. I hope you can let me play for a while longer!"

Black Snake waved his hand and asked the housekeeper to take Sun Qian and others out.

Miss Yu stayed and looked at the Black Snake City Lord in front of her, looking like she was hesitant to speak.

"You have something to say? But you have some concerns in your heart?" Black Snake City Lord said, there was even a smile in his voice.

"Uncle, I want to ask you a question!" Miss Yu finally hesitated, then slowly spoke: "Have you ever encountered a human race in the abyss that can come and go freely?"

"A human race that comes and goes freely?!" Black Snake suddenly stood up and looked at Miss Yu in shock.

"I woke up from a deep sleep and saw a human race, very weak, but in front of him, I couldn't exert my full strength, as if I was sealed!

In the end, he got a lot of benefits!

Not long ago, I went to the place where I saw him originally, and I didn't expect to see him again. However, it was just a phantom of him, not real! "

"Does your father know about this?" Black Snake's voice was solemn, and he spoke slowly while staring at Miss Yu.

Miss Yu shook her head.

Black Snake's upper body slowly stood upright, and its three-meter-high body looked down at Miss Yu. When he was about to speak, his eyes suddenly flashed and he looked in the direction of Lin Mo.

"who is it!"

Black Snake's voice was startled and angry, and when he opened his mouth, a green light burst out!

That was a poisonous fang, even more terrifying than the one that killed Shen San before!

Fortunately, Lin Mo was extremely vigilant. When Black Snake looked at him, he used ghost shadow and tried his best to leave here!

"Uncle, what's going on?" Miss Yu was startled by the black snake's movements. She looked behind her, but found nothing.

"There is an unknown existence in this place..." Black Snake spoke slowly, his eyes constantly searching the room.

Lin Mo stood in the corner, constantly moving sideways, avoiding the black snake's gaze.

"Nothing..." Miss Yu frowned.

"A ball of energy is despicably eavesdropping on our conversation!"

There was a puzzled look in Black Snake's eyes: "It's strange, I can't feel his presence now..."

Huaxia Military University, inside the student dormitory!

"Scared me!"

Lin Mo sat up from the bed, panting heavily. For a moment, Lin Mo even thought he was going to die!

Although he didn't know what form he existed in the dream, Lin Mo was sure that if he had been hit by the fangs and died there, he would definitely die in reality too!

"It's too dangerous... but the harvest is huge... not huge, but terrifying!" Thinking of what he saw and heard in his dream, Lin Mo's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

“The place I always thought was a dream is actually related to reality!

The city I followed Miss Yu to should be the city that the entrance to the village leads to! "

"There are quite a few treasures in that secret room. If I can go in, maybe..." Lin Mo's eyes flickered and he began to think in his heart.

Without going through the dream, go directly from the small village into the abyss.

With Lin Mo's understanding of the City Lord's Mansion this time, he can easily enter!

"The most important thing is that the guards at the City Lord's Mansion are not very strict, and there is still a high chance of entering!"

Lin Mo frowned, he was seriously thinking about the possibility of this matter!

"No matter what, time waits for no one, I must report this matter to the teacher as soon as possible!" Lin Mo stood up and took a look at the time. He had been in the copy all night, and it was already nine o'clock in the morning!

"No, if the teacher wants me to provide the source of the information, what should I do?" Lin Mo hesitated. If his golden finger was exposed, what would be the final consequences?

"But they are also innocent...I believe in the teacher's character!"

In the end, Lin Mo made his decision and was going to find the old principal.

Lin Mo usually never regrets a decision he made, so he directly washed up and ran towards the place where the old principal lived!

The old principal lived in an old house in the school. When Lin Mo found the old principal's house, he saw the old principal in a gray shirt from a distance, bending down to water the trees he planted in the yard.

The old principal is obviously very powerful, but at this time, he looks like an ordinary old man.

"How long are you going to stand there and watch? You're watching me work and you don't know how to help me. Do you know how to respect teachers?" the old principal's voice sounded.

"Teacher is awesome, I'm going to scare you secretly!" Lin Mo stepped forward with a smile, naturally took the water ladle from the old principal's hand, and began to water the saplings.

"I personally planted these saplings. Over the years, they have grown very well, but some saplings are growing in the wrong direction. Some saplings only know how to increase their height, but they do not expect that their bodies cannot support such a high height... …

Now, the saplings I planted are all that is left in front of me..."

The old principal looked at Lin Mo watering the water, then put his hands behind his back and spoke calmly.

Lin Mo listened carefully. There was some truth in these words, which made him realize something.

"You should come here this time because you have something to tell me!" the old principal said, looking at Lin Mo.

"Teacher, I know the whereabouts of Sun Qian and others!"

Lin Mo spoke directly and told Sun Qian's whereabouts.

"Sun Qian is in the abyss found in the village? There is even a city in the abyss?

Shen San is dead? "

After listening to Lin Mo's words, the old principal showed a surprised look on his face: "Why do you know so clearly?"

"Teacher, this is my secret..." Lin Mo did not say it in the end.

The old principal stared at Lin Mo for a while, then nodded slightly: "This is your freedom. As a teacher, I hope you have as many methods of your own as possible!

I'm so glad you took the risk to tell me this news!

It is my honor for the teacher to accept you as his disciple! "

The old principal had a look of relief in his eyes, and when he looked at Lin Mo, his face was full of smiles.

"Thank you, teacher!" Lin Mo's eyes were also red, and what he was worried about at first did not happen.

Especially when the old principal said that he was willing to take risks to tell him the news...

Lin Mo felt that his efforts were worth it!

"First write down everything you know, and then draw a map of the places you know as much as possible..." The old principal frowned and spoke out his thoughts one by one: "Wait until you draw the map. After that, we will arrange a group of people to search the abyss!

Of course, I suggest you also participate in this search, after all, you will be much familiar with this abyss..."

The old principal spoke slowly, which moved Lin Mo greatly. The old principal was really thinking about Lin Mo in everything.

"Thank you, teacher!" Lin Mo stood up and prepared to leave.

The reason why he told the news this time was, on the one hand, he was worried about the comfort of Sun Qian and others, and on the other hand, he wanted to take this opportunity to take a look into the abyss!

If there really were so many good things, Lin Mo would definitely try his best to get them into his hands!

Of course, before that, Lin Mo was going to find a helper...

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