Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 117: Creating a Record


The dark warrior roared and rushed directly towards Lin Mo.

He was tall and heavy. When he ran wildly on the fighting stage, his movements and appearance were like a black bear!

He was too strong. After he rushed, the killing intent on his body was extremely cold!

But when he came in front of Lin Mo, he didn't have time to hit a punch. Lin Mo squatted slightly and punched the dark warrior in the stomach!

Stone-breaking fist!

The martial arts Lin Mo used were very simple, which was the most basic stone-breaking fist, but with the blessing of proficiency, the attack power has reached more than 5,000!

The dark warrior flew up and fell heavily to the ground.

Lin Mo stood there quietly, with a calm expression, and slowly took his hand back.

"What's going on!"

After a long time, the audience who came back to their senses couldn't help but shout.

"Yeah, what happened? We didn't even see what happened, but he lost! Could it be a fake fight?"

"It's over, it's going to be terrible this time, I bet 3 million on the Dark Warrior to win!"

"If I bet on Lin Mo to win, wouldn't that be a big win?!"

"Didn't you see that the owner of the fighting arena bet 10 million on Lin Mo to win, which directly lowered the compensation ratio! But despite this, one million can still make two million, which is doubled directly..."

The audience spoke loudly in dissatisfaction.

Feng Xuan stood in the audience with a smile on his face, and he was in a very good mood. He knew that Lin Mo could win.

Although the one million was only doubled, he was satisfied.

The big screen on the stage began to repeat Lin Mo's movements, slowing down the movements over and over again.

"What a strong boy, I want to bet on him to win this time!"

After seeing Lin Mo's attack power, a group of people immediately changed their betting strategies.

"Mr. Lin Mo, do you want to play the next game?" The staff came on stage and looked at Lin Mo, and their attitude became much more respectful.

"Let's go to the next game!" Lin Mo said lightly. He came here today just to clear the level. He couldn't just run away after winning a million!

"Okay, let's welcome the next contestant to the stage. His name is Crayfish... He is an eighth-grade warrior!"

As soon as the voice fell, a man in a crayfish costume jumped up and stood opposite Lin Mo, with a dangerous smile on his face.

"Boy, you are very strong and talented, but on the fighting stage, level is the key. You can kill the dark warrior by leaps and bounds because the difference in strength between you two is not big, but I am different. I completely crush you. It's easy for an eighth-grade warrior to kill you. If you know what's good for you, just admit defeat and get out of here. Of course, in return, you have to give me the one million you won..." Crayfish looked at Lin Mo and said with a light smile.

"With this time, I can go to the next game!" Lin Mo looked at the staff helplessly: "Can we start?"

Lin Mo's attitude caused a group of people to cheer.

"Too arrogant, hahaha, you don't take the crayfish seriously at all!"

"Yes, domineering, I like it, even if you die later, I will buy a bet from you!"

At this time, the staff on the stage finally spoke, shouting to everyone: "The game begins!"


The crayfish roared and pounced on Lin Mo.

At this time, everyone realized that the clothes on his body were not simple clothes, but armor and attack weapons, especially the pair of shrimp claws flashing with cold light, and there was a layer of blood and energy on it, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Lin Mo is finished, the crayfish's clothes should be yellow-level weapons, taking into account both defense and attack power, and extremely powerful!"

"It's not fair, but there has never been fairness on the fighting stage..."



Two cold rebukes sounded on the stage, followed by a muffled sound.

The crayfish fell directly to the ground and soon there was no sound.

"Dead again?"

A group of people were ready to see Lin Mo defeated, but they couldn't help but scream when they saw this scene.

It was too strange. He died just after he came on stage, and it was still just a few seconds.

Instant kill!

Feng Xuan collected the four million he earned expressionlessly, and looked at Lin Mo with a solemn and yearning look in his eyes.

Whether he admitted it or not, Lin Mo was too strong. He crossed three levels and killed his opponent directly. This strength was really shocking!

The staff quickly came on stage, dealt with the body, and asked Lin Mo if he wanted to go to the next game as usual.

"Go on..." Lin Mo said lightly with his hands behind his back.

The staff nodded quickly, then trotted to the audience and announced the candidates for the next group of games...


A muffled sound came, and Lin Mo had a trace of blood on his face, but a smile in his eyes.

Two full hours passed, and Lin Mo still stood on the fighting stage.

The person who was just killed was Lin Mo's opponent in the ninth round. It was said that a third-grade martial king was fighting with Lin Mo.

In this battle, Lin Mo used many states such as bloodthirsty and violent blood, exerting at least 90% of his strength!

When the opponent fell, Lin Mo looked at the staff beside him!

Feeling Lin Mo's gaze, the staff member went on stage again with a bitter face.


At this moment, a bell rang on the fighting stage.

"Pause, the game is paused?"

A group of people looked around and finally confirmed this fact.

The staff member breathed a sigh of relief, trotted away from here, and ran backstage.

In the backstage, a middle-aged man looked at Lin Mo's appearance on the screen, his face full of appreciation.

"Strong, too strong!" The middle-aged man said: "However, since you are making trouble on our territory, we still have to follow the rules!

Let Bai Wang go and let Bai Wang fight Lin Mo. If he still wins this game, let Lin Mo pass!

Doesn't he just want a ten-game winning streak? Give it to him!"

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, the faces of the people in front of him changed drastically: "Boss, Bai Wang's mental state is not very good. If he lets him fight, he may kill the audience after he gets angry!"

"Since you are here to watch the underground fighting competition, be prepared for accidents!" The middle-aged man said lightly: "Go and send a broadcast and tell everyone that Bai Wang will appear next. Those who are not afraid of death can get closer to the fighting stage!"

The staff immediately ran out with the microphone.

"Everyone, because Lin Mo's strength is too strong, ordinary martial artists simply cannot meet the requirements of fighting him, so we need to increase the difficulty.

In fact, Mr. Lin has created a record of nine consecutive victories. Since he is going to challenge a higher difficulty again, there is nothing to say, we can only increase the difficulty..."

The staff paused and announced loudly: "I announce that the next player is Bai Wang!"


"What did I hear? It turned out that Bai Wang is going to take action?"

"Bai Wang, he was my idol back then, but he disappeared in the past few years. It is said that he is practicing hard. I didn't expect that he is ready to take action again now!"

"The name Bai Wang is still very arrogant. When combined, it is a word "emperor"! Ambitious!"

"What else is this? Bai Wang is at the eighth-grade martial king realm, and Lin Mo is only at the fifth grade. Even if Bai Wang suppresses the realm, he can crush Lin Mo!"


The name of Bai Wang seems to have stimulated the audience's nerves, so after hearing this name, many people have begun to prepare to bet!

Cheering sounded, and everyone felt that in this situation, Lin Mo was bound to lose.

But there was no worry on Lin Mo's face. Instead, he walked to the other side step by step and looked at the staff: "Have I prepared the prize money for the previous nine games?"

The staff nodded repeatedly.

"Can I use this money to buy myself to win?"

The staff nodded again.

"Okay, I'll buy myself to win with 9 million!"

The staff opened their mouths in shock. What is a big bet? This is a big bet!

9 million wants to buy yourself to win when you are almost sure to lose!


Seeing that Lin Mo bought himself to win, Feng Xuan thought about it and bought Lin Mo to win with more than 10 million he won.

The current ratio is very high. If Lin Mo really wins, their money can be tripled.

After Lin Mo and Feng Xuan placed their bets, someone else bought Lin Mo to win.

At this time, a figure slowly walked out.

This person has white hair, but he is not very old.

Seeing the person in front of him, Lin Mo also understood why he was called the White King.

Because this is likely to be an albino, his whole body is unhealthy white, which looks particularly creepy.

"White King! White King!"

As soon as White King appeared, he caused a cheer. It must be said that White King has many fans.

"Mr. White King, are you ready?"

The staff stepped forward and looked at White King respectfully.

"It's time to start!" White King said lightly.

The blood and qi in his body began to boil, and his eyes flashed with terrifying energy!

Splitting the mountain!

White King's first move was a fierce move. He stepped directly on the ground, and the whole fighting stage began to shake violently.

Lin Mo's face remained unchanged, and he also stepped on the ground.

The fluctuations caused by the two vibrations quickly offset each other, and Lin Mo stood there steadily.

Facing the White King who was much stronger than himself, Lin Mo handled it very calmly.

He almost hid his figure with the ghost shadow, and then directly performed the Five Beast Fist!

The terrifying power surged, and after Lin Mo and White King fought a move, both of them retreated quickly.

Among them, Lin Mo retreated the longest distance and almost fell off the stage!

"Very strong!" Lin Mo sighed in his heart, but he was sure to win ten games in a row today!



And the spiritual realm!

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he put all his strength into preparing for a big battle!

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