Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 107: Battle Beyond the Martial King

The wind blew, blowing away the black hair, revealing the dark skin, and a rotten smell emanated, which made people look ugly and almost vomit.

"Zombies?" Behind Xie Guangkun, a member of the support team cried out: "Run!"

"Where are the zombies!" Xie Guangkun looked ugly, grabbed a member of the team beside him, and threw him directly to the wellhead!


A roar sounded, and the member who was thrown out before only had time to roar before being torn in half.

At this time, the monster in the well jumped out directly and threw the remains in his hand to both sides.

A group of people finally saw what the monster in the well was.

It was a chimpanzee, who was four meters tall, with extremely strong limbs, and a wave of his hand brought a burst of explosions.

"Run!" Lin Mo turned around and ran out of the village without saying a word.

Feng Xuan and others also responded quickly, and followed Lin Mo to the exit of the village without saying a word.


A scream was heard, and a member of the support team was directly picked up by the gorilla, and his head was bitten off. The gorilla chewed with satisfaction while blood gushed out.

The hot blood splashed on Xie Guangkun's face, and he trembled all over. After coming to his senses, he let out a heart-wrenching cry, then turned and ran outside.

The remaining members of the support team also scattered and fled from here in a hurry.


A muffled sound was heard, and the chimpanzee picked up a boulder and threw it at Xie Guangkun and others. One of the members was smashed into meat paste!

"Definitely beyond the realm of martial king!" Lin Mo was extremely shocked. Facing such a powerful monster, they had no power to fight back at all!

The muffled sounds behind him became more and more, and the screams gradually subsided.

A figure caught up, it was Xie Guangkun!

His strength was not weak, and he ran very fast in the face of danger. All the members he brought were left behind by him and lost their lives, and he was out of danger with his speed.

Bang, bang, bang!

Behind him, footsteps roared. The chimpanzee's body was huge, but its speed was not slow at all. It had caught up with him unknowingly!

Among Lin Mo and others, some were slower and were about to be caught up!

"You go, I'll try to hold it back for a while!" Feng Xuan gritted his teeth and stood in place, holding a pill in his hand and swallowed it without hesitation.

In an instant, his breath surged, and finally reached the appearance of a seventh-grade martial king.

"I'll stay to help you!" Lin Mo gritted his teeth and stayed behind: "I'll use the spiritual realm to see if I can trap it!"

The human race generally began to practice spiritual power in the martial king realm, but the monsters wanted to practice spiritual power, and the requirements were more stringent.

Lin Mo felt that although the chimpanzee in front of him was powerful, his spiritual power was not necessarily strong.

So he wanted to try to trap the chimpanzee with the spiritual realm!

The spiritual power spread out like a tide, and Lin Mo stood there quietly, with blood flowing out of his nasal cavity.

He used all his strength to squeeze every bit of his mental power and shape the spiritual world.


The roar sounded, and the chimpanzee really entered the spiritual world!


In the spiritual world, the chimpanzee was extremely violent and madly destroyed everything he could see!

Lin Mo felt that his head was about to explode. Although the spiritual world trapped the chimpanzee, it was impossible to trap it for too long!

"Feng Xuan, it depends on you, I can't hold on for much longer!" Lin Mo glanced at Feng Xuan beside him and spoke with gritted teeth.


With a loud bang, the chimpanzee directly defeated the spiritual world, and Lin Mo also trembled and half-knelt on the spot with difficulty.

The chimpanzee's earthy yellow eyes were filled with a tyrannical breath. It stared at Lin Mo intently, and its two claws beat its chest frantically.

This was a manifestation of being extremely angry!

"Lin Mo, run away quickly!" Feng Xuan's face changed drastically, and he pounced on the chimpanzee without hesitation.

The chimpanzee roared, pounded the ground with his arms frantically, and then used his legs to jump high and hit Feng Xuan hard!

Feng Xuan screamed, was knocked to the ground, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Spiritual Thorn!"

Just when Lin Mo thought he was going to die, a cold voice sounded.

Turning back, he saw a young woman walking slowly. She was wearing a pink dress and her face was not made up, but she had a different kind of beauty.

At this moment, the woman's eyebrows were frivolous, and her almond eyes flashed with majesty.

"Mind Master!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he immediately realized that the woman in front of him was a mind master!

"Come here!" The woman shouted softly, raised her hand and gently waved at Feng Xuan.

Feng Xuan's whole body was suspended in the air and landed beside Lin Mo.

At the same time, the chimpanzee let out a painful roar, and it could be seen that its eyes were already blood red. It was obvious that the previous blow had injured the chimpanzee!

"Such a strong mental power! Such a strong mental martial arts!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up. This woman is very powerful!


The chimpanzee was roaring, and there was a crazy look in its blood-red eyes.

A blood-colored breath emanated from its body. Seeing this scene, the woman's expression changed drastically.

"Damn it, this beast actually has a natural martial arts skill! Can you two still leave? Leave quickly!"

As soon as the woman finished speaking, the chimpanzee roared and rushed over again.

This time, dense cracks began to appear on the ground, smoke and dust rolled wildly around, and stones were constantly ejected because of the blood-colored smoke and dust.

"Spirit barrier!"

A lavender light curtain appeared in front of the chimpanzee, but it was shattered in just a moment!

"Spirit cage!"

Another spiritual martial art was released, forming a lavender cage to trap the chimpanzee.

But the spiritual cage only blocked for a moment, and then it was directly shattered with a loud bang!


Too strong!

Under the innate martial arts, the chimpanzee completely ignored the mental attack and rushed forward with strong power and physical strength!

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan were running as fast as they could, but they couldn't help but look back when they heard the sound behind them.

Then they saw that the chimpanzee had come to the woman's side.

The huge body formed a strong contrast with the appearance of the pink-clothed woman!

The woman was so weak, standing there stubbornly and pitifully!

"Senior Feng, you go first. I can't leave her alone!" Lin Mo gritted his teeth and turned back.

"No, we go together and die together! I, Feng Xuan, am not a coward!" Feng Xuan shook her head. They couldn't watch others die to save themselves!

The two turned around and ran towards the woman.

"If you two don't do anything, I'm really going to die!" The woman's voice sounded, and because this voice contained spiritual power, it could be clearly transmitted to a long distance!

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan were stunned for a moment, and instinctively thought that the woman was talking to them.

But just as the two were about to speed up their shots, they suddenly felt a strong blood force surging behind them!

The two turned around together, and then they saw a stream of light as if it came from the end of the sky!


The sound of breaking wind sounded, and the stream of light passed between the two.


Blood splattered, and the stream of light directly pierced the chimpanzee's arms.


With a slight sound, the chimpanzee's arms broke and fell to the ground!



Two more slight sounds came, and a large amount of blood began to flow out of the chimpanzee's body.

It was roaring and shouting.

But it was of no use at all. The blood kept flowing and his vitality was also dissipating!

"Junior sister, didn't you say that it would be okay to leave this to you? If it weren't for me, your brother, you would have been smashed into a pulp now!"

"Yes, junior sister, you are so beautiful, it would be a pity if you turned into a pulp!"

Two chuckles sounded, and then Lin Mo saw two figures approaching from afar, coming rapidly.

The speed of the two was too fast, and they appeared in front of Lin Mo almost in the blink of an eye!

These are two middle-aged men. The blood power on their bodies is not obvious, but they give people a sense of unfathomable depth!

The most important thing is that the speed of the two is too fast, but at such a fast speed, Lin Mo can't see any trace of blood circulation on them!

"Strength beyond the realm of Martial King!" Lin Mo and Feng Xuan exchanged glances, and both saw shock in each other's eyes.

"Two little guys, you are not bad. You have the courage to go back at this time. You must be our junior brothers!" The two middle-aged men looked at Lin Mo and Feng Xuan and smiled.

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan quickly clasped their fists and saluted: "We are Lin Mo and Feng Xuan from Huaxia Military University!"

"Not bad, not bad! It is indeed our junior brothers!" The two nodded in approval.


The chimpanzee's low roar interrupted the chat of several people. After losing both arms and being seriously injured, it stood up again!

One of the men chuckled and pointed his hands in the air!

A light spot condensed from blood and qi appeared, and then he flicked his fingers, and the light directly pierced the chimpanzee's skull!

A blood-colored bead fell down, and the woman took it in her hand first.

"I'm going to keep this demon pill! I'm going to make martial arts recently, and this demon pill can be used for fusion!" The woman said as she stuffed the bead into her pocket.

The two middle-aged men smiled helplessly and finally nodded in agreement.

After all, what if they didn't agree? The woman had already put it away, and the two grown men couldn't just grab it, after all, the woman was their junior sister.

"I didn't expect that the Gate of the Abyss would actually appear in this place!" One of the middle-aged men looked towards the wellhead with a serious expression: "You said on the phone that someone was missing? And there are traces of them at the wellhead?"

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan nodded.

"Okay, we know, it's dangerous here, you go back first, you two have completed the task very well this time, and we will write a report to the school later!

Even if you two graduate, you can apply for this only opportunity to enter the Gate of the Abyss!"

The opportunity to enter the Gate of the Abyss!

Lin Mo's eyes lit up. Behind the Gate of the Abyss is the world of monsters, where there are too many good things. Just listening to it, endless eagerness surged in his heart.

If we can really go in and take a look, we might get a huge reward!

After thanking them, the two supported each other and turned to leave the village.

The middle-aged man and the woman gathered around the well with serious expressions and took out their phones.

"The first monster that appeared at the Abyss Gate here has a strength that exceeds the Martial King level. It is initially judged to be a monster at the Item Martial Saint level. Please send someone to volunteer immediately. It is recommended that the level of the Abyss Gate here be classified as the Mysterious Level..."

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