Gangster Cannon Fodder

Chapter 462: Thunder Strike

   Chapter 462

   After Shao Yingqi knew that this was a pouch of the peace symbol, the color of surprise on his face was reduced a lot.

  He laughed nonsensely: "You are too underestimating me. If I had to rely on a safety talisman to keep myself safe, then I would not have to do this job a long time ago."

  This guy, don’t know what to do, right?

  Fu Mubai's face sank, and he stretched out his hand and said, "Then you don't want it, do you? Give it back to me if you don't want it, I save it!"

  I really don’t know the goods!

  Does he know how much she can sell if she is willing to sell this purse? !

  How many people can't ask for it!

  Shao Yingqi doesn't know how precious this purse is.

  But he knew that this was Fu Mubai’s will and kindness.

  "Where is there any reason to ask for this gift?" Shao Yingqi hurriedly put her purse away, smiling at Fu Mubai.

  Fu Mubai didn't really want to bring her purse back, she just didn't like to hear Shao Yingqi say that belittles her own things.

  Seeing that Shao Yingqi had put her purse away, Fu Mubai retracted her hand, humming her nose, obviously still holding grudges.

  Shao Yingqi had to bow her head and apologize: "I just said the wrong thing, don't be angry. Your safety charm is definitely useful, and my future safety depends on it!"

  Looking at him who didn't believe it, but forced him to bite the bullet and want to believe it, Fu Mubai finally couldn't help but laughed out loud.

  Forget it, what's the embarrassment for this guy?

  Furthermore, what Shao Yingqi said just now is not wrong.

  He has been a policeman for so many years, and he has never brought such a thing as a safety talisman around him. Has he still lived well until now?

  Seeing Fu Mubai finally smiled, Shao Yingqi was also relieved.

  He deliberately wiped his forehead exaggeratedly, and said with a smile: "Didn't you just say that you have a bad temper? Look, I almost scared you out of my cold sweat."

Fu Mubai made a grimace at him: "I have a good temper! You are sweating, it is because the weather in Pengcheng is too hot now, and the air conditioner in this room is not working. What does it have to do with me? what?"

   Shao Yingqi: "..."

   Yes, what she said is what she said!

"By the way, Captain Shao, why did you come to Pengcheng for a business trip this time?" Fu Mubai suddenly remembered something and asked, "Of course, you can say it. If you can't say it, then you should be I never asked."

  Shao Yingqi thought for a while, and said: "There is nothing to say. I came to Pengcheng this time to catch a fugitive. Some news shows that the other party fled to Pengcheng."

  What he didn’t say was that, in fact, he was not responsible for this matter.

  It’s just that he just finished a big case and can rest for two days. After seeing the beach video sent to him by Qiu Wei and knowing that Fu Mubai is here, he deliberately ran over with him.

  For this reason, Shao Yingqi was not led by Shao Yingqi in the team that came to Pengcheng on business this time. He is not even a full member of the traveling team, at best he is a supernumerary.

  If that weren't the case, Shao Yingqi wouldn't be able to find time now, so Fu Mubai would have dinner.

So this is ah!

  Fu Mubai rolled up his sleeves and was eager to try: "I am good at catching fugitives! Is Captain Shao planning to ask me for help?"

   Shao Yingqi: " really made your guess. I really intend to ask you for help."

  In fact, this is of course a lie.

  He even decided to come to Pengcheng on a temporary basis, so how could he think of asking Fu Mubai for help in advance?

  However, Fu Mubai’s words clearly gave Shao Yingqi new inspiration.

  If he had missed this opportunity to come to the door on his own initiative, shouldn’t he be struck by lightning? !

  Fu Mubai didn’t know what Shao Yingqi was thinking, she eagerly said: “Does the person you want to capture have any specific identity information? If there are photos left recently, it would be even better!”

  Although Shao Yingqi decided to come to Pengcheng temporarily, he still wrote down all the information about the fugitive.

  Fortunately, he wrote it down.

  Otherwise, wouldn't he be caught blind now?

   Shao Yingqi said calmly: "The person we are going to arrest this time is Ma Qingrong, a male, thirty-two years old, from Shiyang Village, Yi'an County, Pengcheng..."

  Ma Qingrong committed the crime of homicide, and he killed not just one person, but a family of three with father and son, only his wife was seriously injured and dying.

  This homicide happened during the day, and it was a homicide.

I heard that when the victim's home was arguing for help, most of the neighbors around went out to work, and the rest just thought it was a couple fighting too much, and didn't take the matter to heart. .

  It wasn't until Ma Qingrong took a **** knife and ran out, covered in blood, that everyone finally reacted.

  I thought that Ma Qingrong's appearance at the time was too scary, so everyone did not dare to approach him for a while, let alone stop him.

  So, Ma Qingrong just ran away from the victim's community, and was stunned on the way without encountering any obstacles.

  However, everyone who came back to their senses also called the police and emergency calls, enthusiastically providing the police with Ma Qingrong’s escape route.

   However, Ma Qingrong ran too fast, and the police failed to arrest him smoothly.

  The victim’s family also failed to be saved because of their injuries.

  Especially the husband of the victim’s family. He was chopped with dozens of knives, and every cut was extremely cruel. Almost the knives were cut to the bone, and the blood almost shed all over the ground.

  You don’t have to wait for the ambulance to come. When the neighbors find that something is wrong with the family, the husband is already out of breath.

  The most heinous are the two little boys among the victims.

  One of them is five years old and the other is only three years old.

  The two little boys were stabbed through the stomach by the murderer. When the neighbors entered the house, they could still hear the broken sound of the two little boys trying hard to hold hands and comfort each other.

  Some people couldn't stand it at that time and they cried.

  This big case caused a great sensation in Jiangning City. Everyone was filled with indignation, and the murderer was bound to be found out.

  Fu Mubai was busy with the final review in school at the time, and didn't pay much attention to the outside world. Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to hear nothing about such a big event.

  With the active cooperation of the broad masses of people, the police quickly identified the suspect, Ma Qingrong.

  Fu Mubai has seen things in his two lifetimes.

   She has also met a vicious person.

   But like this incident, the murderer who could kill children so much, also really touched Fu Mubai's inverse scale!

  (End of this chapter)

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