Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 623 Mr. Chen, do you know how I have lived all these years?

The popularity of "Detroit: Become Human" continues.

At the same time, major game manufacturers, some of which were not large in scale after Chen Xu launched "Detroit: Become Human", have also successively launched new games that support brain augmentation technology.

In terms of quality, although the quality of most of them can only be said to be pretty good, but not excellent, they still sell well.

This is normal because there are still relatively few games that support emerging technologies.

For players, there are not many choices.

Although the quality of "Detroit: Become Human" is very good.

But players can’t just play one game without playing other games.

Therefore, the entire market is still very large, and this performance has also caused other manufacturers to step up their preparations for games in this area.

But compared to other manufacturers.

Chen Xu was looking at a promotional CG product for "World of Warcraft".

Unlike before, most of the art materials for "World of Warcraft" have already been secretly developed.

In fact, Chen Xu and his team already have experience with this game-related system in the Nebula world.

For Chen Xu, Warcraft is more important than just the content and gameplay, but also the subsequent operations and so on.

After all, this is a multiplayer online role-playing game, and it is impossible for Chen Xu to say that he will follow up the ancient arrangements of Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm as soon as it is launched.

Instead, it needs to be arranged bit by bit based on the current player's progress in the game.

For example, players have thoroughly understood the content of the current version, and there is nothing to play in either PVP or PVE.

Then it is impossible to say that the version will be delayed for one or two years. It is also impossible to say that the new version will be launched directly before players have figured out this version.

So this is quite important.

The second is the promotion aspect, which uses Easter egg linkage in the Nebula world. This time it is much more mysterious than before, but after all, the player base is large.

According to Chen Xu's estimation, with the current progress.

It won't be long before players will be able to discover the truth behind the Easter eggs.

At least it will definitely be faster than the speed of game development.

So when it comes to promoting this aspect, we still have to do enough.

From the initial warm-up to the public launch of the game, a one-stop promotion model.

In addition, how to let players better understand the background of "World of Warcraft" and related content.

This CG is naturally indispensable.

The game has not reached CG linearity, which can be regarded as an old tradition of Nebula games.

Moreover, the first impression that "Warcraft" brought to players was not how fun the RTS gameplay was, or how grand the plot was.

The most direct sense is the exquisite CG content.

Now this can be regarded as not forgetting the original intention.


In the VR game warehouse, Song Ren was browsing some recently released games, hoping to find some interesting new games.

After playing "Detroit: Become Human", he has really been having a bit of a gaming drought recently.

Although "Detroit: Become Human" was good, after completing it, he had no motivation to unlock the story in the second week.

Basically, I watched the edited videos sent by other UP owners and learned about the stories of other lines.

As for some new games that have been released recently that support brain waves, he feels that two of them are quite good, but after the novelty wears off, he feels that they are just like that.

At this time, when I was about to continue searching to see if there were any other games, my real-life mobile phone suddenly rang.

I came out of the game room and looked at the caller ID. It was Zhang Yi calling.

"Lao Zhang, what's the matter?" Song Ren was a little curious when he answered the phone.

'Out! Lao Song is finally out! Two Idiots and an Egg, the sequel to Warcraft! " Zhang Yi's excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What the hell, what did you say!?" Hearing Zhang Yi's voice, Song Ren was stunned for a moment and then quickly hung up the phone and opened Chen Xu's official blog.

Lao Zhang?

Is it important that Lao Zhang has Warcraft?

Now he just wants to confirm one thing.

Entering the official blog, I saw that Chen Xu’s account homepage had just posted a message five minutes ago.

But it already has more than 300,000 likes and nearly 50,000 retweets.

The message only said a simple sentence: 'Log in to the Nebula world and unlock the Azeroth promotional video'

At the same time, there is a video attachment under this official blog.

Obviously the promotional video is divided into a VR version and a normal version.

The video was not clicked, but the four words Azeroth seemed to be full of magic.

Countless memories suddenly came flooding back.

The feud between Prince Kael'thas and Arthas started because of Jaina's feelings, and then Arthas transformed into a death knight and led the invasion of natural disasters.

Arthas was misunderstood by his teacher and lover, and finally pursued power and was bewitched to become a minion of the Lich King.

Jaina turned her elbows outward to show that the orcs' lives mattered, and helped Rexxar cheat her own father.

Hellscream stabbed Gorehowl into the chest of big-ass Mannoroth in Ashenvale, cutting off the orcs' blood curse.

Illidan, who has been imprisoned for ten thousand years, still loves his sister-in-law deeply.

Even though many years have passed, these stories and characters are still memorable.

"F*ck! true!?"

Song Ren couldn't hold back the shock and excitement in his heart.

Because he was so excited!

Not just Song Ren, but all players who have experienced "Warcraft" at this moment.

Whether at home or abroad, everyone fell into a state of excitement and ecstasy.

The simple four words Azeroth are enough to make countless players make excited sounds.

The setting of heroes and the setting of the treasure system directly subverted the entire RTS world at that time.

It turns out RTS can do this.

It turns out that RTS can have such rich plots.

This unprecedented RTS game achieved incredible results in the PC game market of that era.

For more ordinary players, the rich plot of "Warcraft" is also unforgettable for them.

The story of Arthas becoming the Lich Queen, the relationship between the Alliance and the Horde, the whereabouts of Illidan...

In the RPG map of "Warcraft", there are countless third-party stories written by players.

Even now, many players are still playing the RPG map of "Warcraft".

But it is precisely because of these years that "Warcraft" has become the dream of countless players.

Now, this dream is finally coming true.

The official blog is filled with messages from countless excited players.

‘Mr. Chen, do you know how many years I have been waiting? ’

‘From junior high school to high school, I’m about to graduate from college, and finally I’ve been waiting for it! ’

‘Six years! Mr. Chen, do you know how I have lived all these years? ’

‘Two idiots, one egg, finally waiting for you! ’

‘I knew I was going to play a big one! The parchment map in the Nebula world is the map of Azeroth! ’

‘There are games corresponding to various scenes in the Nebula world, but there is only one game that does not exist, and that is “Warcraft”, and now it is finally coming! ’

I glanced at the comment area and saw the comments left by players who were equally excited.

Song Ren immediately re-entered the VR game warehouse and opened the Nebula World to see what the VR version's promotional video was like.

Although there are attachments under the official blog.

But he wanted to save his first time for the most precious video.

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