At first, Li Yue studied various settings in the game while playing.

But with the experience, he quickly became immersed in the content of the game itself.

Joel and Tess wanted to find a man named Robert because the other party took away a batch of weapons and equipment belonging to them.

The opponents fighting here have changed from infected people to humans.

Compared to infected people, Li Yue felt that humans were more difficult to deal with.

Because most of them have guns and will look for cover based on the terrain.

After some effort, Joel and Tess finally found their target, Robert.

But they got bad news, that is, Robert had already traded weapons and equipment to Huoying in advance.

So the angry Tess shot Robert in the head, just as Joel and Tess were discussing whether to negotiate with Firefly.

The leader of the Firefly organization, Ma Lin is known as the Firefly Queen.

Marlene told Joel and Tess that she also paid for this batch of goods, so it was impossible to return them to them.

But at the same time, if Joel and Tess help her complete a task, transport a cargo out of the city through the smuggler's channel.

Obviously Joel and Tess had no choice. After seeing the goods, they accepted the commission.

But unexpectedly, this so-called cargo turned out to be a little girl!

Originally, Li Yue was still thinking about how Joel would meet the little girl.

However, compared to Li Yue's surprise, Joel and Tess were not too surprised.

I'm just a little curious as to why Huoying paid such a high price to escort this little girl named Ellie, and even the Firefly Queen Marlin appeared here.

The two people secretly speculated that maybe this was the daughter of an important high-ranking official in Huoying?

But these are not important to smugglers like them. After all, it is no different from usual smuggling without smuggling, but this time it has become living goods.

But on the way out of the city, he encountered soldiers and took the opportunity to deal with them.

By chance, it was discovered that Ellie was actually an infected person, but she was an infected person who had produced antibodies. This little girl most likely holds the key to creating a virus vaccine.

Here Joel has a small argument with Tess.

Because Joel didn't believe Ellie's claim that she was immune, he thought Ellie should be left alone. The reason for escorting Ellie was not out of sympathy but just to get the weapons. This was just a transaction. .

But now the situation has changed. Continuing to escort them will put them in danger, which is something Joel doesn't want to face.

But Tess chose to believe Ellie and decided to escort Ellie to the joint of the Firefly Organization.

Seeing Tess's determined look, even though he didn't want to continue escorting Ellie, Joel agreed for some unknown reason.

The connection place with Huoying is in the council hall in the center of the city.

It's been a very difficult journey.

Compared with ordinary infected runners, more difficult sound trackers appeared during this journey.

After going through all kinds of hardships and arriving at the destination, the Parliament Building, the plot turned around again.

Because all the firefly soldiers here are dead.

Seeing this scene, Joel had already decided to give up. After all, the firefly soldiers who were connected were all dead, so there was really no need to continue escorting them.

But Tess was like crazy, constantly picking apart the bodies to look for any clues.

Seeing this scene, Li Yue had a bad feeling.

‘What on earth are we going to do? This is no longer what we should do! ’

'What do you know about us? And me? ’

'I know you wouldn't do such a stupid thing! ’

'We're all just living in poverty, Joel! It's always been like this! ’

‘No, we are trying to survive! ’

‘This is our chance! she……'

‘That’s enough Tess! ’

'It has ended! We tried it, it’s time for us to go back! ’

Listening to Joel's words, Tess showed a trace of sadness in her eyes and took two steps back.

‘I’m not going anywhere, this is my last stop. ’

'What's the meaning? ’ Listening to Tess’s words, Joel seemed to realize something, and his voice trembled a little.

'Sooner or later our luck will run out. ’

Tess stood there and looked at Joel with a dead look on her face. The entire council hall was empty.

'Show me...' Joel said, looking at Tess.

It was difficult for him to accept the fact that he had to see Tess's wounds with his own eyes.

And Tess did just what Joel hoped.

The bite mark can be clearly seen on her right collarbone.

White herpes had grown around the wound, and she had become infected and getting worse.

‘This is the bite wound three weeks ago. This is the bite wound just now. She didn’t lie. She is really immune! ’ Tess compared her wounds with Ellie’s and said excitedly to Joel.

'She is hope, hope to save this world, please Joel! Take her to Tommy, who once joined Firefly and should know where to find Firefly! 'Tess please Joel.

‘I’m not going to do it. ’ Joel shook his head and refused.

He was obviously unwilling to risk his life for an illusory goal. He had seen too many things in his twenty years of apocalyptic life.

He just wants to live.

Going to find Tommy and Fireflies in a world like this, are you kidding me?

Tess asked Joel, but Joel remained unmoved.

Until the temporary army arrived, until Tess chose to break up with Ellie for Joel, until Joel saw Tess lying in a pool of blood on the first floor on the second floor.

For the world, for Tess, or is it still impossible to return to the Boston quarantine?

No matter what, Joel didn't say anything and just silently led Ellie on the road.

In this process, Li Yue finally understood.

Understand why Sarah died in the opening prologue.

If his guess is correct, the main elements of the subsequent games will revolve around the relationship between Ellie and Joel.

Unlike his tenderness towards Sarah twenty years ago, Joel at this time was full of indifference and ruthlessness towards Ellie.

Not only did he refuse to give Ellie weapons, he even strictly prohibited Ellie from mentioning Tess in front of Joel.

The two of them were taciturn during the journey.

Joel didn't want to speak, and Ellie didn't dare to speak because of Joel's attitude.

However, Ellie can also help in some battles, such as using wine bottles and bricks to carry out sneak attacks.

There are also differences in the level of clearance and decryption. When working with Tess before, it was usually Tess or Joel who helped the other party climb to a point first, and then the other person directly pulled the other party up.

As for Ellie, she needs to use some tools as stepping stones to climb up.

Of course, what makes Li Yue most curious is how the two characters Joel and Ellie will develop in the future in this apocalyptic background.


Not only Li Yue is curious, but all reporters invited to review the game are equally curious.

At the beginning, the game didn't show much charm.

Although the graphics are indeed outstanding, the gameplay can only be said to be okay.

But as the game's plot progressed, these reviewers were completely immersed in the emotions of character interactions in the game.

Especially in the Parliament Building, Tess was infected, and it was the first point of emotional catharsis in the game.

But this is just a simple beginning.

As they continued to experience the game in depth, everyone was silent as the plot unfolded in the game.

In the context of the end of the world, they can only use two words to describe the story presented in the game, that is: despair.


After leaving Boston, Joel and the others went to find Tommy, but before that they needed a car. After all, it was too difficult to complete this part of the journey on foot.

Joel wants to find a man named Bill. He owes Joel a big favor, a favor so big that he has to help him even in this zombie-filled apocalypse.

When Joel arrived at Bill's warehouse, he accidentally stepped on the trap prepared by Bill and was hung up. Fortunately, Bill appeared immediately to help Joel kill the infected person.

But during this period, Bill found that his things were missing, and Joel had a fierce quarrel, and Tess was mentioned in the quarrel, which instantly angered Joel.

But then Bill suddenly became quiet because he saw a corpse, a corpse hanging from the ceiling.

The moment he saw the body, Bill recognized it as the body of Frank, his good friend who had fought alongside him.

Joel also fell silent.

Because not long ago, he also encountered such a situation.

In the room, a letter left by Frank was also found.

The letter said he fixed the battery and took Bill's things.

Because he was fed up with Bill and this place, he wanted to leave.

Even though the world outside is more dangerous.

Giving the letter to Bill can also trigger a plot dialogue.

Bill, who was leaning on the front of the car, crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it aside. His voice was slightly trembling: "Is this how you feel? Go to hell, Frank, you idiot!"

When bidding Joel farewell for the last time, Bill said that it was even and asked Joel to get out of his town as soon as possible.

But the other side will remind Joel that there is not much gas in the car.


After arriving in Pittsburgh, Joel and Ellie were attacked by a group of hunters.

Unlike hunters in peaceful times, hunters in this world are just like the literal meaning.

The object of their hunting is humans!

The evil of human nature in the last days is fully exposed.

The hunter rode in a modified jeep and brutally killed two survivors, a man and a woman.

After a fierce battle with the hunter team, Joel and Ellie entered their warehouse through the rolling shutter door.

There are piles of clothes and dead bodies that have not been disposed of. By identifying these as uninfected humans, it is obvious that all of these people are victims.

In addition to the bodies of these outsiders, there is also a list of goods. In the eyes of the hunters, the outsiders obviously have only the value of being plundered.

Ellie looked very surprised, while Joel looked calm, because he had also been a hunter.

In order to survive, he is a person who can do anything.

It is here that many reviewers who participated in the closed beta fell into deep contemplation.

Previous games showed Tess and Joel, as well as side descriptions of the modes.

The story about Bill is just touching.

But came to Pittsburgh and came into contact with the ‘Hunters’.

Only then can we feel the despair brought by this world.

When the end comes, laws and rules collapse, and everyone seems to be 'free'.

But this freedom is dangerous and extremely cruel.

It makes people completely lose their bottom line, or in other words, they can no longer be called human beings.

Viruses will not kill them all, but humans themselves will.


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