“Lin Daiyu is here? Invite me to Jia’s Mansion?”

Yang Guang looked at the invitation card in his hand, it was from Jia Zheng.

I don’t know if it was his own idea or Jia Baoyu asked for it.

But it’s also good to go and meet him. After all, he is the soul of the Red Mansion, and he is idle anyway.

In this way, Yang Guang came to Jia’s mansion in a carriage.

Others go out and hug each other, but Yang Guang, the new lord, is very low-key.

Fortunately, the members of Jia’s mansion also have good eyesight. After seeing Jia Zheng’s post, they immediately let people in.

Who doesn’t know that now in Jia’s house, Jia Amnesty’s post is public.

Regarding Jia’s post, Jia Zheng’s is more respectable than Jia Amnesty’s.

Yang Guang also came to Jia’s house for the first time. I have to say that the yard is astonishingly large.

After walking for a little while, I finally reached the Chuihua Gate.

After entering, it was the main courtyard. This was the place where Jia Zheng and his Qing guests discussed current affairs, that is, a place for bragging.

Jia Zheng and a few other people were sitting in it. When he saw Yang Guang coming, Jia Zheng laughed immediately.

“Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here, come, let me introduce you.”

“This is the young hero I mentioned earlier, Yang Guang, Yang Yaoting.”

“Yao Ting, you came just in time, this is mineNephew Jia Lian. ”

“This is Jia Rong, the eldest grandson of Ningguo Mansion, and my grandnephew. You are all young people, and you will get closer in the future.”

Jia Lian’s eyes lit up and said, “So you are Brother Yao Ting, I’ve been famous for a long time.”

“Before, my father said he would let me deal with you, but it’s a pity that I never had the chance.”

“Now that I see you, I’ll have a good drink or two later.”

Jia Rong said with a smile: “I have met uncle, please take care of me in the future.”

Yang Guang cupped his hands to the two of them and said, “You’re welcome, please take care of me.”

Yang Guang looked at Jia Lian and Jia Rong. They both looked good. After all, they were families with the opportunity to optimize their genes.

However, there are still differences between the two. For example, Jia Lian is more masculine than Jia Rong.

Jia Rong felt a bit feminine, and always felt that he had an indescribable temperament.

By the way, it’s the kind of feeling that he is easy to bully when you see it, and you can’t wait to give him two feet, cheap? ?

Yang Guang unconsciously walked away from Jia Rong a little bit. If his wife was not Qin Keqing, this guy would probably be a little transparent.

On the contrary, Jia Lian greeted him very enthusiastically. Judging by his appearance, he seemed to hear Yang Guang’s name often.

Jia Lian really wants to get to know Yang Guang more than Jia Rong, because Jia Lian knows that following Yang Guang can make money.

You don’t know if you are not in charge of the family, but Jia Lian who is in charge of the family knows that the Jia family is so money-consuming and short of money.

However, both his father, Jia She, and his second uncle, Jia Zheng, didn’t care about these things.

But when you want to use money, you are not polite at all. If you can’t give it, you will be scolded to death.

As for whether Jia Lian and his wife Wang Xifeng can come up with the money, that’s not their concern.

So much so that now Jia Lian is preoccupied with how to make money, and Wang Xifeng has gone crazy to the point of lending usury.

However, no one in the entire Jia family reacted, and instead lived more and more extravagantly.

The servants of their family can see the situation.

But Lai Da’s Lai family has already sucked enough blood from the Jia family, and other housekeepers, such as Zhou Rui and others, are similar.

It can be said that the entire Jia family is now rotten from the root.

That is to say, the tree has big roots and deep roots, and it can last for a while with its residual body.

But this big tree is rotten after all, and it will fall when it should.

When he had no contact with him before, when the Jia family collapsed had nothing to do with him, so of course he didn’t care.

But after getting in touch with some members of Jia’s family, I found that they didn’t seem to be that bad.

At least some people in this mansion can be saved, but some people need to be sacrificed to save them.

The rotten branches and leaves should be cut off, and then let them be turned into nutrients for new branches and leaves.

Of course, Yang Guang would definitely not take the initiative to do this kind of thing, but it’s okay to remind him.

“Okay, just get to know each other for a while, Yaoting, go to the backyard, Baoyu and the others are waiting for you.”

After Jia Zheng watched them exchanging greetings, he let Yang Guang enter the inner house. Jia Lian looked at them with a flash of thought.

It seems that Yang Guang is really valued by his second uncle, and he really needs to make friends with him.

The whole Rongguo Mansion is in the hands of the Second Household, and his father doesn’t care, so what Jia Lian can do is entirely up to him.

If Second Uncle doesn’t like it, it will be a matter of whether he will be able to hold power in the future.

“Okay Uncle Shi, the two of you will talk later when you have time, then I’ll go in first.”

Yang Guang readily obeyed. Anyway, it was just a polite way of talking to these two.

Compared with them, they are more comfortable getting along with Jia Baoyu and others. Although they are hypocritical, they are pure and don’t need to think about whether they will plot against others.

When we arrived at Mother Jia’s yard behind, Mother Jia let Yang Guang in after the servant notified me.

Mother Jia looked at Yang Guang who came in with a smile and said, “You are Yang Guang. My ears are callused after hearing your name recently.”

“It’s kind of like, you can repay your kindness, but it’s not in vain that Fei Yun’er and Yu’er pleaded for you.”

“All of you sisters come to meet me. This is the newly appointed Captain Yunqi.”

“Although he is a lord, it is the starting point of nobility. In the future, he may be a prince again.”

“Get along well with my Jia Baoyu, and the benefits in the future will naturally be indispensable to you.”

“Okay, I’m a little tired too, you little monkeys.”

“The old woman is tired of being with me all of them, let’s go outside and play.”

The old lady finished speaking with a smile, causing Yingying and Yanyan to look carefully at Yang Guang.

Then they went out in a fight.

Others watched the fun, thinking that Captain Yunqi was appreciated by the ancestors.

But Yang Guang could feel that the old lady didn’t value him very much.

These words sound normal at first glance, but there is a saying of gratitude.

It was also said that the nobles have a starting point, and the future may be dukes and the like.

Pay attention, it is possible, but what about walking around more, the future benefits will naturally be indispensable?

It is said that people become mature with age, and there is obviously something in their words.

In addition to liking good-looking girls, Mother Jia also attaches great importance to her precious grandson Jia Baoyu.

Others didn’t notice it at all. This can be seen from Jia Huan.

After all, he was also her grandson, so he didn’t mention anything about it.

After meeting Yang Guang, he just praised him casually, and then sent Jia Baoyu to hang out with him.

It can be seen that a Lord Yunqiwei doesn’t think much of her.

As for Yang Guang’s big business, the old ladyIn Tai’s eyes, she is nothing more than a servant of the royal family.

Although the Jia family is also, but the level is suppressed too much.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Yang Guang’s business really helped Jia Baoyu make money.

And the old lady hoped that Jia Baoyu would not have to worry about money in the future. The old lady really might not see Yang Guang.

After coming out of the living room, Jia Baoyu expressed apology on his face, “Brother Yang, I’m really sorry.”

“I don’t know why the old ancestor would neglect you like that. She may be mentally weak when she is old. Don’t take it to heart.”

Yang Guang was a little surprised. Jia Baoyu actually saw that he was a little unhappy?

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