"Don't say that, Aize." As a fair-weather monk (monk) recognized by Fulilian, although Haita's hand pouring himself wine was trembling slightly, as an active member of the team atmosphere, he still had a somewhat reluctant expression. The smile raised the voice:

"Although he died, which is very regrettable, he also killed four great demons and left unimaginable achievements. He also created an opportunity for future generations like us to defeat the demon king, didn't he?"

"...Besides him, can anyone really do it?"

The death of the brave man of the south was a huge shock to the entire human world. Even Aize felt like he had lost his backbone, and his hands hidden under the cloak were shaking slightly like sea towers... He really lacked the strength to defeat the opponent. confidence.

However, Haita's eyes turned to Yaxiu at this moment, and in order to get rid of the dull atmosphere, he changed the subject and said:

"You should almost officially join us, right? If you are here at the critical moment, we will feel much more at ease."

"Forget about saving the world, that's not suitable for me." Ash smiled and waved his hands, and Aize sighed without surprise:

"Give up, Haita. If he really wants to save the world seriously, he won't hang out with us here."

"Although Aize is a little impatient, under the current situation, it may be necessary to speed up the pace appropriately?" Frilian originally didn't care about time at all, but now the death of the Hero of the South has made her a little worried about the progress.

However...despite what he thought, the result was still no change.

In the first year of their journey, although they encountered huge bad news, their pace did not speed up much.

After all, it wasn't just Simmel who wanted to take his time. In fact, Fulian embarked on the journey only because she thought she would never see Ash again, so she wanted to try to understand human beings.

But compared to their unreliability, Ash himself always disappears for months at critical moments, so he has no right to say that they lack tension.


Ten years passed in the blink of an eye, and the Demon King was unexpectedly defeated by this swaying team.

But how the Demon King was defeated, Ash had no idea.

Because about two months before that incident, he was called away by an unknown great demon named Solitir arranged by Shurahat, and he took Aura with him to lift the seal of the corrupt sage Guval.

By the time he let Aura take control of Guval and wanted to go back, things were already over, so...

In the royal capital where they first set out, a team of heroes paraded through the streets to celebrate their victory over the Demon King.

When the people of the royal capital lined the streets to greet them, holding flowers in their hands and cheering endlessly, Ash almost took it as a matter of course and just mixed in with the crowd and drank the free drinks.


"Hey!" Before he could congratulate him, the silver-haired elf who had not changed at all, Fulian, had already walked over and slammed his hands on the table, making his wine glass almost jump.

"W-what?" He was startled and looked up in surprise: "What's wrong? It's a rare moment of celebration, but you have a dark face??"

"....You ran away during the battle, and now you're here eating and drinking?"

"I'm older and have some physical inconveniences. There's really nothing I can do about it." He casually found an excuse, but Fulilian's momentum suddenly froze, and the expression on his face also looked a little embarrassed: "Yes... .Is that so?”

"Eh? You... forget it." Not wanting to bring up the sensitive issue of age, he simply changed the subject and said with a smile:

"Speaking of which, I have to congratulate you. You successfully defeated the devil and became a hero. Everyone is cheering for you. I heard that you are going to get a statue?"

"...Human beings are so snobbish. They were reluctant to give us 10 copper coins when we set out. But now they are more generous."

"Well~ wouldn't it be nice to be able to drink for free~!" Haita, who had clearly drunk a lot and was blushing, sat opposite him with a beer in his hand.

"Yes! Anyway, the result is good, isn't that great~?" Simmel, who also had a beer in his hand, also sat next to him.

However, Ash was keenly aware that Aize, as a dwarf, was breaking bread beside him at this moment and did not touch the wine at all, so he unconsciously asked: "I wanted to say it before, why don't you obviously be a dwarf?" What about drinking?”

"...How much prejudice do you have against us dwarves?" Aize, who had been silent, looked up, bit his bread and glanced at his companion who was about to get drunk: "Haita is obviously a monk but he likes to drink. This should be more strange, right?”

"That's true... Sure enough, the longer a person lives, the easier it is for him to encounter strange things."

"Is this an old man's sigh?" Haita laughed and put his arms around his shoulders.

"That's right, let's think of something happy." Ash nodded indifferently, but Fulian poked the back of his head at this moment, and when he looked at it, she stretched out her hand and pointed to the sky: "Yash, look, today is a good day. There are half-century meteors.”


Looking along the hand of the elf girl, in the endless night, countless light spots gradually changed from deep blue to distant purple, cutting through the deep sky that gradually became quiet as the banquet ended.

"Oh~ So beautiful! But this... I seem to have seen it somewhere?" He widened his eyes in surprise, but quickly touched his chin and thought of something, revealing a nostalgic smile:

"Ah... I remember, I saw it when I was a child."

To this day, he still clearly remembers that night, he and Aura sat at the entrance of the cave, leaning on each other, admiring the beautiful meteor shower.

I remember that he made a wish at that time-when I grow up, I will never watch meteors with Aura again!

Now it has come true, but it seems that it has not come true? After all.....

The people who accompany him to watch the meteors at this moment are really a bit strange, and the drunk monk uncle's hand is still on his shoulder... It's just like standing side by side with a good buddy at a romantic fireworks party, looking at the fireworks, the night sky is beautiful, but the heart is cold.

"I don't expect pretty girls anymore... Please, let me watch the meteors with a decent girl next time."

Looking at the increasingly dense meteors, he pushed away Haita's hand on his shoulder, and suddenly remembered the rumor that wishing on a meteor is very effective. After five hundred years, he couldn't help but... make a wish on a meteor again.

The Buried Fulilian: Thousand Years Until Now: Remarks and Rewards

I don't know how many times I have written a remark for the release of the book. In fact, there is nothing good to say. After all... I really don't know how many times I have written it.

I don't really remember how many books I have completed, but the quality and reputation are guaranteed anyway.

This book may be a single world or a comprehensive manga, but even if it is a comprehensive manga, it will be written very long. After all... I really can't think of any comprehensive manga worth writing about, that has not been written before, or that is suitable for this book. You can give your opinions and write them here.

Then, although I really want to update 6K per day, I don't have the spare energy to do so. For the time being, I can only update 4K per day (two updates of 2K or one update of 4K).

Then accumulate 100 monthly tickets, 100 blades, 12,000 rewards, plus 2K, and there is no upper limit as before.

The most important point is that blades can get more blades, so please give blades as much as possible. If you can't say paid blades, at least give some free blades.

And from the current situation, no matter the monthly tickets and blades, they are not too much. I can pay them off in a few days, and then pay off the bounty of another book that is no longer open, but I still owe a lot of bounties that I am slowly paying off.....

Finally, please make the first order~~~!!

PS: By the way, I will promote my new book that I am opening twice, the fanfiction of Azure Files - "BA, I Just Want to Save the World".

To be honest, I have regretted why I didn't follow the main plot of Azure like everyone else... After all, the original main plot was really good, but I made it so annoying and unpopular. If it weren't for the unexpected group of loyal fans, I would have wanted to change the writing style and plot... In addition, this book has almost 1 million words, so you can take a look if you are interested.

"BA, I Just Want to Save the World"

The Buried Flyllian: Thousand Years to the Present: Chapter 59: Farewell and... Thousands of Years Later, See You Again, Celia (3K)

A group of people quietly looked at the meteors in the sky during the celebration that was about to end.

It was in such a quiet environment that Ash's whispered wish was heard clearly by Flyllian and Heta beside him, and they all looked sideways unconsciously.

The two of them were inexplicably heartwarming, and they stretched out their hands and pressed on his shoulders.

"Rather than that, let's watch the shooting stars first." Haita's mouth was full of alcohol; Fulilian's voice was inexplicably gentle: "Yeah, don't always think about weird things, at least you still have me as your big sister, right?"

"You two are weird... Oh, forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you." Being pitied by these two guys made him feel bad, but it was precisely because these two people were outstanding and outliers that arguing seemed to be a waste of time.

That's why he turned around but hesitated to speak, and finally sighed as if giving up.

"What's wrong, if you have any troubles, you can tell me, I'm a monk after all?" While talking, Haita also took another sip of wine.

"....Even if I need to find someone to confess, I will find a regular priest, and I will never find an uncle like you."

"You are too rude, aren't you?" Haita's smile was a little stiff, but Fulilian followed up calmly: "But uncle is a fact."

"So you are too rude, right? By the way...I really envy the magic on Ash. There has been no change for so long, it's simply cheating."

The people in the brave team now basically know the reason why Ash does not age, which makes Haita a little envious of Ash while complaining about Fulilian.

But Fulilian was very calm about it: "It's only ten years, humans are aging too fast."

"Only ten years...?" Xin Meier's face was a little sad when he heard it, but he quickly put it aside and looked up at the sky and smiled again:

"A meteor shower that occurs once every 50 years is really suitable as the opening of a peaceful era."

"...To be honest, it's a little unclear in the city." Fulilian complained mercilessly, but Ash shook his head and said: "Just make do with it, don't be too picky, after all, if it's too beautiful with you, it will make me more depressed."

"You two really don't care about the atmosphere at all." Even Xin Meier was a little speechless at this moment: "What kind of tacit understanding is this?"

"...I don't want to, it makes me look weird."

"I just wanted to say it, you have no right to say we are weird, right?" His complaining voice made Fulilian narrow her eyes in displeasure.

In fact, everyone around him wanted to complain: You two are weird! But...this is the end of the journey, it might be better not to say some hurtful words.

Ash also noticed the atmosphere, and reached out to press on Fulilian's head, forcing her to lower her voice:

"This is probably our last gathering. I'm just a passerby, but you are at least a formal member. Pay attention to the atmosphere... Although this meteor shower is not very good as a parting."

"... Not very good?" Fulilian was slightly stunned, and then hesitantly said:

"I know a place where you can see the beautiful night sky. If... If there is still a chance, I will take you there in fifty years?"

"Fifty years later..."

"What's wrong?"

"... There is a chance?" Ash glanced at everyone, but seemed a little lonely.

Except for the dwarves and elves, no one knew whether the remaining two could live to fifty years later. No one could say.

But Fulilian lowered her head sadly, because... her worries were different from Ash's. She really didn't think Ash could live to that time.

The atmosphere then gradually became more sad without anyone noticing - not to mention Fulilian's long-lasting agreement, but now they are really going to break up.

The adventure is over, and everyone needs to go their separate ways.

Because they have no more reasons to get together, and everyone has their own lives.

There is no way, this world is particularly stingy with heroes. Even if they save the world, the country will not give them the status of nobles or anything like that, and don't even think about huge bounties. Making a statue is a sign of respect for you, and marrying a princess is even more of a pipe dream.

When Xin Meier came back, he was worried about what kind of job to find in this capital, and Haita's goal was very clear... he wanted to find a job where he could drink, but Aize didn't say anything.

But in this slightly sad atmosphere, the celebration banquet gradually came to an end.


The next day, in the forest outside the capital, beside the stone arch bridge.

The forest in the early morning was gently covered by a layer of veil-like mist. The sun shone through the treetops, casting mottled and soft light, and the group stood there.

At the moment of separation, Fulilian looked at Ash, the only one who did not say his destination, and asked curiously:

"I still plan to continue collecting magic as before, and travel around the central countries in the past hundred years... What about you?"

"Me? I'll go to the southern countries to have a look?"

"Really? Then... I'll leave first?" Fulilian nodded slightly and stepped onto the arch bridge.

But she didn't take two steps, and she turned back: "I will come back occasionally... Xinmeier, Haita, Aize, are you all here later?"

No one spoke, just smiled and nodded, waving her hand to see her off.

But before crossing the stone bridge, she looked back at Ash again, and said, "Fifty years later...will you still be here?"

"Life is always full of surprises...who can be sure of the future that has not yet arrived?" He smiled helplessly, and walked in another direction ahead of Fulilian, waving his hand without looking back:

"Anyway, I'll go first. If there is a chance, I will come to see you. Well - if we are destined to meet again, we will see each other again."

The air was filled with a faint reluctance and expectation, and the winding path in front of him was full of flowers and green grass on both sides, as if it was the most exquisite brocade of nature.

The breeze was blowing gently, with a hint of imperceptible coolness. This was the perfect weather to embark on a new journey.

Fulilian, who stood there, watched him for a while, nodded to her teammates, and then turned and left...and this time she never looked back.

"Really...I still don't understand these two people in the end." When Xin Meier smiled and waved his hand, there seemed to be some regret in his words.

Haita smiled helplessly and slowly put away his shaking hands:

"Yeah, I don't know how long Fulilian has lived, and where Ash is from, but if you don't drink too much... maybe we can see each other again in fifty years, and Fulilian and Ash also said they would come back to see us occasionally."

"... Ash is okay, but don't expect too much from Fulilian occasionally, the elves occasionally, and even the dwarves can't wait for occasionally."

Aize's rough voice still couldn't tell what his mood was at the end.

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