Full-time Summoner

Chapter 68 The Fourth and Fifth Magic of the Summoning System

Zhaohua observed this pool of hot spring water, not to mention that there is quite a lot of hot spring water. This pool is square, about two meters long, one and a half meters wide, and about one meter two three meters deep, a full pool The hot spring water is a bit like a bed.

What Zhaohua didn't know was that he was really lucky. His hot spring pool had the most hot spring water, and the others had only half a pool. There was a sixth middle school student who was the worst, only 30 centimeters deep.

Zhaohua took a few glances and found that the water was a bit too full. He was about to release the dead wood scorpion, and then used the dead wood scorpion's magical storage equipment to separate a little space and fill it up.

"Huh? Are you coming out?"

Zhaohua received the signal that Xiaofengcan wanted to come up with, and with a very urgent look, the dead wood scorpion also began to scurry impatiently in the glass cover, as if looking for an exit to come out.

Zhaohua guessed that these hot spring waters might be of special help to the monsters, but he didn't release them immediately. He carefully observed the surroundings to make sure that the formation that shielded the magic breath was working properly before releasing the two guys.

Pa, Zhaohua held down the withered wood scorpion that was about to jump into the hot spring with a crutch, and stared at it sharply. It's saying, my uncle didn't even enter, and you still want to be the first to enter, dreaming.

Hush, huh, Zhaohua filled a small half of the hot spring water, leaving 60 to 70 centimeters deep, just enough to soak the whole body, nodded, numbly took off his clothes, held the edge of the pool with his hands, put his feet flat, and put his back on his back. Leaning against the stone wall. The hot spring water just submerged Zhaohua's shoulders, on which the little windworm sat, and when the dead wood scorpion came in, the water was just enough to soak its small body.




The hot spring water is a little hotter than the bath water at home. It will be a little hot at first, but after getting used to it, the whole body feels like an electric shock. It cools from the soles of the feet to the top, and the body is wrapped in heat energy. Feeling, I can clearly feel that every cell in the body is beating actively, especially when a gust of wind blows, the alternating hot and cold makes people feel so refreshed.

Zhaohua closed his eyes, he didn't intend to practice right away, he wanted to enjoy this moment slowly first, it was so cool, no wonder Zhaolang had to come by himself, Deng Gang was willing to spend a lot of money for his son to come once, it was worth it.

"Life is worth it." Zhaohua realized a little bit of life.

"Xi~~" Xiao Fengcan said that her beautiful niece seconded her.

"Hiss!" Withered Wood Scorpion said that he followed the right person.

Huh, Zhaohua let out a mouthful of turbid air, spit out the toxins accumulated in his body, and also felt a kind of itching in his legs.

Zhaohua did not expect this hot spring water to have such a powerful healing effect. His leg injury was said to recover slowly with healing magic, and now he can feel a little bit of recovery, a little bit of feeling.

Zhaohua said to himself, "It's really a miracle."

Not only that, even the body of the dead wood scorpion lying flat next to Zhaohua has undergone some changes. The only faint wind element in its body began to gather, forming a green vein running through the dead wood scorpion's whole body.

But the biggest change was the little windworm, her body underwent a second change, she grew a pair of wings as thin as a cicada's wings, and a slight flap of the wings could set off a gust of wind.

No wonder Xiao Fengcan has been in low spirits since the last time. It turned out that it was not fully advanced to the infancy stage at that time, it was an incomplete state, and now it is the real elf form.

Little Fengcan wondered if she had noticed that she had gained a pair of wings, because it was so comfortable and drowsy, she fell asleep next to Zhaohua's neck, and the dead wood scorpion did the same. I fell asleep, not knowing what kind of dream I was having.

"Forget it, let's go to sleep. It's not bad to just sleep for three days. Life is too short to enjoy yourself in time." Zhaohua didn't care about it, and chose to sleep, and practice or something, and we'll talk about it later.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but Zhaohua felt a pain. It turned out that Xiaofengcan was twisting his ears, as if he wanted to wake him up.

"Ha~" Zhaohua yelled, as if he hadn't woken up, and said with sleepy eyes: "What's the matter? Are you hungry?"

Summoned beasts can eat mana to fill their stomachs, Zhaohua intends to send some mana to fill their stomachs.

"How long are you going to sleep?"


Zhaohua asked in surprise in a tone of tone: "Sister Fengling?!"

Xiao Fengcan stood on Zhaohua's shoulder, brushed the hair from her ear with her hands, and said arrogantly: "Apart from me, can anyone else talk to you through Xiao Fengcan's body?"

Zhaohua didn't know how Fengling managed to control Xiaofengcan from the summoning plane like a ghost, but he knew that he should block a certain part first.

Zhaohua quickly put on his clothes, the temperature of the hot spring water dropped a lot, and it started to be a little cold.

The wind spirit silkworm was flying in the air, standing on the head of the dead wood scorpion and said: "These hot spring water is useless, and what should be absorbed has been absorbed by you. I have come to tell you two things this time."

Zhaohua got dressed and was sitting on the side, looking like a good student, ready to attend the class, and his legs have fully recovered. This hot spring water is better than healing magic.

"Teacher Feng, please tell me." Zhaohua said.

Feng Lingcan was very satisfied that Zhaohua would play jokes with her every time, nodded and said: "First of all, the first thing is, Xiao Fengcan has finally reached the infancy, so I will tell you about the fourth magic and the fourth magic of the summoning system. Five magics."

! ! ! ? Isn't there only three star tracks in the summoning system? Why are there fourth and fifth?

Seeing the question on Zhaohua's face, Feng Ling explained: "Do you know how to strengthen Xingzi?"

Zhaohua shook his head, the knowledge of magic that was not taught in school is beyond the standard, and strengthening Xingzi belongs to the content of university, and it is true that it was not taught in high school.

"Strengthening the Xingzi is to strengthen the Xingzi with the essence, so as to withstand more powerful magic energy, and make the magic cast by the mage stronger."

Zhaohua frowned, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Sister Fengling means that the reason why there are only three magics is because the strength of Xingzi itself is not enough to support the release of more powerful magic?"

"Brother Zhao is quite smart."

"It's still the teacher who teaches well."

Feng Lingpi was very happy, and continued: "Well, normally it is like this. The star trails can be put into various shapes, but in the end there are only three that can be used, because the star itself is too weak, other star trails will cause Xingzi can't bear it. But the summoning system is a special case."

"For other magic systems to cast more powerful magic, they need to use spirits to strengthen Xingzi, so that Xingzi has a stronger endurance, but the summoning system is different, because all the magic of the summoning system is based on summoning beasts, rather than releasing them. specific phenomenon."

Zhaohua thought of the third-level magic summoning beast enhancement of the summoning system, which strengthens the power of the summoned beasts, so that the combat power of the summoned beasts can be comprehensively improved. It is because of the existence of this magic that the summoned beasts of the summoning mage are stronger than ordinary monsters.

Indeed, as Feng Ling said, the magic of the summoning system is related to summoning beasts, unlike other magic systems, it needs to be released.

Zhaohua asked: "What are the fourth and fifth magics of the summoning system? Does it have anything to do with my not dying last time?"

Feng Ling smiled and said: "The fourth magic of the elementary level is magic energy link, and the fifth magic is life sharing. You didn't die last time because of the effect of life sharing of the fifth magic. Little Wind Silkworm hangs you with its vitality, no let you die."

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