Full-time Summoner

Chapter 377 Bronze Ghost Soldiers

"Has it been taken away?"

Zhaohua walked forward, and just when he was about to see if there were any traces left on the altar, those stone pillars changed.

Those stone pillars were like keys to open the door, they turned suddenly and made a clicking sound, as if they were about to open something.

The moment the voice sounded, the three of Zhaohua immediately looked at the front yard of the ancient temple. The light of magic was shining. The space system, wind system, and undead system, no matter what, activate the magic first, and can deal with danger.


"Look at the floor." Mo Ze said solemnly.

The ground of the front hall of the underground bone temple was actually cracked, and the floor originally made of stone bricks was cracked. The three of Zhaohua stood on the steps of the ancient temple and looked down from the top. I can't see anything, it's like opening the gate of hell, this is the entrance to the underworld.

Zhaohua looked at the surrounding stone pillars, and suddenly had some understanding.

"Those stone pillars... seem to be a formation."

Although Zhaohua was hospitalized for a long time, he also took half a year of courses in the academy, which taught some basic knowledge of magic formations.

For example, the water circulation formation using the principle of water control and wind track, and the most practical space transmission formation. Zhaohua didn't pay much attention to these stone pillars in front of him at first, and the way they were arranged turned out to be the principle of formation.

Zhaohua counted, and there were exactly forty-nine pillars. This is a star map.

"There should be magic stones in the pillars to provide energy."

The principle of the formation is actually the same as that of magic, or it is the same goal, the same origin and the same root. They all use certain energy-bearing substances to provide magic energy, arrange them in the shape of star maps and star tracks, use things that can store magic energy and release magic energy as stars, and then use some substances that can conduct magic energy to communicate with each other. Link.

This is what Zhaohua said in the first class when he listened to the explanation of the formation method professor at the school.

This is a large star map.

Ka, one after another, turquoise humanoid creatures appeared from the darkness.

Mo Ze showed a surprised expression after seeing the humanoid creature and said, "This is the bronze ghost soldier from Endless Ghost City!!"

"Bronze Ghost Soldiers?" Zhaohua asked with a puzzled expression, because he had never been to Endless Ghost City, and Endless Ghost City was in the ancient capital, far away from the demons. Zhaohua had only heard about it but never actually seen it.

There are so many monsters in this world, even if Zhaohua is a god of learning, it is impossible to know what all the monsters look like, what is on the picture is completely different from what he actually sees.

But after being reminded by Moze, Zhaohua looked at the turquoise creature. The color of turquoise, wearing ancient costume armor, looks like a human being, holds a weapon in hand, and has different body shapes, facial expressions, and movements.

There is a legend that the bronze ghost soldiers in the endless ghost city are the army of the ancient king. After the death of the ancient king, the soldiers of his army willingly turned into ghost soldiers to protect the ancient king's eternal sleep. All the soldiers poured a layer of hot bronze on their bodies. From then on, they wore bronze and turned into ghost soldiers to guard the tomb.

Therefore, the appearance of each bronze ghost soldier is undoubtedly human, and the shape is different, just like a real person.

But later this legend was cracked by two doubts. The first is that there are only bronze ghost soldiers in the endless ghost city, and there is no tomb of the ancient king, and even now the location of the tomb of the ancient king has not been found. The second is that after research by the Magic Association, it was found that the inside of these bronze ghost soldiers is actually empty, and they are only able to move because the bronze has absorbed the energy of the earth system and the undead breath of the ancient capital over time, so it has become this special undead creature.

The Magic Association speculates that the reason for the birth of the Bronze Ghost Soldiers is that Endless Ghost City was originally a place where a large amount of bronze was stored. Later, it absorbed human resentment and turned into a human-like undead creature. Finally, due to the deduction of time, it turned into this ghostly appearance.

Zhaohua wondered, "Could it be that someone took the bronze ghost soldiers from Endless Ghost City and stored them here?"

"But no matter what, let's kill these bronze ghost soldiers first."

The number of bronze ghost soldiers is increasing, and they began to appear from the cracks continuously. There are already more than twenty bronze ghost soldiers.

At this time, the three of them hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Mind Control - Void Claw"

Moze can read the star trails now, and his mental power is not weak. The intermediate level has the level of the small three realms. Although the span from the small realm to the middle realm is difficult for even high-level space mages, but in the middle stage It was already very strong at the first stage.

Mo Ze grabbed the air, and a huge invisible giant claw grabbed the three closest bronze ghost soldiers. Mo Ze squeezed hard with his right hand, and these bronze ghost soldiers were directly crushed by the powerful force like broken biscuits.

Mo Ze said: "Although these bronze ghost soldiers are only at the servant level, they are very hard. It is difficult for ordinary elementary magic to hurt them, but their movement speed is relatively slow."

Mo Ze had followed him to Endless Ghost City when he was an intern judge because of the trial, so he knew the bronze ghost soldiers better.

Zhaohua and Ji Shao nodded silently. The three of them are relatively handy to deal with the servant-level bronze ghost soldiers. After all, they are all middle-level mages, and they are all the best in the middle-level.

Lan Xinghu was in Zhaohua's arms, and it didn't feel any danger in the face of the bronze ghost soldiers. It directly set up a Star Guardian for each of Zhaohua's three people, only twenty or thirty servants and undead, which was too weak.

Zhaohua tried to use the silk-drawing chop to attack, but it could only leave a white mark on the bronze armor. Even the fire power of the second summoning system obtained through elf magic, and the third-level fire burst could barely kill him. A bronze ghost soldier.

Zhaohua frowned and said, "That layer of bronze is somewhat resistant to elemental attacks."

Mo Ze nodded and said, "Well, so to deal with the bronze ghost soldiers, the space system and sound system of dimensional magic are the best. Of course, her undead system is also very good."

Ji Shaoan used the skeleton of the first-level magic of the undead system - the generation of undead, and generated some bone skeletons, and then strengthened the undead through the physical transformation of the first-level second-level magic of the undead system, allowing these undead bones to hold bone swords, and the bones became White as jade, as hard as steel.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! ! ! The bone skeleton and the bronze ghost soldier collided head-on, but they didn't lose the wind.

Originally, the skeleton undead summoned by the undead system should be very weak. They are the weakest existence among the servants and demons. They are almost like green silkworms, and they are all used as cannon fodder. , which made Mo Ze not know what to say.

This is the power of Ji Shaoan's undead spirit-seed. Zhaohua heard from Ji Shaoan that Ji Shaoan used two top-grade spirit-seeds to trade a ray of ghost fire with a powerful life in the dark plane, which gave Ji Shaoan the ability to temper the undead. .

That's why Ji Shao'an's bones and undead appear pure and white as jade, because they were tempered by the ghost fire of the ghosts when they were formed, and impurities were removed. Or it should be called White Jade Skull now.

Zhaohua saw that the situation was relatively stable, so he summoned Sanwei, let him guard everyone, and continued to search for clues on the altar. He always felt that this ancient temple must be hiding something, but he didn't find it.

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