Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1563 The Trial Begins

"Chang Ye is a poor woman."

Ye Chang's talent is very high, and her mental power is particularly strong. She was born with a special innate talent, the Qiqiao Linglong Heart. Although Ye Xinxia did not inherit this powerful power, Ye Xinxia's talent and mental power are actually different from ordinary people.

If ordinary people boarded with spirits, there would be a high probability that they would be the same as those experimental products of the demon department, either going crazy or turning into monsters.

But Ye Xinxia's lower body cannot move freely, her mental state and magic usage are not affected at all, Ye Xinxia's spiritual world is probably not much weaker than Mo Fan's.

The bugman asked, "How do you want to deal with her?"

After Zhaohua took the bloodstone belonging to Sa Lang from Sa Lang's space magic tool, he said: "She can't die now, if she dies, it will be very troublesome."

"There is a way to take away the brain worm."


Now the worm man is the only emperor of the worm country, but the worm man does not have the power of the Fallen Saint King to support him. Although he has devoured the power of the worm mother Di Mengsi, he is still far from becoming the emperor of Shiyuan, and he is still at the peak of the strength of ordinary emperors. level, it needs a third forbidden spell system.

Insect people now have the forbidden spell of light and the forbidden spell of plant, which is not enough.

But the real strength of the bugman is not only its own strong strength, but that it not only possesses the power of the bug mother, but also has the bug net.

In other words, the insect nest on the top of heaven is now under the control of the insect people.

But the insects still did not choose to break Zhaohua's contract when they reached the emperor, because of Wentai.

Wen Taicai is the guillotine hanging over everyone's heads. When this guillotine is cut down, no creature in the world will be spared. It helped Zhaohua kill the worm mother, Di Mengsi, and Wen Tai would definitely not let it go.

Insects used nano amoebas to eliminate the brain in Ye Chang's head, and used the black worm's ability to replicate to fill the vacancy in Sa Lang's head.

"Her brain is severely damaged and fused with the brain worm. Even if the brain worm is eliminated, there is not much memory left." The worm explained.

"That's fine, if you don't have any memory, let's start over."

Zhaohua shook his head and said, "Take her to Mo Jiaxing when she wakes up, she is unaccompanied now."

"There will be no Black Holy See in the future, only the Parthenon Temple."

Zhaohua looked at the bloodstone in his hand. The bloodstones that should have been stored in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Imperial Capital Magic Association were taken away. Because of the Kraken natural disaster, no one was in the mood to take care of the bloodstones of the Black Vatican at that time.

The bloodstones belonging to Jiuying obtained by Leng Jue, Shura and Mo Fan were all taken away, so Zhaohua guessed that the bloodstones should have a more important role.

Zhaohua, Zhaolang, the country's high-level magicians did not believe in the Parthenon Temple and the Parthenon Spirit from the very beginning. When Ye Xinxia was tried, the conclusion had already come out, and there was an evil soul hidden in Ye Xinxia's body.

It's just that everyone thought it was Sa Long's soul at the time, and when the dark priest revealed the soul, everyone subconsciously forgot about it.

I don't know if it's the special ability of the soul, the spiritual magic of White Magic, or some other reason. Most people have selectively ruled out the saying that the soul of the Parthenon is an evil soul.

But Zhaohua did not forget it, so when he learned that the goddess ceremony was going to be held, Zhaohua immediately asked Ji Shaoan to go to Greece to rescue Sa Lang, because Ye Chang couldn't die yet, and she had something more important, which belonged to Ye Chang himself. mission.

Time passed day by day, and another month passed in a flash.

During this month, the Parthenon Temple elected a new goddess, and Ye Xinxia inherited the soul, and the story of leading the Parthenon Temple to destroy the Jinyao Titan giant at a critical moment spread all over the world.

And the first thing Ye Xinxia did after succeeding to the throne shocked the whole world again.

Using the resurrection tree of the Parthenon spirit to resurrect the Jinyao Titans, and make the Jinyao Titans surrender to the Parthenon Temple, this is actually equivalent to the complete taming of the Titans.

Then Grand Duke Irene announced that the Victoria family's method of taming the dragon spiritual contract came from the handwriting of the goddess Ye Xinxia, ​​and supported Ye Xinxia's move to tame the giant Jinyao Titan.

Ye Xinxia is not only proficient in Healing and Blessing, she has all four of the White Magic, the mid-level awakened is the Psychic, the high-level awakened the Blessing, the super-awakened Plant, and the fifth is the Light.

And today, a month later, various news about the Parthenon Goddess are still being talked about by people all over the world. As a topic of conversation after dinner, another more important news hits.

Three days later, the evil king Mo Fan will be in the holy city to accept the public trial from all over the world.

In the holy city, in a secluded courtyard full of weeds, a bearded young man with short hair was sitting in it. There was a trace of worry in his brows, but he looked relatively peaceful on the whole.

Mo Fan, who has been imprisoned for more than a month, naturally cannot have the time to shave. Mo Fan has not even moved around for more than a month. He has only been in retreat for a year and a half. Moon is simply handy.

Mo Fan would also like to thank the holy city for giving him such a quiet environment. Mo Fan just broke through the forbidden curse of the demon system, and he needs a lot of time to comprehend his own forbidden curse magic, divine endowment, and god domain.

"Is he practicing?"

Outside the long road in the courtyard, the archangel Lemuel suddenly visited and asked the guard.

The guard is a holy shadow apostle, his face is hidden in the dark golden robe, and only the holy shadow apostle with the strength of the forbidden curse is qualified to guard Mo Fan, even if Mo Fan has been voluntarily captured by the holy city's holy apostle. Imprisoned in chains, unable to use magic, but no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

The Holy Shadow Apostle stood up, nodded and said seriously: "Go back to Archangel, he has been practicing for more than a month."

Lemuel nodded lightly, confirmed and walked into the courtyard, just as Mo Fan's meditation was over.

Remiel said: "Mo Fan, after more than a month of collecting and identifying criminal evidence, the Five Continents Magic Association, Parthenon Temple, Hunter Alliance, Ocean Alliance, World Magic Trade Federation, and World Magic Families Alliance have all established crimes. Choose, and your trial will begin in three days."

A total of eleven votes, more than half of Mo Fan will be executed.

Mo Fan stroked his beard and said calmly: "Hey old man, do you have a particularly rich last meal custom for death row prisoners in Europe? I don't ask too much. A whole meat pizza, a glass of lemon coke, more Two servings of special hot sauce, and normal ice for cola."

"Oh, by the way, by the way, give me something to shave and a set of clean clothes. The underwear should be xxl. After all, mine is bigger."

Lemuel clasped his hands tightly, his beard raised, who the hell do you think you are! So much for a prisoner!

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