The Egyptian team was defeated, the Xia team took first place, and Mo Fan completed his solo performance and successfully won the MVP.

It was not surprising that the World Academy Competition ended with such a result.

In fact.

After obtaining a lot of resource support, Xia had already determined the goal of "must win the championship".

And for countries around the world.

The mature "magic technology" shown by Mo Fan is what is really worth paying attention to.

Demon system and fusion magic.

Just like many years ago, the dimensional magic chaos system and the black magic undead system were first developed and shone brightly on the world stage, and were sought after by the world.

In today's world.

People's hearts are becoming more and more chaotic.

The source and attributes of power, light or darkness, are no longer so important.

People only care about whether they can bring themselves power and make themselves stronger.

Especially after the "Holy City Blockade".

There is no pressure from the Holy Court.

It can be said that the major forces and high-level mages of various countries are not shy about approaching Xia mages such as Zheng Shao, Pang Lai, and Feng Li.

After all, the rising sea level in the past year has brought great pressure to countries around the world.

And the World Government Competition is an opportunity for countries to show their development achievements.

The magic literacy shown by the Xia team members indirectly proves the progress of the entire Xia magic development. Among them, the demon system and thunder and fire fusion magic greatly meet people's urgent pursuit of becoming stronger.

After this game.

The transformation of the magic world has officially begun.

Of course, this battle not only caused several major waves in various countries, but also caused considerable controversy in the Holy City.

"What exactly does he want to do?"

Michael wore a gray robe, a gray hood, and walked in the alleys of Venice with a frown.

It was hard for him to imagine.

People like Lu Yan would care about world peace and development.

But the development of everything.

It seems to point to this answer again.

But what good is this result for Lu Yan?

Because Michael couldn't figure it out the most.

Lu Yan obviously did so many things.

But he seemed to deliberately hide his credit.

He could have controlled the world, or transcended it, but he chose to disappear and blend in.

In Michael's eyes, Lu Yan and his heavenly father were in exactly the same position.

Lu Yan was even better.

Because Lu Yan won the battle of the Holy City.

Therefore, out of his recognition of the strong, he found it increasingly difficult to understand what Lu Yan did.

In his inherent concept.

"God" should be above the throne of the high heavenly god.

And in the mortal world, ignorant mortals are creatures that must be controlled.

How can gods and humans live in the same world?

"Is this the same light and the same dust..."

Michael muttered to himself.

He felt that he understood something, but he couldn't understand it.

He quickened his pace and walked towards the east, hoping to find Lu Yan again to discuss it.

Just then.

A familiar voice sounded in his mind.

"It seems that after these days of thinking, you have some new understanding of the world and yourself?"

Lu Yan suddenly appeared in the middle of the street with a faint smile on his lips.

People were coming and going on the road, but they seemed to not notice Lu Yan's existence and passed by one after another.

Michael's eyes were fixed on the figure in front of him.

He had many questions in his mind.

But at this moment, he didn't know what to ask.

"But you are too persistent."

"In the words of Buddhism, it is attachment to appearance."

"It's like looking at the flowers and plants on the roadside. Destroying it has nothing to do with it."

"Similarly, if you want to save it, it has nothing to do with it."

After saying that.

Lu Yan's figure disappeared.

He came to Venice to watch Xia Guo win the championship, but he didn't expect Michael to come to watch the game.

It seems that the words he said in the Holy City at the beginning.

It made Michael's thoughts change a little.

But since they met this time, it doesn't matter if they say a few words casually, but it's unnecessary to sit and talk.

"Mo Fan is a kid who has grown up quite fast... He is now attracting worldwide attention."

"But Wen Tai is about to return to the human world and support his daughter Ye Xinxia to become the Saint of the Parthenon."

"If Mo Fan knew that his father-in-law was the Dark King and his mother-in-law was Saran, what a wonderful expression he would have."

Lu Yan recalled Mo Fan's performance in the finals, and a playful smile appeared on his lips.

This kid is the student who has benefited the most.

He has many skills, including breathing, fusion magic, demon system, and Ultra Instinct.

This kid hates evil and hates his enemies.

He is the best candidate to check and balance Wen Tai and many Dark Kings.

Well, everything has been arranged for the best.

He, the magic instructor, is almost retired.

The dust has settled.

It's time to go back to Lingyin Temple.



Not long.

Back to Lingyin Temple.

Lu Yan stood at the foot of Lingyin Mountain.

He did not choose to use space teleportation to go up the mountain.

It was just like the first time I climbed the mountain when I was a child.

I climbed up the stone steps step by step to the top of the mountain, and finally walked to the bamboo forest at the back of the mountain.

"Master, Dean, I'm back."

I heard Lu Yan's voice.

In the Zen courtyard, Master Cizhao and Dean Xiao looked happy.

"You kid, you're finally back." Dean Xiao looked at the figure at the door of the monastery and cursed with a smile.

"Dean, I have something to give you."

Lu Yan took out a wooden fish and placed it on the stone table.

"This is??"

"This is the soul vessel of the Totem Overlord. You are the Water Forbidden Curse Mage. This thing can be used to its fullest effect in your hands."

Lu Yan smiled and looked at Cizhao again.

"But when you do good deeds, don't ask about your future. Don't ask about what your heart desires. Master, my disciple has returned from cultivation."

"I finally lived up to the name of Daoji you gave me."

Cizhao looked pleased, and was filled with emotion.

After some pleasantries.

Lu Yan returned to Hangzhou.

But just walked into the manor.

Then I felt a cold chill.

Looking at the frosty woman on the bench, Lu Yan looked slightly embarrassed.

"Um, Yu'er, where are the parents?"

"Not at home." Qin Yuer's answer was simple.

"I mean, where are my parents?"

"Humph, where else can I go? I'm going to your Bird Market to help you take care of people." Qin Yu'er was a little angry, but more out of anger.

Lu Yan heard more of the smell, a sour taste, and knew that she was jealous.

If I guessed correctly, what I was eating was... the jealousy of Chisaki Mochizuki and the child.

So, Lu Yan walked to Qin Yu'er and hugged her gently

The two sat quietly.

After a minute of brief silence.

Qin Yu'er pouted, looking a little cute.

"Brother, am I dissatisfied with you?"


"I also want to have a baby, and I want it now!" Qin Yu'er hugged Lu Yan tightly and said firmly.

Lu Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He hugged her sideways and said with a smile, "Okay, life or death, it all depends on you."

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