Full-time cartoonist

Chapter 9 Life in the Countryside

There was like a thunder in Dongye Xiang's ears, causing his soul to carve out seven orifices in the chaos.

"Is it me?" He pointed at himself in disbelief.

"Yes." Akira Toriyama nodded, "I didn't expect you to start drawing comics, Higashino-kun."

A genius child whom I have never met before but whom I have known for a long time - Hibiki Higashino.

Torishima Kazuhiko had been saying this name for a while.

7-year-old Hibiki Higashino is a genius.

Possessing unparalleled spirituality, the paintings in his hands are radiant.

This is something Toriyama Akira recognizes.

Now he is 17 years old.

"I read your comic, it's called "The Battle between Gods and Humans". Hmm -" he touched his chin, thinking about the language, "it's more skillful and refined, it doesn't look like a high school student's drawing. But , without that natural aura.”

Higashikata spread his hands, "After all, I have grown up."

"You have grown up." Akira Toriyama sighed.

"I look forward to your future development." He finally said.

In the evening, sitting at the desk by the window, Hibiki Higashino had a history textbook open, but he had no intention of studying it.

"That's it, that's it..."

He understood why Torishima Kazuhiko was so interested.

In the submitted works, I saw a familiar name, and the address is also in Meguro Ward, Tokyo.

The comics he draws also have a talent that is hard to match.

Most importantly, I hope it can bring out his childhood talents.

The aura of a child who grows up year by year and is wiped out by time.

"Unfortunately, I am not the Hibiki Hibiki of the past. And comics are not about holding art exhibitions and selling art. Hibiki Higashino's painters are enough now."

As long as you learn the basics well and learn Akira Toriyama's lens language, that's all.

Closing his eyes, he cleared his thoughts again.

After that, I put the incident behind me and started to memorize the history book.


He suddenly found that his memory had become much stronger.

Now I just read it through twice, and the time of the incident and the specific things are remembered in my mind.

Surprised, he turned to the next page and read about the banishment laws of the Greek city-state Athens.

I've just read half of it, and I've memorized the rest of it.

This is what I learned in my previous life, and I thought I had forgotten it long ago, but I didn’t expect it to be clear to me now, as if I was back in high school where I had just memorized it.

"Maybe it's because the souls of the two lives are superimposed?" Hibiki thought to himself.

I have a talent that I have envied for a long time.

Recalling carefully, all the embarrassing things in junior high school that I had forgotten came to mind.

Girl A liked him and confessed to her, but he refused. At that time, the duty of a student was to study hard and make progress every day.

Girl A asked: "Do you like B?"

Then I lay down on the table and burst into tears.

When b saw a crying, he came to ask: "Did you make a cry?"

So they started to fight with him.

a saw it and cried even more sadly.

So b became angrier and the fight became more fierce.

Entering a vicious cycle, Hibiki Higashi was embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

Finally he was criticized.

Higashikata shuddered, "Forget it quickly, forget it quickly!"

This talent is not all a good thing.

More dark history slowly emerged, Hibiki sighed and walked down the stairs.

The roads in the countryside are perfect for running.

But within 20 minutes, he came back with a slumped face and one foot long and one short.

The right foot is full of cow shit...

In rural areas, it would be a waste if there was no cow dung on the road.

At night, Higashino Hibiki was washing shoes in the backyard, adding another piece of black history...

Early the next morning, Hibiki returned to Toriyama's house after running.

Yumi Toriyama is preparing breakfast, which is fried croquettes and milk.

So he rushed over to help.

"What a good boy." Yumi Toriyama nodded with a smile, "I wish my children were as sensible as you."

"I'm also very lazy at home. Are your children here?"

"Oh, they went on a trip to Okinawa."

It's great. During the economic crisis, we can still provide children with entertainment.

Hibiya Higashino hopes to be such a person who can take good care of his family no matter what time he is.

Only family love and money are indispensable.

Breakfast at the Toriyama family was lively.

Akira Toriyama was originally a carefree person.

For people who grew up in the countryside and have achieved many achievements, it is difficult for them to become introverted.

"There is a river at the east end of the village. You can go there and have fun. After all, Tokyoites don't have this opportunity, hahaha."

"I'm here to be your assistant." Hibiki replied. He turned to look at Akimiya Akemi and asked her to cooperate with him.

Unexpectedly, her eyes wandered, "I haven't been to the river yet..."

She looked forward to it.

Akira Toriyama laughed loudly, "Hahaha, Miss Akimiya is very interesting, but you, Higashino-kun, should not be so reserved at such a young age."

"There is no rush to draw comics, Higashino-kun, please accompany her." Toriyama Yumi said.

"Yes." Dongye Xiang could only agree.

"Okay!" Akimiya Akemi cheered, raising her arms.


Akimiya Akemi found everything novel and novel. She couldn't stop watching an old woman picking cucumbers in the field.

"Has Miss Akimiya never been to the countryside?" Higashikata asked curiously.

Akimiya Akemi didn't answer. She grabbed Hibiki Hibiki's clothes, pointed to the side, and asked excitedly: "Higashino-kun, what is that?"

"Which one?"

"It's long, hanging down, and green! I've never seen it before!"

"Oh, it's cowpea."

"Where's that! Where's that!"


"Oh! Isn't it purple?"

"That's the green eggplant variety."

"Then the one next to you!"

"Next to it?" Higashikata also hesitated. The golden light was spread out in a big way, which was as big as two palms. Higashikata didn't know what kind of vegetables could grow such big flowers.

He shook his head.

"Higashino-kun doesn't know either." Akimiya Akemi sighed regretfully.

Suddenly she saw a butterfly and pounced on it.

Higashino Hibiki was still paying attention to the flower and walked over, wanting to study it.

I heard a "wow" sound, Akimiya Akemi, whose upper body was khaki, came back.

"I...I didn't notice the stone...fallen!"

Where are you a kid from?

Dongye Xiang covered his head and found that the big flower suddenly started to move upwards, and with a "swish", it grew up from the vegetable field.

Akimiya Akemi was startled and hid behind Higashino Hibiki.

"This is not a flower, it is my hat."

Wearing a hat decorated with golden flowers, a wild girl with an expressionless face and fair and delicate skin appeared.

She stood pretty in the vegetable field, holding a Polaroid in her hand.

Dongye was curious, "Are you here?"

"Collecting materials," the girl replied. She walked out of the vegetable field, took out a photo from the Polaroid and handed it to Hibiki Hibiki.

It was a praying mantis, preying on aphids, and it was captured very vividly.

The girl took back the photo from Hibiki Hibiki and said calmly: "Goodbye, Hibiki-kun."

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