“Mr. Sengoku, there is a meeting of the upper ninja inside, mainly to review the war with the rain ninja village, and collect the opinions of the upper ninja so that they can be improved in the future.”

The big snake pill glanced inside and immediately knew the situation.

As Konoha’s outstanding ninja and Kami-Shinobu who led the battle against Hanzo on the front line, this meeting also required his participation.

However, he had a more important task – to pay attention to the Warring States, so he did not come.

Sengoku nodded and continued to watch through the gate.

At this time, as Tsunade’s suggestion fell, Sarutobi Hinata, who was sitting on the upper position, did not comment, and the nearby upper ninja whispered instead.

“Putting medical ninjas in your squad? Is this really necessary? ”

“I don’t feel much need, medical ninjas have no other use than healing injuries, and ninjas from other villages can’t even protect themselves.”

“Indeed, war is not a passing family, every ninja’s combat power is extremely valuable, and if you have to free up your hand to take care of others, it will have an impact on the mission and the battle situation.”

“And Tsunade Shinobu also said that he would establish a training mechanism for medical ninjas, which… That’s it! ”

“Since ancient times, I have never heard of a ninja village that would make this specifically for medical ninjas.”

“There are not many medical ninjas in our village, who will teach them?” Who is qualified to teach? ”

“This issue is too naïve, Tsunade Shinobu is still young, just wait a few years to mature.”

“I think I’ll move on to the next topic.”


Although everyone didn’t say it out loud because of Tsunade’s identity, the entire conference room was still noisy.

None of the people in the room agreed.

Ape Fei Ri looked at the reactions of everyone else, and his eyes drooped slightly.

Although this proposal was made by his own lover, others disagreed with him and could not be too independent.

He looked at Tsunade and shook his head slightly.

“Why don’t you agree, do you know how many lives could be saved if there were medical ninjas in the squad?”

Seeing this, Tsunade slammed the table and looked around and asked loudly, “The injuries they suffered could have been immortal.” ”

There was a brief silence in the conference room, and the other Shinobi looked at each other.

“Chakra can also delay the injury, the same will not die, even if there is a medical ninja estimate, it is useless, besides…”

After a while, a middle-aged man in his fifties spoke, “The enemy will not give you the opportunity to heal your wounded companions in war. ”

The other Shinobi nodded silently.

Once the war begins, the two armies meet and fight very tragically, and all kinds of powerful ninjutsu are smashed down, and there are very few who can breathe after the end.

They had never seen a medical ninja fight together in their careers, and it would be beyond common sense to agree to the proposal.

“I didn’t say that I want them to heal while the war is going on, and then go up to heal as soon as everything is over, and the pure Chakra healing effect is comparable to that of medical ninjas?”

Tsunade took a deep breath and replied, “Did you not have your own companion die when you completed the mission because the injury dragged on for too long?” ”

The middle-aged Shinobu paused, and then said, “Sacrifice to complete a mission is the consciousness that a ninja should have. ”

“You…” Tsunade was annoyed by the old antique’s words.

“And even if, as you say, what if you bring a medical ninja? Medical ninjas will only hold back. ”

“How short-sighted do you have to be to say something like that? I’m the medical ninja you’re talking about. ”

“Huh? Hum…… I don’t think it’s necessary anyway. ”

The middle-aged Shinobu ignored Tsunade and looked at Sarutobi and said in a deep voice, “Naruto-sama, what is your opinion?” ”

“What do others think of this proposal by Shinobu Tsunade?” Sarutobi asked all the upper Shinobi.

“I don’t think it’s necessary for the time being.”

“I also agree, and although the war with Yu Ninja Village is coming to an end, our losses are not small, and we should invest all our energy in other aspects.”

“Let’s discuss it later!”


The other Shinobi also expressed their opinions, but without exception, they were not very impressed by Tsunade’s proposal.

After all, the timing is not quite right, the ninjas in the village have lost a lot due to the war, and what they should cultivate now is actually the ninjas who are used to carry out tasks.

Seeing this, Tsunade was disappointed.

Outside the door.

“Your partner Tsunade seems to need support! Aren’t you helping her? Sengoku asked with a chuckle.

Orochimaru next to him licked his lips and asked, “Sengoku-san, do you mean to agree with Tsunade’s proposal as well?” ”

“Isn’t that a great offer?”

“I see.”

In the corner of the conference room, a young man with long light blue hair Shinobu saw Tsunade’s lost appearance, his body moved slightly, and he was about to stand up to agree.


The gate was suddenly opened, and the figures of Sengoku and Orochimaru appeared in everyone’s sight.

“I agree with Tsunade’s proposal, there are too few medical ninjas in the village, and if there are a large number of medical ninjas accompanying them on the front line, it will reduce the casualties of ninjas a lot.”

Orochimaru’s voice echoed in the conference room.

Ape Fei Sun stood up with a sudden.

He ignored the big snake pill and came directly to the front of the Warring States, and said politely with a gentle smile: “Mr. Sengoku actually came over, you should tell me that I will pick you up.” ”

“I’m bored in the mansion, I hope it won’t disturb your meeting.” Sengoku shrugged and replied just as politely.

“No, if you don’t mind, listen to it and help me refer to it.”

Ape Fei Ri’s eyes flashed slightly, but he only made up his mind in an instant.

Anyway, tonight’s meeting is not a confidential matter, it is just listening to the advice of many superiors.

In this case, there is no big problem in involving the Warring States, and it can not only bring the relationship closer to each other, but also gain a deeper understanding of the Warring States, killing two birds with one stone.

Sengoku followed the ape flying sun to the high platform, sitting on a chair overlooking the many upper Shinobi below.

“Sengoku-san, we are just moving on to the topic of whether or not to set up a medical ninja, what do you think about this?” Sarutobi turned his head and asked.

As for his own disciple Great Snake Pill, he had completely ignored it.

Orochimaru didn’t care either, and leaned against the wall with his hands around him and watched quietly.

The eyes of everyone in the conference room were also on the Sengoku.

“I think it’s quite constructive.”

Sengoku’s flat tone fell, and Tsunade’s pupils, who had been disappointed, suddenly bloomed.


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