The eight-day vacation was over in the blink of an eye.

After seeing the doctor and getting the answer he wanted in the Kingdom of Alabastan, the Sengoku and Tsuru returned to Marin Fandor.

“Huh? Someone flew towards this side. ”

“It’s the Warring States General and the Crane Staff Officer, they have returned from vacation!”

“Wow, Chief Crane was actually held in the arms of the Warring States General, which is too enviable.”


The soldiers of the warship who were busy carrying supplies in the port looked at the sea in the distance and exclaimed.

In mid-air, the Sengoku with his feet stepping on the moon was advancing rapidly, and the crane was curled up and lying in his arms, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Soon, Sengoku was standing on the ground of the port.

After nodding faintly to the soldiers around him who were respectfully saluting, he walked straight towards the mansion.

“Huh? Where are you going to Sengoku? This direction is not to the office building. ”

Halfway through, he bumped into the air marshal who was about to go to the office, and he came over suspiciously and asked.

“Go to the mansion, take a shower, change your clothes, and go over.” Sengoku replied.

“Oh, Ah He, what’s wrong with this?”

“I’m tired these days, right! Just when I met me, I asked you for a leave instead of Tsuru, she was a little unwell! ”

Hearing Sengoku’s question, the steel bone empty fox looked at the sleepy crane suspiciously.

The old and traitorous looked at the appearance of the crane, and then looked and felt the state of the Warring States at this time, and it was not clear what was going on.

“How old a man you are.”

The steel bone empty palm slapped the shoulder of the Warring States heavily, and said angrily: “A crane is equivalent to half of my daughter, if you have so much strength that there is nowhere to scatter, you can come to the old man and say, the old man let you take the fleet alone to the sea to catch the pirates.” ”

Sengoku pursed his lips, but did not explain.

How could he tell the rest that this situation was single-handedly promoted by Tsuru, if she hadn’t taken herself to find that witch Kureha, how could Sengoku bear to hurt her like this.

The situation at that time was really overwhelming.

“My fault, not next time!” Sengoku nodded expressionlessly, taking the fault directly.

Steel Bone smiled helplessly: “Okay, you guys go, I approved Ahe’s sick leave, anyway, there has been no major incident at sea over the years, and some small staff officers below are enough to deal with it.” ”

After that, he walked directly away.

Sengoku shook his head and continued walking.

It didn’t take long for him to come to the room with Tsuru in his arms, and after gently placing her on the soft bed, Sengoku went to the bathroom to take a hot shower, changed into a general’s uniform and left.

“Lord General, you have worked hard, this is the document you need to correct today.”

Sengoku came to the officer’s office building, and as soon as he opened the door of his office, the soldier immediately ran over with a pile of documents.

“So many?” Sengoku raised his eyebrows slightly.

“Yes, because today is the first day of General Zefa’s vacation, the work that belongs to him has also been turned!”

“Huh? Zefa took leave so quickly? Pinching time. ”

Sengoku smiled, then returned to his seat and patted the table: “Put it down.” ”

“Yes!” After placing the document on the table, the soldier saluted and withdrew.

“Hurry up and get a good night’s sleep!”

The Warring States Chief let out a breath, picked up a pen from the side, and began to bury his head in grading the documents.

“West Sea Black/Gang Fire Fight Civilian Casualties? Since it hurts the people, this also belongs to the category of the navy to uphold justice, and it is directly arrested. ”

“The princes of the allied countries were tied up by the people and demanded ransom!!! This Rausch should go to the world government or the CP department. Little goat, solve it. ”

“The North Sea navy soldiers mutinied, assassinated their commander and fled the sea! Things should not be that simple, catch first! But leave your mouth alive to ask the truth of the matter, I want to see which insatiable guy does not know how to converge. ”


One by one, the documents were corrected and put aside.

Every order to dispose of with a pen was enough to change the fate of countless people, but Sengoku was used to this situation, and his expression did not fluctuate.

Time passed slowly, and finally the pen finally stopped when the sun was high in the middle.

Knock knock.

“Soldier, come and send the documents out!”

Sengoku knocked on the table and ordered outside the door.

The soldier who had been waiting hurriedly walked in and quickly left with the documents.

Sengoku stretched, took out a cigar from the drawer, lit it, and smoked deeply.

On a cigarette, the tired mood immediately became much more energetic.

“Karp and Matsuura should now fight in the hinterland of the New World to earn merit!”

Sengoku thought about it and took out the phone bug and called Matsuura.

Bulu Bru…

The phone worm was quickly connected.

“I’m Lieutenant General Matsuura, who is it?”

“Me! Warring states. ”

“Sir, your subordinates greet you!” Matsuura, who originally had a relaxed tone and a relaxed expression, heard this, and the whole person immediately became serious, and quickly opened his mouth to greet.

“Well, everything is going well in the new world, right?” Sengoku let out a puff of smoke and asked.

“Everything went well, nothing big.”

“What has Karp been up to lately?”

“Vice Admiral Karp learned the traces of the pirate Roger and his gang three days ago and led a warship to sail alone.”

“Oh, this time I called you because I have a task for you and Karp.”

“Please say!”

“You guys go together and get me some sea lou stones to come out in the country of Wazhi, the amount should be a little more.”

Zhan Chinese said flatly.

Now all the sea floor stone handcuffs owned by the Navy are all obtained by the world government from the black market, and the quantity is not only rare and precious, but also has to be used by other departments, and if the Warring States open their mouths to find them, it will take a long time to get together.

Since this is the case, it is better to directly let Matsuura go to the place of origin, how much and how much.

Although it is a little difficult to enter the country of Wanoku of the closed/closed/locked/country, it is not a big problem if it is led by Karp at this level.

“Okay! Do you have any other tasks? Matsuura did not hesitate and immediately responded.

Warring States’ eyes flashed slightly, and after recalling the information in his memory, he continued: “There are two more people who need you to bring to me, one is called Black Carbon Zen Pill, which is a barrier fruit ability, and the other is called Black Carbon Twilight Cicada, who is a person who imitates the fruit ability, they should still have an animal line demon fruit in their hands, don’t miss it.” At this point in time, I don’t know if they are in Wano Country or overseas, you guys go and find it yourself, I just want the result. ”

“Understand, subordinates will definitely fulfill your orders.”

“Hmm! It’s okay. ”

After the order, Sengoku hung up the phone, crushed the cigar in the ashtray, closed his eyes and began to replenish his sleep as if it were the end.

One of the advantages of being a general is that if there is something to directly arrange for his subordinates to do, he only needs to wait quietly in Marin Fando to receive it.


At the same time, the Holy Land of Mary Joya.

The five old stars came to the flowers, knelt down and held up a few documents in their hands, and said respectfully:

“Lord Im, this is all the information you ordered to collect about the Buddha’s Warring States, from his birth in the small town of Osilen to everything he can find out now.”

Im, who was leaning back under the divine tree, opened his eyes.

She slowly got up, dragged the noble and abnormal skirt to the five old stars, and reached out to pick up the documents.


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