In the room, Karp fell into deep thought after listening to Matsuura’s words.

Matsuura was also in no hurry and waited quietly, believing that Brigadier General Karp would agree to his decision.

As they went deeper and deeper into the depths of the New World, some of the sea pirates who encountered Yan were very strong, and many beings not only did not suffer much injury after fighting with them, but also retreated all over.

What’s more, the Bundiwald I met yesterday can chase them in turn.

In this case, it is not difficult for the navy to completely control the depths of this place as if it were subjugating the outer/peripheral seas, and it is already very good that they can maintain the hinterland seas well.

Therefore, it is foreseeable that in order to achieve the task of recovering the deep seas of the New World, the time required is definitely measured in years, and with their lineup, it may not be able to be completed.

In this case, put this task aside first, and it will be easier to complete the private task assigned by the general Sengoku.

He is a handsome, a person of his own has decided so, and Karp, who is one of the members of the Iron Four Corners, will never refuse.


Not long after, Karp nodded: “Okay, then when the supply is finished, take the warship and set off along the record pointer, if you encounter something along the way, you will fight, and if you can’t fight, ignore it first.” ”

Matsuura let out a long breath and said with a smile: “Uh-huh, first reach the end of the world, and don’t let Lieutenant General Kelly and the other subordinates know about this matter.” ”

“I naturally know this, in the future, you will sleep on the same warship with me, it is convenient to discuss!”


The next day, the warship came to dock in a kingdom in Mechi, and the soldiers left the ship to repair after the commander ordered him.

“Chief Karp, what are we going to do next?” Lieutenant General Kelly came over and asked.

Karp, who was sitting on a large rock, moved slightly, took out a cigar from his arms and lit it, and took a deep breath before saying: “Three days later, the warship will continue to set sail towards the depths of the New World. ”

“This, I think it’s a little unworthy, even if we continue to go deeper and protect some towns, the pirates will still return, and then everything will be for nothing.”

Kelly’s brows frowned slightly, and he pursed his lips before continuing: “I think it should be safer, first completely control the hinterland sea, and then push inward a little in the future!” ”

“Don’t worry, I’m not ready to go in the same way as before, let’s go all the way to the deepest place to explore the bottom, and then retreat if something is wrong.” Karp said lightly.

“Is that so? Exploring the depths of the new world? The World Government and Navy also have intelligence officers undercover in the New World. ”

Kelly pinched his handsome and said with a puzzled face: “Should we ask the headquarters for instructions?” This kind of big action should be approved by the general and the marshal. ”

Karp glanced at Matsuura beside him and nodded at him.

Matsuura took out the phone worm from his arms, entered a string of numbers, and said at the same time: “I will now call the Sengoku General and ask him for instructions.” ”

In the entire navy officers, only marshals and generals have free decision-making power when they lead the team, and even brigadier generals do not have this power in this era.

For example, Karp’s decision to lead the team into the deepest part of the New World now is different from the mission they received before they set off, so they also have to ask for instructions.

Even if they don’t ask for instructions, when they turn back, Kelly will call and tell Marshal Kongxi, since this is better to call the Warring States and block his mouth.

Bulu Bru Bru …

Bulu Bru…

“I am Sengoku, there is something to say!”

The phone worm was quickly connected, and the calm voice of Sengoku on the other end of the earpiece appeared.

Matsuura looked stunned, and quickly spoke: “Sir, Commander Matsuura greets you.” In this way, after discussing with us, Brigadier General Karp decided to postpone the mission of recovering the New World, and first led the team to the end of the depths of the New World to find out the situation there. ”

The phoneworm’s eyes narrowed, and he was silent for a long time. Lack.” Let Karp come and talk to me. “圡” is! Matsuura hurriedly handed the phone bug to Kapu next to him.

Chuanhahaha, Warring States! I’m talking to Kelly about them. Can I help you? Karp spat out a puff of smoke and grinned.

“Kelly is also next to ah~~~” Sengoku chuckled with deep meaning, and then spoke: “Why did you suddenly make such a decision, I remember that the task given by the staff is to let you fight steadily and advance little by little.” ”

“There is no way to warring States, there are many powerful sea thieves in the depths of the New World, although they have not encountered anything comparable to Lokes for the time being, but they are also very powerful.”

Speaking of this, Karp’s tone also lowered a lot: “The Outside/Peripheral Sea Qiao method cannot be used here, unless we defeat all those sea thieves, but we can’t do this yet.” ”


“So I plan to let the newly recruited soldiers garrison the hinterland sea area that has been cleared, and I will take the elite into the new world to explore the way, if I can catch it, I will catch it, and if I can’t meet it, I won’t fight them, until the end of the recording pointer.” This practice is still beneficial, which can reduce the number of some pirates and make the pressure on the hinterland less. ”

“Have confidence?”

“I led the team, and no one could keep me if I wanted to escape.”

Karp said confidently.

The phone worm was quiet again, but this time it was only a dozen seconds later, and Sengoku’s voice came out again.

“Understood, do as you want, Marshal Air over there I’ll tell him, I only have one thing to ask of you…”

The phone worm simulated the appearance of Sengoku licking his lips, and said in an unclear tone: “Don’t die, just retreat directly if you can’t do anything, there are many ways to complete the task, just do your best.” ”

Karp and Matsuura heard the subtext, and the two replied at the same time: “Yes!” “Don’t worry!”


The call was hung up, and Karp handed the phone bug back to Matsuura and looked at Kelly: “Do you still have any questions?” ”

Kelly shook his head, the generals had already agreed, what different opinions did he have as a subordinate.

“No, I will cooperate with you to enter the new world next.”

“Hmm~~~ No need, the hinterland sea area also needs a general commander, I decided to let you be the commander, and you will command it during my absence.”



After resting for three days, Karp and Matsuura set sail again with a few warships full of elite fever and headed for the deep sea.

At the port, Kelly waved with the soldiers to see them leave.

A few days later, the depths of the New World were in the seas.

Bang bang.

The warship was firing shells into the distance, and a pirate ship was fleeing quickly in the distance.

“Dad, are we going to chase?”

On the deck, Long looked at the pirate ship that had become a small black dot and asked to the side.

Karp stood in the penetration and shook his head: “Don’t pay attention to them, let’s just follow the record pointer.” ”

“Oh, good.”


A month later.

An island, a tavern in a small town.

Many fierce pirates are drinking wine and bragging.

In other words, a powerful guy has recently appeared on the sea, known as Lokes No. 2, and his strength is terrifying, and many sea pirate groups have lost in his hands. Remember, it’s the sea thieves, the regiment! One person tops one ball. ”

“I know this, I know this, it seems that the person is called Baloli Clydefield, a very lonely person, although he is also a pirate, but he has always been a person.”

“Everyone thinks that with his strength, he can definitely resist the Navy that is in the new world.”

“Speaking of the Navy, it seems that I haven’t heard about Tekken Capu recently, a few months ago they were very high-profile, they were arrested when they saw people, does anyone know?”

“I really don’t know about this, but I heard from the captain that they no longer seem to be chasing pirates, but have been sailing like us.”


The air smelled of alcohol, and the pirates were drunk.

At this time, a teenager sitting in the corner suddenly spoke: “It seems that the magnetic power of this island will take several years to be full, does anyone know how long it will take?” ”

“Huh? Boy, you are a newcomer and don’t even know this place. It takes a total of three years to start sailing here. A pirate replied.

“Is it? It’s been too long, but my captain is very impatient, and he may not be able to wait so long, what should I do? The boy scratched his head and said with a distressed look.

“Hahaha, if you are confident in your strength, then grab it, there must be a sea (Hao Nuo Zhao) thief to be full.”

“Yes, this is indeed a good idea, so uncle, can you tell me which pirate record pointer is full?”

“Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, Mihahaha, the favorite thing of labor and management is to watch you newcomers challenge the sea pirates to be killed, tell you, the sea pirates Qishthorne Pirate Group is the one who already knows that the pirates are about to sail.”

The young man’s eyes lit up, took the wine that had not yet been drunk on the table, put it on the pirate table that explained for him, thanked him and took out the phone worm.

Bulu Bru Bru …

“Hey, Dad, someone here is already full, you can bring someone over.”

The phone was connected, and the teenager immediately spoke.

“Okay, wait for me there.”

The phone worm was hung up, and the teenager left the tavern Zhu with a smile.

Looking at his departing back, a pirate suddenly frowned and said to himself suspiciously: “That voice just now seems a little familiar.” ”

After thinking for a long time, he didn’t remember the owner of this voice, and the pirate shook his head and ignored it, and continued to drink with his companion.

Ten minutes later, a scream suddenly sounded in mid-air of the island.

“The Navy is coming, Tekken Karp is on the island.”

“I went straight to the sea thief Chithorne.”


The tavern was quiet.


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