In the sight of everyone’s expectation and longing, the list prepared by the Warring States slowly opened.

“The headquarters also needs people to stay behind and patrol the great shipping routes of Noda, so it is assigned special personnel to enter the new world.”

Hearing that the Warring States said that it was assigned, some neutral and even moderate people’s hearts suddenly clicked, and they had some bad premonitions.

Those who were also under the radical faction were shining brightly and clenching their fists one by one.

Finally, when the list was completely spread, the flat voice of the Warring States sounded again: “Now, I will announce the list of people participating in this event.” ”

“Brigadier General Karp led the team, Lieutenant General Matsuura, Kelly cooperated, subordinate Major General Migche, Evelyn…”

“Brigadier General Haruka Mitani, Aso-ikeuchi …”

Only the thick voice of the Warring States sounded in the conference room, and many officers listened quietly to the list that was read.

The ranks are pronounced from top to bottom, first brigadier general, then lieutenant general, then major general, and finally brigadier general.

The person being read was breathing shortly/shortly, and his whole face turned red at a very fast speed.

Those who are not read are lost, like withered plants.

“As well as a rising star of the Navy with great potential and strength at the level of vice admiral, Capt. Monchi D. Long.”

“Many of the above officers are the candidates to lead the new world this time, and the specific planning staff department gives detailed instructions in the documents, you just need to do what is written above.”

Sengoku took down the cigar, looked at everyone with a smile on his lips, and said: “The headquarters has already recorded the selection of the people who set sail, and when you successfully return, you will be promoted according to merit.” Of course, this appointment is not mandatory…”

“If there are people who are named but don’t want to go, they can also give up their places.”

When the words fell, the young officers who were named to confirm the participation immediately responded with a smile: “Hahahaha, Lord General, you said and laughed, how can any fool give up this opportunity to make meritorious achievements.” ”

“That’s right, the new world has been cleaned up by you and the three adults before, the danger has been greatly reduced, if you don’t dare to enter, then don’t be a navy, it’s safer to go home and farm.”

“Uh-huh, I agree with Major General Evelyn’s words, not to mention that there is also His Excellency Iron Fist Karp, who is already the highest combat power of this department, and we will definitely complete your instructions.”

“That’s right, Sengoku General, listen to the good news from us in this department.”


The officers of the other radicals responded with confidence.

The smile at the corner of Sengoku’s mouth deepened.

As long as the officers are not afraid of life and death, the soldiers below will also burst out with stronger combat effectiveness, and the pirates in the hinterland of the new world will be under heavier pressure.

At this time, Kelly and the other lieutenant general looked at each other, and at the same time raised his hand and stood up.

“General Warring States, I want to nominate a few members to participate together, is it okay?”

“I also have good seedlings that I want to apply for them and attack the new world together.”

Warring States’ eyes flashed slightly, but without too much hesitation, he nodded and said, “Of course, there are six places reserved for you here, and you can discuss and hand over the list to the staff department.” ”

The top of the navy cannot all be radical, and it is necessary to add a small number of other two factions to reconcile and confront.

Otherwise, let’s not say that the impact on the future will do more harm than good, and the current Marshal Kong and the five old stars will not let the navy become a radical word.

There can be fewer people, but they must not be without.

This is also one of the unspeakable rules/rules in the system/system.

Although Zefa also provides a list of moderates, the number is not comparable to that of radicals.

In the early stage, the Warring States still need to take into account the steel bone space and the ideas of the world government.

Six places? That is to say, one person has three.

Kelly and the other lieutenant general looked at each other, and helplessness flashed in their eyes.

Some major generals and brigadier generals in the rear who were still expecting also sighed helplessly.

The duty of a soldier is to obey orders, and since the headquarters has decided and it is still said from the mouth of the general, it means that it will not be changed, which means that the major event of subduing the new world is not their part.

“Work hard, as a general of the headquarters, I have a piece of advice for you, those who want to climb the position of lieutenant general, not only must their merits be made, but their strength cannot be left behind, got it?”

Sengoku handed the list to the general staff, and after finally dropping a word of exhortation, he put his hands in his pockets and turned away.

“Yes!” All the officers stood up and answered loudly.

It was not until the Sengoku disappeared from sight that the officers relaxed their figures.

“Lieutenant General Matsuura, there are a few bottles of good wine hidden in the subordinate’s mansion, how about we go and drink it later?”

“Lord Matsuura, his subordinate is Brigadier General Haruka Mitani, greetings to you!”

“Lord Lieutenant General…”


The radicals came to Matsuura, and one by one they secretly expressed their gratitude to him.

Discerning people can easily see that most of the officers selected this time are from the same faction as him, and if he hadn’t gone to dredge relations with the Great General Sengoku, at least two-thirds of this group would have been topped.

They are only major generals and brigadier generals, and they cannot skip the lieutenant general’s personal contact with the general, so they can only convey their gratitude through Matsuura, an intermediary.

Matsuura had a faint smile on his face, and whoever came to thank him responded approachably, finally patting them on the shoulder to show encouragement.

“With the right person.”

Some of the officers who were destined to stay in Marin Fandor looked at that scene and sighed.

Although they are neutral and moderate, it does not mean that they have no ideas about higher positions, and the so-called factions are just different ways of doing things.

Some of the flexible minds have already come forward to find Matsuura to make friends and lay the foundation for more good things in the future.


Not long after, the headquarters became bustling again.

“From the highest combat strength of the headquarters, the Warring States General issued an order to recruit warships to attack the New World.”

“Good luck smelly boys, you have been selected with labor and management, hurry up and take your places, and enter the new world to earn merit.”

“Lieutenant Colonel Ishibashi, where are you and the Ishibashi, hurry up, it’s time to go.”

“Stop grinding and chirping, hurry up and move all the supplies up, the fleet will depart.”

“What? Your brother wants to go to the New World together? Whose soldier is your brother, and does his commander agree? ”

“Move all the shells out of the warehouse, the Great Route has been quiet for a long time, there is no need to leave much here.”

“Quick, listen to my orders to board the ship, and wait for the commanders to come out with instructions.”

“All of them, pack your clothes, check the warships, and set off for the New World in an hour.”


Many officers shouted at their soldiers at every corner, and everyone moved, and boxes and boxes of supplies were pushed into the warship.

Everyone who is about to set sail has a clearly visible look of excitement and excitement on their faces, and those who can be selected to stay in the headquarters are not comparable in character or momentum to some greedy soldiers in the world, and they have great enthusiasm for killing pirates.

Sengoku stood by the window, looking at the situation below, revealing a satisfied look.

In this world, only the Draco, the world government and the nobles are rotten, and the navy, which has been throwing its head and spilling blood, is the department that has been truly implementing justice, and the two cannot be compared.

“Karp, Matsuura!”

Sengoku turned his head, looked at the two people sitting and waiting on the sofa, and said: “If you catch a sea thief in the New World, don’t send it to Justice Island, just hand it over to me, I have a greater role.” ”

Anyway, Justice Island is also a decoration, and basically 100% of the guys who are sent to trial are sent to Advance City for detention.

This will not only waste their strength, but also waste rations, and it is better to give it to him to act as a machine for brushing experience points.

“Yes!” Matsuura didn’t even ask why, nodding directly.

“In this way, what kind of strength is what you need the most?”

Karp knew that Warring States could be quickly improved against people, so he did not refuse, but asked curiously.

“Bring everything that can defeat the lieutenant general.”

“Got it, you wait to receive it.” Karp grinned and smiled confidently.

Sengoku took out two cigars, threw them one by one, thought about it and then said: “Those soldiers on my warship you should also bring in, after all, after following me for so many years, you should also enjoy some benefits and earn more meritorious promotions.” ”

“Hahaha, indeed, no one can lose the soldiers, then I will leave.”

Karp stood up and walked towards the door.

Matsuura did not hesitate and followed.

“By the way, ask Zefa and Crane to see if the soldiers on their warships want to go together, these veterans of a hundred battles are also overkill to stay on the Great Route.”


Karp waved his hand and disappeared into the hallway.

The Warring States Chief took a puff of smoke, sat on the chair, squinted and thought for a long time, and then said faintly: “The new world is now less dangerous, so I will leave it to you.” ”


An hour later, the mighty warship left the port and headed towards the location of the Red Earth Continent.

The newspaper also learned the news and sent a feature of this exciting offensive to the world.

The world shook again.


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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