The Valley of the Gods shook, the sea slowly rippled, and circle after circle of waves quickly crashed against the warship.

The sound of “booming” explosions appeared in the center of the island and spread throughout the sea.

One powerful momentum after another soared into the sky.

On the sea, seventeen warships were lined up in a straight line, their guns pointed in the direction of the periphery of the Valley of the Gods, and shells were pouring continuously.


Bang bang.

The outskirts of the island were bombarded wildly, and the flames burned numerous trees.

“Vice Admiral Tsuru, the pirates in ambush on the island have not appeared, do we want to adjust the angle of the gun and fire at a deeper position?”

On the deck of the warship at the front, a rear admiral asked Tsuru for instructions.

The crane pursed his lips and shook his head: “No, there are not only pirates on the island, but also brigadier generals and lieutenant generals of the Warring States, and more importantly, the Draco is still on it.” ”

“Paragadier generals and lieutenant generals can be afraid of cannonball attacks, but Draco cannot, even if it is just Yu Wei sweeping, their lives will be in danger.”

Draco in the hands of pirates is a very difficult problem for all navies.

Although there are seventeen warships and have already reached the level of the Demon Slaying Order, they cannot be launched at will.

If one is not good, the Draco dies under the cannon, or is trapped in the flames and dies, then the five old stars and the world government will definitely not give up.

Therefore, their guns can only clean the perimeter at present, and if they want to kill all the pirates, they still have to go up and have a face-to-face fierce fight.

The pirates who followed Lox were obviously aware of this situation, so one by one they were very calm and continued to ambush everywhere.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter if the navy doesn’t go to the island, if they go up, their nearly 100,000 people will directly swallow all 20,000 soldiers, leaving no one behind.

If not, it would be better, when the time comes, they will divide some people to press the center of the island and beat Sengoku and Karp and the others.

Although their strength has not reached the monster level, Ant Duo can still bite dead elephants.

Even if it is impossible to pose a threat to the Warring States, it is no problem to cooperate with the killing of other lieutenant generals in the headquarters first.

After the lieutenant generals were killed, the sea thieves who had freed their hands joined hands, and no one could resist them.

When the most powerful naval officers are killed, then these low-level soldiers will not have to worry at all, even in the sea, they will definitely not be able to escape, and will be completely left.

With the Draco in their hands, it means that all the initiative is on their side.

“Then do we want to go to the island immediately, the brigadier generals of the Warring States and the commanders of the lieutenant generals are already fighting on it,”

When the rear admiral heard this, he also understood the embarrassing situation of the navy at this moment, and he secretly cursed the unlucky Draco in his heart, and then asked: “The soldiers are ready, if necessary, please order!” ”

Tsuru didn’t answer, just looked at the scene in the Valley of the Gods.

No one cares more about the situation on the island than her, after all, there are only fifteen vice admirals in total, and I don’t know how many sea pirates there are there, and how many Warring States and others need to deal with at the same time.

She also wanted to take the soldiers up immediately to take some pressure off them, but reason prevented her from doing so.

The Valley of the Gods was obviously waiting for them, and going up at this time was completely irresponsible for the lives of the soldiers, and the Sengoku would never let her do this.

“Wait for the signal of the Brigadier General of the Warring States!” Tsuru took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

“Yes!” The major general hesitated a little and wanted to say something, but finally answered.

Tsuruhide gripped the fence tightly, and his worried eyes kept looking in the direction of the island, waiting for the signal from the Sengoku.

Time passes by minute by minute.

The fighting on the island became more and more intense, and despite the distance so far away, everyone clearly felt the strong pressure.

The soldiers silently inspected and wiped their weapons, ready to fight the pirates at any time.

The atmosphere on the warship froze, and the iron and blood qi slowly rose around his colleagues.

Dark clouds appeared in the sky of the Valley of the Gods, slowly churning and gathering more and more, slowly pressing down like meteorites.

The crane’s breathing was rapid/short, and he looked at the dark clouds deadly.


The dark clouds transformed into the cold face of the Warring States.

“Everyone obeyed the order, put the warship up.”

The crane turned sharply and shouted orders to everyone.


The many rear admirals who had been waiting for a long time hurriedly roared and commanded the warships to sail quickly towards the Valley of the Gods.

The soldiers stood up with a rub, their hands firmly grasping the hilt of their swords.

The pirates who were lurking in the darkness also noticed their movement, and pairs of blood-colored pupils appeared.

“I don’t know what the hell they’re doing, but are they finally coming up?” Labor and management have long been impatient. ”

“But Rox said, after killing all the navy, there will be money to share, and they will all exert their strength.”

“Peace of mind, there are so many of us, and I am afraid that their 20,000 people will not succeed, and the money and labor will take it.”

“Hahahaha, kill this group of soldiers, and then leave the Buddha Warring States and all the vice admirals, the navy will return to the previous time when the double generals died, and our life will be better again.”

“But then again, I always feel a little uneasy, do you feel that way?”

“When you say this, there really is, I don’t know why I always feel a little difficult to breathe, and my heart is very stuffy and uncomfortable.”

“Something is wrong, it’s so wrong, the sixth sense of labor and management is madly reminding labor and management to run quickly, no, the rhinoceros form comes out.”

“Look, dark clouds in the sky.”


The pirates raised their heads to look at the sky, and saw that the dark clouds were already very close to the ground, only a thousand meters high, and the dark clouds transformed into the faces of the Warring States, and the indifferent eyes suddenly made their pupils shrink.

In the next second, lightning crackled, and an extremely strong momentum suddenly crashed down.

Most pirates are seven / trick / bleeding / blood, the eyes are directly black, and there is no breath.


The time goes back slightly to a few minutes ago.

The battle in the center of the island was terrifying, and both sides did their best, not daring to be distracted in the slightest.

Except for Karp and Whitebeard, who fought one-on-one, the other lieutenant generals were one-on-two, one-on-three.

And the Warring States are more, one to six!!!


The Sengoku figure flashed, and after turning around and fighting with the attacking Lokes, he immediately retreated without saying a word.

As soon as he left, a magma attack fell from the sky and hit the place where he was standing.

A large hole was suddenly burned out of the ground.

“Fist Qi Longwei.”

The Sengoku fist slammed forward, and the air dragon suddenly roared out, towards the underground business pirates who were rushing over.

The Sengoku body was half squatted, and the little feet stepped directly into the air, and after sweeping around, he suddenly had a number in his heart.

Zefa, Kelly, Matsuura and the other lieutenant generals fought extremely hard, and everyone was waiting for the other party to show a flaw and kill with one blow.

And this flaw needs to be given to them by the Warring States.

“It just so happens that the other pirates on the island also need to be cleaned up.”

Sengoku’s eyes drooped, and he whispered to himself.

When the words fell, he did not hesitate, his eyes froze, and his voice sounded like a muffled thunder over the Valley of God.

“I’m going to start!”

Lieutenant Generals such as Karp, Zefa, Kelly, and Matsuura, who were fighting in the distance, heard this, and although their faces were not showing, they were secretly ready.

The Warring States had already let them experience the power of the epic overlord color domineering before, and at that time, except for Karp, who had been prepared, everyone else, even Zefa, was injured.

And this kind of unsuspecting move can be used to open up the situation and give them an advantage in the battle with the pirates.

This is a predetermined ploy.

The sea pirates who were fighting with them did not doubt him, and thought that Sengoku was talking to Lokes.

And also because the attention is focused on the opponent, the warning of the sixth sense does not attract their attention.

The dark clouds in the sky surged violently, and in the blink of an eye, the appearance of the Warring States appeared.

Lockes, who was just about to rush up to attack, froze his eyes and subconsciously froze.

“Buddha Warring States, is this guy doing any tricks again?”

Rox is very guarded, and the battle with the Warring States for many years has long made him a frightened bird, and he does not feel that the Warring States do meaningless things.

Therefore, no matter what Warring States wanted to do, he did not intend to let him continue to work unhindered.

“Use the maximum trick, don’t give him a chance to act.” Lox said to the sea pirates around him.

Even if he didn’t say it, the sea thieves didn’t want to give the terrifying and abnormal Warring States a chance, and all the abilities were thrown out one by one.

“Dark fog.”

“Magma Spitfire.”

“Extreme Sword Slash Tiger Hunt.”

“Ultrasonic cannon.”


Numerous powerful attacks roared towards the Sengoku.

The Warring States turned around, and faced them directly without the slightest hesitation.

The epic armed color domineering energy flows outside the body, forming an invisible steel armor, and the steel body shines more distinctly.

A fist qi that matches the power of the world-class great sword is formed around the body, and the air dragon mouth // han Warring States.

In the blink of an eye, the two collided directly.

“Overlord color strangle!”

At the moment of collision, the indifferent voice of the Warring States rolled through the entire Valley of the Gods.


The explosion appeared, not only the attack collision sound of Sengoku and Lockes and other pirates, but also the sound of thunder and lightning in the dark clouds overhead.


At the same time, an extremely terrifying momentum crushed down from the sky, shrouding the entire Divine Valley Island.

All the fighting monster pirates were caught off guard, only to feel that the brain spirit was suddenly pricked by needles, their expressions were suddenly stunned, and the action of the attack stopped for a moment.

Lieutenant Generals such as Karp, Zefa, and Kelly, who had been prepared for a long time, flashed their eyes and took advantage of this excellent opportunity to look at the strongest of the people they were fighting against each other.


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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