“General, they are still just students, will it be too dangerous to face the pirates like this.”

It wasn’t until Sengoku and the others left completely that the adjutant standing at the door of the office walked in and asked suspiciously.

It is never before to let newly graduated recruits who have no experience accept a bounty order to catch pirates at sea.

Pirates are not kind people, and they will not show mercy because you are a young furry boy who has just grown up.

Every year, many recruits in the navy do not recognize their character because they face pirates for the first time, and they are killed because of kindness and hesitation when fighting.

That’s why the Navy has to let recruits follow their officers for a few years.

The main thing is to let the soldiers recognize the pirates and have a deep understanding of this kind of thing, so that when the war starts in the future, they will not have unrealistic illusions.

But now his boss, who is known for his stability, is so radical this time, even if he is really optimistic about their potential, he should not do so.

Can’t figure it out, it’s very confusing.

Steel Bone got up, came to the window, looked at the four young figures on the road below, and was silent for a long time.

It took a long time before he spoke and said something irrelevant:

“The marshal is abdicating.”

“What?” The adjutant was shocked: “How can this be, now the navy can no longer have the loss of high-end combat power.” ”

This is shocking news, in the current situation that the headquarters has lost two generals and ten vice admirals, if the news of the marshal’s abdication comes out, it will be absolutely devastating to the people and the navy.

And it will also contribute to the arrogance of pirates, and when the time comes, there will definitely be more people who go out to sea as thieves.

The adjutant instantly thought of the impact, and quickly said: “General, you should stop it.” ”

“It’s late, the marshal’s resignation has been submitted to the five old stars, and I was summoned to the Holy Land some time ago because of this matter.” Steel Bone let out a long sigh.

“The five old stars agreed?”

“They also felt that the marshal was no longer fit to command the navy.”

“This, this…” The adjutant was speechless for a long time.

“I delayed a little, but at the latest it will be a few years, and then I will succeed to the marshal. As soon as the news comes out, something will definitely happen, the position of lieutenant general is actually easy to handle, but the position of the three major generals cannot be left empty all the time. ”

The steel bone grasped the window edge with his empty palm, and his eyes were solemn: “We need to let the geniuses grow up as soon as possible and make their name at sea, at least in this era, to deter those who are ready to move, and let the people and soldiers regain confidence in the navy.” ”

“There are those who have this potential in the main department, and at the moment I have only seen them in the Warring States.”

“So, time is running out.”

The adjutant was silent, he finally knew the difficulty of the steel bone.

The office seemed heavy for a while.

“But don’t underestimate them, others don’t say, this guy from the Warring States will not leave a hand on the pirates, and he will lead the team, at least there will be no counter-killing.”

Soon, Steel Bone Kong put away the serious expression on his face, waved his hand and said easily: “Don’t say this, I just listened to it outside the door for so long, have you told the warship in advance after following me for decades?” ”

“Yes, I just called them and said that you arranged for four students to direct them.”

“How did they react?”

“Oh… What do you think? ”


Steel Bone Kong seemed to have thought of something, and laughed maliciously.

As soldiers under the command of the general, they are all carefully selected among tens of thousands of people, and have survived many battles, how can they accept the leadership of four newly graduated recruits.

This is also a little obstacle he gave Sengoku and others.

After all, if even the soldiers cannot be convinced, even if they get the warship, how will they go to sea, how embarrassed to go to sea.


A mysterious momentum fluctuation appeared in the port, sweeping across the entire Marin Fandor.

The laughter of the steel bone came to an abrupt end.

Plop plop….

The soldiers standing in the corridor fell to the ground, and then as if pushing down dominoes, more and more soldiers rolled the corners of their eyes and fainted.

The hustle and bustle of Marin Fandor was much quieter.

“Overlord color domineering.”

The adjutant shouted in shock, and his palm was already on the hilt of the sword at his waist: “General, is it a pirate attack?” ”

As we all know, overlord color domineering is a kind of king qualification, and only one person in millions will have a super ability.

This ability cannot be acquired, nor can it be inherited congenitally, but can only be determined by one’s own fate, so such people are called “chosen people”

And the vast majority of those who have this ability are overlord monsters who are unwilling to be inferior and yearn for freedom.

In such a strict and well-regulated place as the Navy, there are basically no such people willing to join.

Therefore, when it was perceived that the overlord-colored domineering appeared in the naval headquarters, not only the adjutant, but many people subconsciously felt that the pirates were coming.

Steel Bone Kong also frowned tightly, and the muscles of his whole body had begun to move, and when he saw the smell, he started to explore the area on the other side of the port.

“It was launched by the Warring States Kid.” The empty eyes of the steel bone showed incredulity.

In the past four years, he has been paying attention to the Sengoku in the academy.

But I have never heard of the news that he has an overlord-colored domineering.

“What? That recruit turned out to be the chosen one? The adjutant gasped, then came back to his senses and said excitedly

“General, a million talents come out of the existence, it is only a matter of time before such a person rises, and after you become a marshal, the pressure will be greatly reduced.”

Steel Bone Kong also thought of this, and his body relaxed.

At this time, alarmed by the overlord domineering, some lieutenant generals and major generals appeared on the street and began to rush towards the port.

Even the marshal, who had not shown up for a long time, stood in the window and watched.

“This stinky boy still caused me such a trouble before leaving, come back to see that I don’t scold him to death, I will first explain it to my colleagues and the marshal.”

“By the way, you should also follow them to the sea, protect him before the Warring States have grown up, but don’t interfere with any of his decisions.”

Steel Bone said such cruel words in his empty mouth, but the smile on his face could not be hidden.

As soon as the words fell, his whole person immediately disappeared in place and appeared in the street.


Go back in time to a few minutes ago.

The place of the port where the warship docked.

Sengoku, Kapu, Tsuru, and Zefa were standing here, looking up at the large warship that was making noise at this time.

Karp: “Is this Uncle Kong’s battleship?” It’s pretty big. ”

Zefa: “After all, it is the exclusive property of the general, which is normal, but what are the people doing above?” ”

Tsuru: “I don’t know. ”

Sengoku: “Just go up and take a look.” ”


[Some readers say that there are few updates, four or five chapters a day are a lot of pulls, or do you want to set up flowers, evaluations and monthly pass plus more rules? ] 】

[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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