Fortune Teller

Chapter 856 The Heaven and Earth Collapse

"It is indeed the Supreme Treasure of the Supreme Being. The unicorn giant beast's thunder and fire magical powers, with all its strength, can't even be harmed at all."

Gu Xiuyun sighed in admiration and took the opportunity to take action.

The Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand cooperated with Yuanxian Taoism to tear open the body of the unicorn beast again, with scales flying and blood dripping.

The three-thousand-kilometer giant beast went completely berserk!

Just hearing a piercing roar, the millions of miles of void around the giant beast collapsed, and a pitch-black abyss like ink could be vaguely seen in the space fragments.

"It's better to be angry. If you escape back, how can I get the scale armor?"

Gu Xiuyun hummed, and his body expanded to a size of 100,000 feet. Although it was not as big as the one-horned giant beast, it was still extremely astonishing.

A strong martial artist can only exert his full strength by fully unfolding his physical body. The normal form is only suitable for daily fighting. It is obviously not enough to face the unicorn monster.


With a shout, the Heavenly Disk came across the sky and hung vertically in front of him, like a jade-colored shield.

"hold head high……"

The giant unicorn moved its limbs and crashed towards the cyan figure, with its horn in front as if to pierce him.

Gu Xiuyun clapped one hand, and the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand condensed and took shape. However, it did not blast out, but condensed around him. Then, the void twisted, and the figure of a hundred thousand feet split into three, hovering in three directions at the same time.

The three figures are all filled with the aura of warriors, and the five elements fluctuate so violently that it is impossible to tell which one is real and which one is fake!

In fact, all three bodies are real.

Two of the bodies had only a trace of flesh, serving as illusions to confuse the unicorn.


The giant beast collided with him, and the horn forcefully picked up the flying plane. The violent impact instantly tore Gu Xiuyun's body into pieces, annihilating large pieces of flesh and blood.

The power of the ninth level of true meaning, combined with the power of heaven and earth, has completely reached the peak of the fifth level. Gu Xiuyun's true body cannot withstand such terrifying destructive power.

After all, his defensive methods are not strong. The Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand can be used as half a defensive secret technique, but the Yuanxian Dao Technique is a pure killing method.

In terms of defensive power, he is only at the peak of the fourth realm.

But the unicorn behemoth is a true existence of the fifth realm, and there is still a gap in strength between the two sides.


The void rolled, and the space was knocked out of a passage by the unicorn monster, and it rushed towards the second figure.

Gu Xiuyun ignored the giant beast's offensive and concentrated on activating the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand and Yuanxian Taoism.

The sky and the earth darken, and night falls.


The giant beast flew through the void, destroying the second body. At the same time, the red flames in Gu Xiuyun's palm tore open the giant beast's scales again.

"hold head high!"

The giant unicorn was furious, its eyes were filled with bloody mist, and its huge body was erected with sharp thorns, and its entire body seemed to have turned into a million-foot hedgehog.

call out!

The giant beast was extremely fast, spanning thousands of miles in just an instant, and crashed into the third body.

At this time, the Tianji Disk had returned to his hands again.


The horn collided with the jade shield.

The moment the figure froze, a flash of sword light flew out, tearing open the body of the giant beast and cutting off a piece of scales.

An instant later, the jade plate was flung out again, and the 100,000-foot figure was hit head-on by the one-horned beast. The terrifying power instantly annihilated the entire body.

But at this moment.

The void twisted, and two figures appeared in different directions thousands of miles away.

How could Gu Xiuyun let the unicorn monster hit his real body head-on?

The physical body of the True Illusion Realm is not in the Douxiao Realm. It can be restored by the power of the source alone. Without the ink light, he can only reach the perfection of the Douxiao Realm at most. Recovery is time-consuming and laborious, so naturally he is reluctant to damage it.

"Come again!"

Gu Xiuyun shouted, "You evil beast, is this all you can do?"

"hold head high……"

The unicorn beast became angrier and angrier. It could not understand human language, but Gu Xiuyun's soul wave was full of disdain and ridicule. The meaning behind it could still be clearly felt by the unicorn beast.

call! !

The giant beast rushed over, and its huge body crashed down. Its power combined with the power of heaven and earth completely bound the void within a radius of thousands of miles.

The second magical power of the unicorn behemoth is to suppress the air.

Under the pressure of space, no living being could dodge. Even though Gu Xiuyun was extremely powerful, his speed was suppressed to the extreme.

The power of this magical power is a hundred times more powerful than his martial arts magical power. There is a nine-level difference between the ninth level of true meaning and the early stage of true meaning, which cannot be compensated by immortal means.

It should be noted that every time a martial arts expert crosses a small realm, his strength can more than double. If it is a special dangerous level such as the third level, sixth level, or ninth level, the strength will increase even more.

The warriors in the early stage of True Intention Realm, with magical power and true energy, are almost the same as those in the early stage of Eighth Stage, but in the Sixth Stage of True Intention, they are comparable to those of the Nineth Stage Patriarch.

It can be seen from this that every time you cross a small level, your strength increases horribly.


The giant beast approached, and its body of a hundred thousand feet fell apart, and all flesh, flesh, and particles were destroyed.

Before the giant unicorn had time to be happy, two more figures appeared in the distance, three Gu Xiuyun, standing in the remaining three directions, looking at it coldly.


The Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand had already gathered unconsciously, and cooperated with Yuanxian Taoism to tear open the giant beast's body.

"hold head high!"

The roar of the beast echoed across the sky.

The fight between one man and one beast is far from over.

A corner of Shenzhu Mountain.

Gu Yue revealed her figure and looked into the distance. The unicorn monster three thousand kilometers high was so huge that she could clearly see it even from thousands of miles away.

Thousands of miles around the giant beast, three cyan figures stand in the air. One of them holds the Heavenly Disk, and the other two palms are flying, all condensing the Five Elements Heaven-turning Hand.

No matter which one the unicorn giant beast collides with, it cannot find Gu Xiuyun's true identity, but it doesn't know that Gu Xiuyun is good at celestial calculations, and the law of destiny has reached a mysterious level. How can it hide the unicorn giant beast's every move? Gu Xiuyun's deduction?

"The battle at the peak of the fifth realm was too destructive. In just a short moment, nearly 10% of the realm of living beings collapsed. There were also a few more cracks in the realm of gods, and even the realm of monsters and monsters was affected."

Gu Yue looked into the distance, amazed in her heart.

Fortunately, Gu Xiuyun and the one-horned beast were fighting in the air, and the aftermath of the battle spread through the void fragments to the depths of the earth and the other two worlds.

Even so, it still caused considerable damage to the Spiritual Realm and Demonic Realm.

Especially the Divine Realm. The State Realm itself was destroyed twice by the treasures of the Patriarch Tianji. The world barrier was already very unstable. Facing the void impact at the peak of the fifth realm, floating islands fell down one after another.

The gods living on the island fled in all directions, including many god masters.

At the top of the sky, Gu Xiuyun's second clone waved his true energy one after another, sending the gods thousands of miles away through the rules of space.

His fight with the unicorn beast will have a great impact on the three realms, and will even completely destroy the spiritual realm. Gu Xiuyun had already expected this.

Although the two treasures of Patriarch Tianji are powerful, they can only show off their power for a short time, and his fight with the one-horned beast will not end in a day or two.

Because it is necessary to gather enough scales to hold the blood lake, or even two or three drops of blood, in order to withstand the rules of the endless void.

This battle is bound to last for a long time.

The destructive force of the impact after impact has long been several times greater than the treasure of Master Tianji. The island continues to collapse, and the earth collapses one after another, which is more than ten thousand feet deeper than the previous earth veins.

Peng! !

There was a loud bang.

Finally, a sacred pillar mountain collapsed.

Since the birth of the Three Realms, the pillars of heaven and earth have never been destroyed except for the formation treasures of the founder of Tianji. But now, the second sacred pillar mountain has disappeared, and this is just the beginning.

The collapse of Shenzhu Mountain had extremely serious consequences.

The Divine Realm was trembling endlessly. The Dark Light Great Divine Lord, the Lanshu Great Divine Lord, and the Futu Great Divine Lord walked out of the palace one after another. With shock and fear on their faces, they looked towards the Living Beings Domain from the collapsed sacred pillar mountain passage.

"Taoist Xi Ming...are you fighting with that giant beast?"

"This man's strength has actually reached such an extent. That giant beast that day was so powerful that it was so overwhelming that we could hardly move. How did he cultivate?"

"Impossible, this is impossible," the Great Master of Lanshu shook his head, "The outsiders once said that after entering the True Intention Realm, the training years are measured in tens of thousands of years. Many True Intention Realms will not be able to enter a higher realm in their lifetime."

"It's only been two thousand years since the last fight. Is he really the life-loving person the creatures outside the world say he is?"

"At least that's what he said!"

The seven great gods looked at the realm of living beings in the sky, their faces turned pale, and they couldn't even care about the realm of gods!

Whether it is the unicorn monster or Gu Xiuyun's red flame light, they can easily wipe out the twelve great gods. Even if they are at their peak and use their magical powers together, they cannot block any blow.

The Great God Lord's magical power is the ultimate, only at the peak of the fourth realm.

The killing methods of Gu Xiuyun and the one-horned giant beast have reached the peak of the fifth level, which is a whole level different.


Another island collapsed and fell downwards.

The frightened gods hid around the great god, their eyes full of fear.

The Great God of Dark Light turned his head and looked at the collapsed island, his face trembling slightly. That was his temple. Not only were there formations guarding the island, there were also a large number of gods forming the Ten Thousand Gods and Demonic Array, which was extremely tough.

However, during the fight between the one-horned beast and Gu Xiuyun, the void fluctuations penetrated the world barrier and impacted the island again and again, finally completely destroying the temple.

Compared to the Divine Realm, the scene in the Demonic Realm is obviously much better.

The demon realm is below the living beings realm. Except for the impact coming through the Shenzhu Mountain, most of the power is borne by the earth. It just so happens that the living beings realm is the strongest and most stable of the three realms.

After bombardment after bombardment, the ground continued to collapse and become more solid.

Deep in the demonic realm.

The priests of the divine religion and the strong men of the martial sect hid thousands of miles away from Shenzhu Mountain, watching from afar through the void.

Leaders of top countries such as Tiansong Kingdom and Quliu Kingdom ride on large battleships and observe the distance through scientific and technological instruments.

"Master Shangshu, not long ago, news came from the Jiheng Kingdom that a sacred pillar mountain collapsed, the mountain pillar completely collapsed, and a giant crack hundreds of miles long and wide appeared where the Immortal Magic Realm and the Living Being Realm are connected."

"Shenzhu Mountain collapsed??"

Chen Shangshu took a breath and couldn't believe the words of the sergeant beside him.

They knew very well that Shenzhu Mountain was so hard that even nuclear shock waves could not damage it at all. All major war bases used the stone powder fallen from Shenzhu Mountain as protective barriers, and their defenses were extremely strong.

Such a terrifying mountain was actually destroyed?

How intense is the battle in the Realm of Living Beings? ?


The earth trembled, cracks appeared in many mountains, and the spatial impact from the realm of living beings made the demon realm too much to bear.

"Are all the defensive formations activated?"

In the divine palace, Mrs. Yu looked at the priests and asked in a deep voice.

As the mother of the high priest, she holds a very special position.

Gu Yue was too lazy to take care of things, and Yan Suqing had been practicing martial arts and studying formations all year round. The tyrannosaurus monster went to the west to establish the kingdom of the true god.

The affairs of the Divine Sect in the world of Tianjipan are now in the hands of Mrs. Yu!

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