Fortune Teller

Chapter 848 Absolute fairness

"Who are you?"

High Priest Shen Fan frowned slightly. The figure in the distance had almost no aura. He had never seen it before.

In the form of Bai Kongze, only the four demon kings and a few older generation priests knew him. None of the descendants of the divine sect knew him. They only knew Gu Xiuyun's human true form.

"Friend Bingxi, long time no see." The illusory figure said.

"Fifteen hundred years have passed, and the high priest's demeanor remains the same." The Ice Rhino Demon King stood up, "Everyone in the world has said that you have been dead for a long time. In my opinion, your aura is much more stable than before. I think it has been cracked. Law."

"Misfortune and fortune depend on each other. Some things are not necessarily disasters." Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly.


The voice of the Divine Crow Demon Emperor came from the edge of the forum, "Is there a way to break the karma of cause and effect?"

"The high priest can force even the venerable gods to retreat, not to mention a little cause and effect. I have known for a long time that he will definitely be able to come out!" The King Ray laughed and walked into the space of the forum.

On the high platform, High Priest Shen Fan's expression changed.

The voices of the four demon emperors had already convinced him that the figure in front of him was the legendary high priest who had long since disappeared. He single-handedly fought against the powerful men in the world, killing two ancestors in a row, and forced the Venerable Li Kong to use his own strength. At the expense of millions of mortals, the design is to entrap...

This person is also the current pillar of the entire Eight-Eyed Sect. Without him, the Sect would have been destroyed long ago!

"You are a late learner and have met the high priest!"

Chen Fan gathered his thoughts, flew down from the high platform, and bowed to the illusory figure.

"Meet the high priest!"

Tens of thousands of divine priests all knelt down, kowtowed and saluted.

Looking at the Eight-Eyed Religion, only the person in front of me deserves the title of High Priest. He can single-handedly support the entire Religion. In terms of merit and prestige, no one can beat him. Even the Golden Insect has to recognize Gu Xiuyun. status.

Outside the forum, two more figures arrived.

They are Yan Sushi and Gu Yue. They have been practicing in the Origin Star. If Jin Chong hadn't reminded them, they wouldn't have known that Gu Xiuyun was back.

"You guy, you didn't even say a word when you came back. Have you found a countermeasure?" Yan Sushi was talking, and suddenly looked around, frowning slightly, "What's going on? What are you doing gathering at the forum?"

Hearing Yan Sushi's scolding, tens of thousands of priests from the cult lowered their heads and did not dare to answer.

Sweat dripped from Jin Heng's forehead, and his back was soaked with cold sweat before he knew it. Only High Priest Shen Fan looked calm and said: "Uncle Yan, this disciple is presiding over the Star Lord selection together with the Ice Rhino Demon Emperor. This is a trivial matter. Since the high priest has returned, the disciple proposed to postpone the selection and prepare for the celebration first. "

"Star Lord Selection?"

Gu Yue glanced at the center of the forum. Lan Chonghe and Jin Heng were standing on both sides. The other priests of the cult were watching around. It can be seen that this was a competition between Lan Chonghe and Jin Heng.

"The selection of Lord Xing is related to the selection of the future high priest. It is not a trivial matter. Let's continue!!" Gu Xiuyun said quietly, "Since High Priest Shen Fan thinks it is fair, then it is fair."

"Disciple dare not," High Priest Chen Fan quickly bowed and saluted, "This disciple has just ascended the throne of God and wants to make some contribution to the religion. However, my cultivation years are still short, and many things are not handled properly. Please The high priest chastises.”

"what happened?"

Yan Sushi secretly sent a message to ask about the Ice Rhino Demon King.

Gu Yue's fingertips moved slightly, and there was an inexplicable meaning at the corner of her mouth.

As for the other three demon emperors, they stood on the edge of the forum one by one, with a look on their faces as if it had nothing to do with them.

This star-lord competition is related to the selection of the future High Priest of True Illusion, and even affects the selection of the holder of the throne. However, this is always an internal matter of the human race and has nothing to do with the four demon kings.

"The priest doesn't know something..." the Ice Rhino Demon King quietly transmitted his message.

After a moment, Yan Su Shifeng's eyes widened and she shouted angrily, "Chen Fan, the rules of the divine religion have always been that the strong will occupy the position. The selection of Star Lord only requires a head-on fight. Who asked you to add Taoist techniques and formations without authorization? Competing?”

"Disciples are for the future development of the divine religion," High Priest Shen Fan said bravely, "For practitioners, formations and Taoism are extremely important. If you can't even do this, what qualifications do you have to become a star within the religion? Jun?"

"You are right, then the years of practice are not important?"

Yan Sushi snorted coldly, "It has only been a thousand years since Lan Chonghe left the world of Tianjipan, and Jin Heng has been practicing for 3,700 years. How can we make up for the gap?"

"Disciples believe that the path of cultivation comes first, first served. Jin Heng has practiced for 3,700 years, while Lan Chonghe has only practiced for 1,000 years. The years he has spent cannot be erased. Since Lan Chonghe can reach the level of Xuanxuan cultivation. Miao Qiang, why can't you compete with the opponent in Taoism and formation? "

High Priest Shen Fan said loudly, "For example, Taoist fellows Bingxi and Shenwu have been practicing for tens of thousands of years, so they are respected as gods. This is unchangeable."

"Strong words make sense," Yan Sushi sneered, "I'm talking about strength. You want to pull up Taoist methods and formations to walk in the realm of the heavens. Who can compete with you in Taoist methods and formations? When you encounter a treasure, you will have been there for a long time. The sword cuts through, and in a fight, one's own strength is the foundation."

"Disciple is wrong!"

High Priest Shen Fan bowed and said, "For this Star Lord selection, we only need to fight head-on, forget about the competition between Taoism and formations!"

"No need."

Gu Xiuyun glanced at Shen Fan.

The other party's thoughts can be hidden from Yan Sushi, but not from him.

No matter how the situation develops, it is an indisputable fact that Jin Heng defeated Lan Chonghe in Taoism and formation. If the two battles are forcibly wiped out and the outcome is determined by a head-on fight, no matter the result, it will be a disastrous outcome for Lan Chonghe. Adverse.

Lan Chonghe won, and the priests of the cult would say that he was defeated by force. It was only because of the support of Gu Xiuyun behind him that Jin Heng bowed his head.

If Lan Chonghe loses, it will be even more troublesome. He can't even compete with his opponent in a head-on fight. What qualifications do he have to compete for Star Lord? The weak are weak, and it doesn't matter how big their background is.

High Priest Shen Fan seems to be bowing his head, but in fact he is hiding a trap and is very scheming.

If there was no initial fight and a direct fight, the world would not be able to say anything. Lan Chonghe could defeat Jin Heng after only practicing for a thousand years, so he should become the star king of the divine religion.

But things are different now.

High Priest Chen Fan used the Ice Rhino Demon Emperor and the Divine Crow Demon Emperor as a shield. He had practiced cultivation for thousands of years without making any mistakes. The path of cultivation does have a first-come, first-serve approach.

Lan Chonghe's method and formation are inferior to each other, but he wants to occupy the position of Star Lord first, which will inevitably attract rumors.

"The position of Star Lord is not only a bridge to the true artistic conception, but also affects the future of the divine religion." Gu Xiuyun looked at High Priest Shen Fan, "You are right about one thing, Taoism and formation are indeed very important. Therefore, the practitioner’s talent and understanding are the key to truly selecting the Star Lord.”

"High Priest, how do you compete with your talent and understanding?" High Priest Shen Fan asked doubtfully.

The priests of the cult present looked puzzled.

Fighting head-on can determine the fighting strength of two people. Lan Chonghe's training years are not as good as others. If he can win, he will definitely be qualified to become Star Lord. But everyone knows that his strength relies on another method, not the immortal method. .

Therefore, many religious priests do not approve of it.


Gu Xiuyun looked at Gu Yue, "Girl, can you borrow the divine power of the True Lord?"

Gu Yue nodded slightly, and a divine power filled Bai Kongze's body. At this moment, Bai Kongze was no longer just a ray of light. With the true divine power, he could perform many Taoist techniques.

"With the same years of training, we will compete with each other on their understanding of Taoism and formations, and then compete with each other on their own strength. The winner of two out of three games will be able to become Star Lord."

Everyone was confused, the same years of practice? ?

Jin Heng has been practicing for 3,700 years, and Lan Chonghe has only been practicing for 1,000 years. How can the gap of 2,700 years be changed?

Gu Xiuyun waved with one hand.

call! !

Invisible waves shook Jin Heng's body. In an instant, he seemed to have lost 1,700 years. Except for his normal memory, his Taoist understanding, including his cultivation, all returned to 1,700 years ago.

"Lan Chonghe has practiced in the world of Tianjipan for a thousand years, entered the realm of the heavens, and practiced for another thousand years," Gu Xiuyun said softly, "Isn't it fair that I will erase your seventeen hundred years?"

"Three contests, re-competition, Lan Chonghe, you are not allowed to use martial arts energy. Since it must be fair, then it must be absolutely fair."

After the words fell, the entire Taoist Forum fell silent.

The four demon kings, Yan Sushi, Gu Yue, high priest Shen Fan, and tens of thousands of divine priests were all shocked!

Can time be erased?

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