Fortune Teller

Chapter 714 Dilemma

"Now I understand what Master Tianji is planning," Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, his eyes flashing coldly, "The world of Tianjipan is extremely complete, only the sun, moon and stars are missing. Without stars, there is no spiritual power. This The world is a dead thing after all.”


"The stars are the destiny beads."

Gu Xiuyun held up the jade plate in his hand and injected spiritual power into it. Twenty-four stars emitted bright light, and the strong star power filled a hundred feet in radius and enveloped the two of them.

In an instant, the omnipresent oppression of rules disappeared. Gu Yue's body lightened up, and the starlight turned into spiritual energy and poured into her body, making up for the loss she had just suffered.

"Twenty-four Life Star Beads are not enough to support the entire world of Tianjipan," Gu Xiuyun said solemnly, "Fortunately, I have refined this thing. If Master Tiangu gets his hands on it, not only will we be trapped in this world, but our lives will The astrolabe will also be swallowed up by the world and turned into endless stars."

Gu Yue's eyes flashed with joy.

The Patriarch Tianji really didn't have any good intentions. If it weren't for the constraints of the rules of heaven and earth, which prevented him from going too far, I'm afraid Gu Xiuyun would have been killed by Master Tiangu, and his life chart would have been swallowed up!

Just as he was talking, there was a violent collision in the distance.

The two of them swayed and were about to step forward to investigate. However, except for the faint aura, their bodies still stayed in place, and they could not use the escape technique at all.

“Looks like we have no choice but to move forward on foot!”

Gu Xiuyun smiled helplessly.

The rules of this world are too weird, completely different from the immortal methods in the realm of the heavens. Even if he senses the origin of the world through the heavenly disk, he still cannot understand it.

The two of them walked to the top of the mountain and looked up.

In the distance, there is a huge monster like a mountain, fighting with a giant holding a spear. The monster's body is black, its aura is particularly fierce, and the crocodile's eyes are fierce.

"The Black Crocodile Demon Emperor? It has also entered the world of Tianji Pan? Judging from its methods, this demon seems to have retained most of its strength."

Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue looked at each other.

Under the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth, Taoist secrets cannot be used, and the micro formations in the flesh and blood are slowly disintegrating. Although the two maintain their strength at the peak of Douxiao Realm, once they start fighting, the micro formations disintegrate rapidly. In half an hour at most, he will retreat to the early stage of Douxiao Realm.

On the other hand, the Black Crocodile Demon King is still powerful in his true artistic conception, and his aura has not been weakened at all.

"It seems that the rules of heaven and earth suppress us more severely than the demon clan," Gu Xiuyun's face looked a little ugly, "The demon clan's physical body follows the path of blood and has nothing to do with the outside world, but our physical body relies on the body refining method. In the final analysis, it is still impossible to escape the influence of Tao Yun’s secret technique.”

The Baixiangshen is also a top-notch secret technique, and one needs to practice eighty-one Taoist secret techniques in order to step into the first level.

After the cultivation, the Tao Yun restriction imprinted deep in the flesh and blood has not dissipated, because the miniature formations in human cultivators are not perfect and must rely on the Tao Yun restriction to maintain stability.

After the big change in the rules of heaven and earth, all Dao Yun restrictions collapsed, and the micro formations also began to disintegrate. The strength of the human cultivators was naturally greatly reduced. In contrast, the monster body was mainly based on blood, awakening again and again, until it stepped into True artistic conception.

No matter how the rules of heaven and earth change, their physical bodies will not weaken.

In the distance, two mountain-like figures collided violently. The giant had a single eye, and purple light appeared from time to time in its eyes. Every time it struck the Black Crocodile Demon King, it left a string of dazzling sparks.

The giant is somewhat similar to the human race, but there is a thick tail on its back. With a roar, the one-eyed giant and the Black Crocodile Demon King struggled with each other, their tails entangled with each other, and they seemed to want to strangle their opponents to death.

"What a terrifying giant. His strength is no less than that of the True Inner Realm." Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, "Girl, this world is very unsafe. Let's find a secret place to hide for a few days. After our cultivation is stable, Go find the Divine Crow Demon King again.”

Black-skinned crocodiles appear in this world, and the Divine Crow Demon King and the white-haired old ape are certainly no exception.

Under the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth, the strong men of the demon race retain far more strength than the human race.


Gu Yue nodded slightly.

The two quickly walked down the mountain top.

Just as they reached the foot of the mountain, suddenly, the Feizhou Lingbao on Gu Xiuyun's waist began to tremble.


There was a loud noise and the flying boat collapsed.

Hundreds of figures staggered out: Jade Fairy, Red Kite Demon King, Qi He Zhenren, Hu Guan Demon King...

The hundreds of famous Shangmiao from the Zhutian Sect are all a little unstable at this moment, especially the Human Race Shangmiao, all of them have yellowish complexions and their spiritual power is constantly escaping.

Seeing this, Gu Xiuyun quickly put away the secret disk and hid it in his sleeve.

"Where is this place? Why can't I feel any power from heaven and earth, and can't I use Taoist secrets?" Taoist Lei Chi looked around, feeling a little uneasy.

As soon as he finished speaking, several explosions were heard in succession.

All the stored spirit treasures on the practitioner's body were shattered, and even the killing and defense spirit treasures began to dim, as if the internal restrictions were disappearing.

The completely different rules of heaven and earth have caused all spiritual treasures to lose their power, let alone talismans.

"what happened?"

"All the rules and talismans on my body have broken apart!"

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, what happened?"

Everyone looked at Gu Xiuyun in unison.

"The poor Taoist can't explain it," Gu Xiuyun said with a heavy face, "Not long ago, I was working together with the white-haired Taoist friend to deal with the bat leader. Suddenly, the sky and the earth darkened. When we woke up again, we had already appeared here. It’s a boundary.”

"Pindao observed for a moment and found that the rules of heaven and earth here are completely different from those in the realm of heavens, so that even Taoist magic cannot be used, and Lingbao Taoist talismans also collapsed one after another."

"What? Completely different rules of heaven and earth?" Everyone was shocked and immediately tried to activate Taoist secrets to sense the power of heaven and earth.

The sky and the earth are dark, and the atmosphere is obscure and inexplicable, completely different from the rules and mysteries.

Hundreds of powerful Shangmiao people have condensed their true souls, and their senses of heaven and earth are extremely clear. However, they cannot understand the changes in this world at all, let alone use them to deduce the secrets of martial arts.

"What on earth is this place? How come we are here?" Everyone looked confused.

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and said nothing.

Practitioners from all sects will understand the special nature of the world of Tianjipan sooner or later, and there is no need for him to explain it. Besides, everyone has just entered this world, so he can't say too much.

"This matter must be related to Tianji's legacy. If we find Master Tiangu, we can solve the mystery." Fairy Yu carefully observed the changes in her body and breathed a sigh of relief after a moment.

As a demon, she has retained most of her strength, and the rules of heaven and earth cannot affect her bloodline.

But at the same time, she also discovered that there were no sun, moon, or stars in this world. A cold aurora flashed at the end of the sky, preventing the entire world from being shrouded in darkness. Without the sun, moon, and stars, there would be no spiritual power.

This is a big problem.

At the foot of the mountain, hundreds of practitioners looked at each other with pale and uncertain expressions, and a hint of panic in their eyes.

The world of Tianjipan not only has very different rules, but is also isolated from all perceptions in the realm of heaven. Nearly twenty practitioners from various sects have true soul clones, but none of them can communicate with their clones.

Suddenly, a violent roar came from a distance, mixed with angry roars.

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