Fortune Teller

Chapter 708 Exposed

Lidu's eyes were changing, and as he turned his hands, a series of palm prints burst out. The next moment, he fled towards the crack in the space of the divine formation.

Faced with the wind and thunder sword energy and the rules of void escape, Lidu had no chance to fight back and could only be beaten passively. Even though he had practiced for more than 30,000 years and had profound Taoist skills, he could not resist the Yin and Yang wind and thunder sword energy.

"You actually escaped so decisively?"

Gu Xiuyun was secretly surprised, and quickly grabbed Gu Yue's left hand and chased after Li Du.

Suddenly, he frowned slightly.

The back of Gu Yue's hand seemed particularly soft. He had grabbed the other person's hand countless times in the past, but he had never felt like this before.

"Is it because the Life Star Pearl has separated from the soul body? If so, will the five senses that have disappeared also be restored?"

Gu Xiuyun didn't have time to think, and chased straight towards the majestic figure. With the rules of void escape, his speed was much faster than that of ordinary eighth-grade people. Almost every time he took a step, he could cover a distance of tens of miles.

In contrast, although Great Master Lidu had mastered the six earth element rules and had some understanding of the other five element rules, he was still much slower than Gu Xiuyun, and could only let Gu Yue wield his sword energy from behind to bombard him.

when! when! when!

The sword light was sharp and bright, crossing the void again and again, landing on the back of the majestic figure. Occasionally, it tore open the dark shield and penetrated deep into his flesh, causing Lidu to frown in pain.

"Cherish life, gray hair, I can't do anything to you, but you can't kill me, so why bother forcing each other," Lidu said loudly, "How about we go separate ways and let go of our hatred for the time being?"

"Your Excellency, your face has changed very quickly," Gu Xiuyun sneered, "Just because you can't help me, doesn't mean we can't kill you!"

Great Master Lidu's heart sank, and he was about to reply when he saw two figures appearing in the distance. They looked very familiar. Who else could they be besides Gu Xiuyun and Gu Xiuyun.

Among them, Gu Yue was holding a long sword with a simple blade. It was the Lei Shang Sword that had been lost for a long time from Kongmen.

In addition, the aura around Gu Yue's body was extremely strong, not like a practitioner in the Douxiao Realm at all. A trace of energy fluctuation filled the void, and even though he was thousands of miles away, the Lidu Power could still clearly sense it.

"Eighth level cultivation, kill the treasure!"

There was an inexplicable chill behind Mighty Lidu, as if ice beads were crawling up his spine, "Is it possible that I am going to die here today!"

He is different from Li Kong. It is his true body that resides in Wuxiang Tian. Once he dies, the other clone will also die.

Changli is located in the northern part of the void land where the four sects are stationed.

The palace rumbled, and Lidu Power rushed out from the palace, "Your Majesty, Taoist Xi Ming wants to kill me!"

"What's going on??" The endless pressure suddenly fell.

Three Taoists walked out of several other palaces, all of whom had reached the eighth level. In a flash, they came to the side of Li Du.

"Lidu, what happened?"

"Taoist Xi Ming wants to kill you? With his strength, how can he kill you?"

Everyone kept asking, with doubts on their faces.

Li Du took a deep breath and said, "Reporting to your venerable master, the white-haired Taoist and the Taoist Xi Ming have hidden their strength. The Taoist Xi Ming has understood the rules of void escape, and the white-haired Taoist is even more powerful. He actually integrated the rules of wind and thunder and the Thunder Sword. It's in her hands."

"What?" The three eighth-grade experts looked shocked.

The invisible pressure of the void suddenly sank.

"You just said that the Thunder Sword is in the hands of those two juniors?" Venerable Li Kong's voice trembled slightly.

"Yes!" Li Du said with a bow.

"Okay, very good," thunderous laughter erupted from the depths of the pressure, "The Thunder Sword has been hidden in the Wuxiang Heaven. Even I can't use the cause and effect investigation. Except for the Eight-Eyed God Sect General Altar, no one can There will be a second location.”

"What your venerable person means is... those two people are related to the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect?" Great Master Lidu took a deep breath, he hadn't thought of this yet.

"Hmph, this person has always been against the four sects of Changli and tried his best to help the human family. I have long felt that something is wrong," Li Jiang Da Neng snorted angrily, "I am afraid that the two of them were the ones who attacked and killed my clone earlier. people."

"Sir, since Junior Xi Ming is related to the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect, will the inheritance of the Divine Sect have fallen into the hands of Venerable Gengyang?" asked a powerful man.

"No, the inheritance of the divine religion has always been in the Wuxiang Heaven." The invisible and coercive voice was decisive, without the slightest doubt.

This Venerable Li Kong seems to have some means to explore the location of the core inheritance of the divine religion.

Suddenly, Li Du's eyes dimmed, his aura suddenly weakened, and within a moment, his soul disappeared.

"Lidu is dead."

The three eighth-grade experts let out a long sigh.

"He has made great achievements and will be reincarnated in the future. I will personally welcome him back to the sect and grant him the title of named disciple to protect his glory for the tenth life."

The endless pressure disappeared.

Within the divine array space.

Gu Yue looked at the flesh and blood remains in front of her with a slightly cold gaze. Li Du came out of the Li Kong Sect, and the Lei Shang Sword in her hand refused to help, so the weapon spirit fell silent on its own. With only the sword itself, even if Gu Yue activated the Yuan Even with no strength, it would be difficult to kill Lidu with one sword.

Let him live a moment longer.

"Brother Cherish Your Life, we have tried our best to deal with this person. I am afraid that Lord Li Kong will use this to deduce many things."

"It doesn't matter," Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "Even if it is not exposed now, when the Tianji legacy is removed from the divine formation, the venerables will discover my identity through cause and effect. This day will come sooner or later, so there is no harm in it being earlier or later."

After entering the Douxiao Realm, you have the magical ability to sense cause and effect.

Those who are strong in the Douxiao realm can observe the cause and effect of mortals and listen to people's hearts, but if they encounter practitioners, they will be helpless.

The power of the True Intention Realm is much more powerful, and disciples of the Pulse Cleansing Realm and the Pulse Opening Realm cannot avoid the induction of cause and effect.

The Venerable is even more terrifying. Whether it is the Dou Xiao Realm or the True Inspiration Realm, he is like an ant in front of the Venerable. The cause and effect behind him is clear. As long as the Venerable takes action to investigate, no one can avoid his perception.

In the past, the venerables could not recognize Gu Xiuyun's identity as Dharma King. First, it was because Venerable Gengyang set up Taoist restrictions, sealed the sea of ​​consciousness, and covered up the golden lines and horoscope.

Second, Gu Xiuyun's own causal line is too shallow. Compared with other human cultivators, there is almost no difference.

Almost all of the human race in Wuxiangtian are descendants of the Divine Cult, and all of them are involved with the Eight-Eyed Divine Cult. Some of them have had the opportunity of the Divine Cult, and their causal lines are stronger, so they will not arouse the suspicion of the venerables.

With Gu Xiuyun's strength, walking in the Wuxiang Heaven, it was normal for him to get some opportunities.

But it's different now.

He has become the priest of Yaoritai and the holder of the throne. He controls the entire Eight-Eyed Sect. The causal lines with the sect are extremely complicated, like a bright light in the dark night.

As long as Tianji Legacy removes the divine formation, the venerables will immediately notice the difference in Gu Xiuyun.

At that time, he could only hide in the main altar of the divine religion and immerse himself in hard training until he entered the realm of the Venerable before he could return to the world.

"Girl, you are just a protector of the Dharma King, not a disciple of the divine sect. The cause and effect is very small, and there is the Pavilion Master of the Dao Pavilion behind you. Lord Li Kong does not dare to do anything to you," Gu Xiuyun said. If you remove the divine formation, the human race of Wuxiangtian will be left to you!"


Gu Yue nodded, her expression full of solemnity.

After Lidu's death, the two of them continued to search for the bat beasts. It took them more than half a month to explore the entire space of the divine formation, and found a total of twenty-four pill beads.

"The entire divine array space is divided into thirty-six locations, but only twenty-four bat leaders survive. The rest have died, and the pill beads in their bodies have disappeared." Gu Xiuyun frowned.

He had tried to use the Nine Elements Calculation to explore the last twelve pill beads, but there were no clues and the secrets were in a fog.

"Brother Cherish Your Life, there are only white-haired apes, black crocodile demon emperors and Master Tiangu staying in the space of the divine formation. Will they be in their hands?" Gu Yue guessed.


Gu Xiuyun shook his head, "Master Tiangu's Taoist realm is not much higher than mine, and she cannot stop the calculations of the infinite appearance of all living beings. If it is in her hands, the secret of heaven will definitely appear. As for the white-haired ape and the black-skinned crocodile, I have already Please ask the Shenwu Demon King for further information. Those two men indeed killed many aliens, but they ignored the remains of the bat beasts."

The two demon emperors were powerful and their wealth was ten times and a hundred times richer than that of an ordinary eighth-grade creature. Naturally, they would not take seriously a mere eighth-grade early-stage bat beast.

There are almost endless alien creatures outside the realm of heaven, and they are worthless at all.

"In the thirty-six areas, we only killed twenty-four bat leaders, and the remaining twelve died in the hands of the white-haired old ape, the black crocodile demon king and the senior Shenwu," Gu Xiuyun said thoughtfully, "Those aliens who have fallen long ago have all the elixirs in their bodies disappeared!!"

"Brother Xi Ming thinks...this matter is related to the divine array itself, or even to the Supreme Treasure?"

Gu Yue was very thoughtful and could guess what Gu Xiuyun meant with just a few words.


Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly, "The twenty-four pill beads have now all been integrated into the true sea of ​​consciousness. Those life star beads that swallow the power of the pill beads are completely different from other life star beads. Although they are still in a damaged state, they can be condensed into entities. , fly out of the sea of ​​consciousness.”

"I can feel that the twenty-four Fate Star Beads are eager to go somewhere. However, the place they go to is covered by fog, and they can't find their direction at all. Where do you think they are?"

"Where is the Supreme Treasure of Your Majesty!" Gu Yue's eyes lit up.

"That's right," Gu Xiuyun continued, "The Patriarch of Tianji has planned for hundreds of thousands of years to refine a Tianji treasure similar to the destiny star chart, and those bat beasts were also trapped in the Wuxiang Heaven hundreds of thousands of years ago. , there must be some kind of connection between the two. Perhaps this is a test left by Master Tianji to future generations, but it was destroyed by us by mistake!"

Gu Yue blinked her eyes. She didn't expect that Brother Xi Ming could deduce so much with just a few clues. Little did she know that after Gu Xiuyun obtained the Danzhu, he observed the black runes in the depths of the Sea of ​​Consciousness again and again.

Finally, he saw a picture.

The twenty-four Life Star Beads are embedded in the giant disk. They only occupy a very small part, but they are like a door, opening up a vast world.

Behind the gate is the true plan of Master Tianji.

Gu Xiuyun didn't understand what the other party wanted to do, but he knew that this was an opportunity for him to get rid of the control of his life chart.

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