Fortune Teller

Chapter 633: Black Bone Demon King

"The sect behind Old Ghost Huang is one of His Highness Tianxing's sect. In terms of status, it is much lower than the core disciples, but after all, it is the true artistic conception. If brother Taoist takes action, it is best not to leave any evidence." Chu Weijun sent a message. caution.

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

As the saying goes, pulling up carrots and unearthing them, once evidence is left, Huang Jie's fellow disciples will definitely raise an army to hold him accountable. At that time, the fight will be on the table, and even if the senior officials of Tianxing Palace want to sit back and watch, they will have to take action out of shame.

"Since Brother Chu is here, you might as well come with me to Wuxiangtian for a walk. The Douxiao Realm of all the sects in the sky is gathered together, which is much more lively than elsewhere!" Gu Xiuyun said.

"That's exactly what Chu means."

The void split open, and the two of them walked into the storm space and sped towards the Wuxiang Sky.

Twenty-four million miles, if you travel in normal space, it will take at least two months, but if you use the storm space, you can get there in six or seven days.


In the storm of debris, the light flashed away.

The yellow-faced old man and Taoist Yin Song hid in the dark, silently watching the two of them.

"This junior is really cautious. He would rather escape slowly than use the power of rules."

"How dare he be exposed?" Taoist Yin Song snorted, "Once the power of rules is used, it will be the power of true artistic conception. At that time, Venerable Gengyang will no longer have an excuse to intervene, and will lose his backer. In the early stage of true artistic conception, one is not at the mercy of others.”

The yellow-faced old man shook his head helplessly, turned and left...

Escape from the light.

Two figures walked side by side.

"Brother Ximing, I heard that you established several human kingdoms in Wuxiangtian, and for this reason you fought with the four sects of Changli?" Chu Weijun asked.

"Yes, the Pindao Master Sect has some connections with the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect, so the master ordered me to try my best to support the human family and get rid of the suppression of the four Changli sects," Gu Xiuyun explained, "Now there are six sects that have established branches in the human country. The sect passed down the sect, and when Brother Chu gets there, he might as well build a branch sect.”

"Establishing a branch sect?" Chu Weijun thought thoughtfully, "This is indeed a good idea, but with the behavior of the four Changli sects, once they discover Brother Taoist's intention, I am afraid they will do their best to stop it."

"The trend of the times cannot be controlled by them," Gu Xiuyun smiled, "Tianxing Palace and Dao Pavilion are the only two super powers in the realm of heaven. The white-haired fellow Taoist has reached an agreement with me, and all that is left is Brother Chu's move. As long as you two pass on the tradition, sects from all over the world will surely rise in droves!"

"Chun certainly doesn't want to get benefits for nothing," Chu Weijun said with a smile, "When we get to Wuxiangtian, we have to ask Taoist brother for help."

"Brother Chu, please speak."

"I want to capture a cave."

"Okay!" Gu Xiuyun's eyes were calm and he was not surprised.

The Tianxing Palace is huge in power, with intricate internal connections, and there is only one Cave Heaven under its command, which has long been divided up by various channels. Chu Weijun has just come to Wuxiang Heaven at this time, who would be willing to give up the opportunity of his enlightenment?

There is no choice but to build another cave.

The formless sky, the chessboard island.

Gu Xiuyun looked at the rocks below and exhaled a breath of turbid air, "After meditating for nearly a year, I have gained a lot of insights into the harmony of the five elements. My true body is about to return, so I can just leave a soul thought here."

"With the current level of soul power of the human race's real body, the soul-splitting Qiansi Nian should be able to support the Thousand Miles Domain alone!"

The soul level of the human true body is far above that of the second clone.

Since the fifteen life star beads were repaired, a vast and endless ocean of star power has formed in the sea of ​​consciousness. Every moment, the soul is advancing by leaps and bounds.

In just a few years, Gu Xiuyun condensed his true soul, and then stayed in the Siji Palace for another thirty years. Until today, the human race's true soul was on the verge of breaking through. In contrast, although the second clone has been practicing for a longer period of time, it can only rely on external star power and has made minimal progress.

"After condensing the true soul, the sea of ​​soul consciousness becomes more and more powerful. Every time it is breathed out, it consumes a huge number. The star power absorbed by the Tianxing Domain can only maintain its own operation and cannot grow the soul at all."

Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself, "The real body of the human race has the help of the horoscope and does not need external help. The second clone cannot. Without the help of the soul-like magical medicine, it will be impossible to condense the true soul golden elixir in this life."

Condensing the true soul is just a small step on the road of cultivation. There are more peaks to come.

The True Soul Golden Pill is the first peak.

Only by taking this step can we carry the perfect eighth-level rules.

"In nine years' time, there will be a century-old Void City auction. Presumably there will be a soul-like magic medicine appearing at that time."

"It's a pity that the second soul cannot be separated from the physical body for too long. Otherwise, it will take up to forty to fifty years to condense the golden elixir of the true soul by directly using the sea of ​​consciousness of the human race's true body to practice."

Many thoughts flashed through Gu Xiuyun's mind.

Six days passed in a blink of an eye, and in the Wuxiang Heaven, two figures quietly walked out of the storm space and came to the East China Sea.

"Brother Ximing, I will go to the far west first, ask a few Taoist friends for help, and borrow some eighth-grade spiritual treasures." Chu Weijun said, cupping his fists.

"Pindao is waiting for Brother Chu in the human kingdom!" Gu Xiuyun said.



Chu Weijun took out a flying car, rode on it, and floated away.

Gu Xiuyun glanced around, transformed into a monster, and fled towards the chessboard island.

The true form of the human race has returned to the Wuxiang Heaven. Apart from Taoist Huang Jie and Taoist Yin Song, others may not know yet. As long as they calculate correctly, they can kill all the peerless demon kings who attacked the human race country.

Over the past few years, countless people in the human nation had died in their hands, and Gu Xiuyun had long been filled with anger.

Somewhere in the East China Sea, above a second-class cave, the demon king transformed into the true form of the human race quietly appeared.


As the strong wind surged, the Five Elements Formation Forbidden Spirit Domain cooperated with Baizhang's body to directly tear open the dual attribute fusion divine formation and break into the depths of the cave.

"Who are you, Your Excellency, and why did you break into my cave?" the peerless demon king said angrily.

Those who responded to it were dozens of soul-killing sword seals.


The peerless demon king's sea of ​​consciousness was torn apart in an instant, and when his true soul was fighting with the sword seal, a giant hammer fell from the sky.

"Top Hammer Technique... Are you a real person who cherishes his life?" The Peerless Demon King's eyes widened with horror in his eyes, "No, you are obviously on the chessboard island, why are you here?"


The giant hammer fell, and the peerless demon king's physical body collapsed, with most of his blood and energy being wiped away.

At the same time, dozens of sky-cutting seals fell all over the sky, killing all the scattered blood and energy, leaving only half a foot of debris.

"Black Bone Demon King, don't think I don't know that you are one of the demon kings attacking the human kingdom."

Gu Xiuyun's eyes were cold, and he turned his hands one after another, forming dozens of seals and falling on the demon king's body.

In the past eight years, the four sects of Changli have sent demon kings to attack the murderous clan again and again. Due to their strength, the nine soul clones and the tyrannosaurus monsters could not stop the peerless demon king and could only let him go. However, the demon kings' strength varied greatly. Qi, there are always times when we make mistakes.

The Black Bone Demon King had a piece of skin torn off by the Tyrannosaurus Monster. Based on this, Gu Xiuyun made careful calculations and determined the identity of the Black Bone Demon King.

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