Fortune Teller

Chapter 495 The Last Hope


Rays of light fall down, mixed with regular Taoist symbols and poisonous and strange objects. Even a powerful person with true artistic conception will be seriously injured in an instant, let alone Gu Yue, a real person who has entered the Xuan Dynasty.

At the critical moment, the power of rules surged around Gu Yue. The master of the Taoist Pavilion had left a secret technique restriction in her body. At this moment, sensing the crisis of life and death, it exploded and dispersed all the light around her.

"Star Movement Talisman!"

The Jade Fairy looked at the escaping figure in the distance, clenching her silver teeth.

Ordinary regular Taoist talismans can never break the seal imposed by the disciples of various sects, unless it is a space talisman. The one in Chu Weijun's hand is a space-type regular Taoist talisman - the Dou Zhuan Star Shifting Talisman.

This talisman must have a cast target. Chu Weijun didn't know what method he used to plant the mark on Gu Yue, so that he could escape in front of everyone.

"Thank you all, if Chu can step into the realm of the venerable, he will be rewarded in the future!" Chu Weijun smiled and activated the golden talisman and disappeared.

"What should we do now? We don't have a single star in our hands. If we go back to the sect like this, we are probably going to die." A disciple of the sect said with a bitter look on his face.

This is already the seventh test, and the cultivation level of the dragon that appears is no less than that of the late Douxiao realm.

In the next test, you will definitely encounter the Demon King of the True Inner Realm.

It is already so difficult for more than twenty disciples of the sect to join forces to surround and kill the Demon Emperor. If they encounter him alone, they will almost certainly die.

But if they return empty-handed, the true artistic conception masters will never let them go.

The Jade Fairy's eyes rolled around a few times and landed on Gu Yue, "White-haired fellow Taoist, we are willing to help you and join hands to kill the dragons, but we also have a request. For every ten thousand dragons, we will exchange for one star. Mang, how about it?”

Thousands of miles away, the remains of the dragon faintly revealed life, but Gu Yue had not completely killed the monster.

The seventh test was already the last chance, and of course she couldn't miss it easily, so she waited for everyone to surround him and kill the Demon Emperor, and then slowly killed him.

"White-haired fellow Taoist..."

The disciples of the sect present all looked at Gu Yue, their eyes full of pleading. Now they no longer thought about the so-called chance. They were lucky to be able to save their lives!

The Demon King Qinsha's face turned pale and pale, fearing that Gu Yue would agree to everyone but reject him alone.

In the previous fight in the Abyss Thunder Pond, although Gu Yue was not injured at all and the one who was embarrassed was the Demon King Qin Sha, the matter was still a matter of fact and Gu Yue might not be willing to help him.

"Ten thousand dragons and one star," Gu Yue pondered for a moment, "According to the classics, nine thousand corpses of the Miao Demon King are rewarded with one star. After all, I have indeed made a profit, but the Demon King If you are in a group, your means are limited, and you will fall if you are not careful——"

"Fellow Taoist with white hair, we will each give you a regular Taoist talisman. In addition, we owe you a favor. If you need help in the future, fellow Taoist, just ask, and we will do our best to help." Everyone said in succession.

The test of the white-haired woman is their only hope. In order to survive, they no longer care about many things.

"Okay, I promise you," Gu Yue said with a smile on her lips, "But a blood contract oath must be made in this matter to prevent anyone from crossing the river and burning the bridge."

The disciples breathed a sigh of relief.

They understood that if Gu Yue left the dragon unkilled, she would definitely be massacred. Whether or not everyone could help, she would have to face the dragon's siege. But now her life was in the hands of the other party. Apart from reluctantly sending out the rule talismans, there was no way to do anything. Method.

As for the so-called favors, Gu Yue's strength is far above everyone else, so how can he get help from them?

Just a polite comment.

After a while, everyone made a blood contract oath, then took out a spiritual treasure array and started to activate it.


The number of dragons in the desert increased dramatically, quickly increasing from one or two to thousands, spreading all over the desolate land.

"Let's seize the time," Fairy Jade said, "Now something has happened in the Siji Palace. I don't know how long the seventh test will last. I have good luck for three or four years, but bad luck for a year and a half. I can't even get a star." Not coming out.”

"Don't worry, everyone, the seventh test can last for more than eight years." Gu Yue said.

In front of the Tianji deduction, she could clearly see the passing of years of loess and gravel. The seventh test would last up to nine years. The three previous figures had just left for half a year, so there was still plenty of time.

"Eight years!"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

With their methods, it is not a big problem to kill five thousand demon kings in one year. After eight years, they can gather four stars, and at least they can pay tribute to the power of true artistic conception!

Maybe the powerful men will be rewarded by then. After all, the changes in the Siji Palace are not their fault.


A formation chart fell down, completely sealing off a thousand-mile radius. The Jade Fairy smiled coquettishly and said, "Please stay here, my white-haired Taoist friend. We will guard the surroundings and work together to clean up the demon king. It's just the last blow that requires the Taoist friend to personally take action." , otherwise it will be in vain!”

"I understand." Gu Yue nodded slightly.

The dragons in the desert are all tested by Gu Yue alone. No matter how many others kill them, there is no reward. The dragon must be seriously injured and handed over to Gu Yue to kill it before it can be included in the test reward.

Everyone comes from top sects and knows this rule very well.


A disciple of the sect has already taken action.

When facing the Demon Emperor of the True Illusion Realm, they could only flee in panic. However, in front of the superior level dragon, the disciples of the sect were all brave and unstoppable. Their swords and cold knives slashed wantonly, and the secret techniques of immortality were swung wildly, smashing the dragon. The monster beasts howled repeatedly, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of monster kings were seriously injured.

The Demon King Qinsha is the most ferocious. This demon has a poisonous method that spreads for hundreds of miles. Wherever the poison reaches, even the demon king of the highest level will have his flesh and blood corrupted and will almost die.

In terms of power, it is far superior to the poisonous mist of the Ice Toad Demon King, and it can be called a top-notch secret technique.

Of course, this method has some flaws. The evil poison itself is just an ordinary magical power. It needs to be combined with another kind of elixir powder to reach the top esoteric level. Because of this, the evil poison magical power is unknown in the war monument space.

Only in this world can you exert your ultimate power.

"What a powerful method. No wonder the Demon King Qinsha dared to attack the white-haired Taoist friend in the abyss thunder pool." Fairy Jade looked into the distance, her wonderful eyes shining brightly.

Gu Yue's battle monument ranks very low, but she comes from Dao Pavilion. No one dares to underestimate her. Demon King Qinsha must be very confident if he dares to take the initiative to provoke.

Unfortunately, Gu Yue's strength is far more terrifying than everyone imagined.

The Yin-Yang Wind and Thunder Sword is a top-notch secret technique at the Miao level, and it is enough to amaze the world by practicing this secret technique with the body of Xuanxuan.

The top esoteric teachings become more and more difficult to practice as time passes. Even with the help of external objects, it will take a long time to understand.

Although the disciples of the major sects are geniuses, they are not worth the high price paid by the Venerable to train them. After all, every few hundred years, a new group of disciples will be born, and no matter how elite the genius is, they cannot catch the attention of the Venerable.

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