Fortune Teller

Chapter 1505 The Foundation of the Ancient Saint

The vast land is covered in purple. Looking around, every purple vine is like a horned dragon, twisting and twisting, revealing a murderous intent.

"Wisteria Plain, the burial place of the gods and demons of the Zhenjie. To practice here for thousands of years, you need six Xi Beads."

Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself.

Six Xi Beads are nothing to him now. There are also many practitioners who go here, most of them are Supreme Lords of the Universe, and occasionally the Lord of Nine Difficulties appears.

"The fusion of the nine true forms has exerted great pressure on the mind and will. The difficulty of the tenth form may be even higher. There are still less than seventy years before the Hundred Battle Platform is opened. I hope it's too late."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and sat cross-legged.


The breeze blew across the earth, and black hole particles began to circulate, swallowing up the mysterious power deep in the grassland.

The next moment, the impact of will swept through his mind, and the true patterns on the surface of the black hole particles turned into sharp steel blades, constantly cutting Gu Xiuyun's flesh and soul, making him feel like he had experienced a thousand cuts.

At the same time, the true forms of the nine ancient beasts exploded, working together to repel the tenth aura of gods and demons.

The gods and demons of Zhenjie are so arrogant and lonely, how can they be willing to coexist with other gods and demons? Instinctively rejects all life.

But now, this repulsive force is combined with the bone-piercing pain, constantly impacting the mind and will.

"Refining the true form of the tenth ancient beast is indeed not an easy task."

Gu Xiuyun secretly urged fate to twist the rules and spread the pain to the future. At the same time, he accelerated the circulation of true energy and continuously absorbed the power of gods and demons.

Gulu! Gulu!

An endless stream of divine and demonic power poured into the depths of the particles, and the pain became more and more intense.

The ten true forms were combined with each other, all turning into the magical foundation of the rhino's true form. Gradually, the sea rhinoceros began to transform and evolve in some unknown direction.

By integrating three true forms, one is qualified to enter the realm of Qiankun; with seven true forms, one is expected to become the emperor of the universe; with ten true forms, one is expected to become the immeasurable sage.

This shows how much influence the ten true forms have on supernatural powers.

Although the road to sainthood has long been cut off and there is almost no hope, this is the foundation of the ancient saints after all.

Time passes slowly.

The strong wind on the Wisteria Plain became more and more fierce, and the true-shaped patterns on Gu Xiuyun's body became more and more perfect...

Finally, a real-life sea rhinoceros condensed into shape and let out roars. The violent roars echoed throughout the sky and the earth, almost shaking the Wisteria Plain to collapse.

"It's done!"

Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes suddenly.

At the same time, the sea rhinoceros also revealed its star-like eyes, and its mighty power filled the void, exuding an aura fluctuation that was almost like the supreme being of the universe.

In the Xihuang Great Realm, a ten thousand-foot battle platform hangs in the sky. Practitioners coming and going sometimes stop and look up at the sky.

"The Hundred Battle Platform is about to reopen. I wonder how many levels Taoist Xi Ming can get through?"

"The tests of the major branch halls are insignificant. The real trouble is the three disciples of the main hall. Even Yin Wusheng can only guard at the seventy level. The next three are probably the supreme masters of the universe."

"The Supreme Lord of Heaven and Earth..."

Envy and desire flashed across everyone's faces.

The Qiankun Realm, the end of many cultivators' lifelong aspirations, the Seven Difficulties, the Eight Difficulties, the Nine Difficulties and even the Half-Step Supreme, are just pawns that can be discarded at any time in the eyes of the Xi Palace.

Only the Supreme Lord of the Universe can gain the attention of the sect and exist in the world forever.

As he spoke, a bright light erupted from the high platform in the distance, and layers of mist descended, completely covering the surroundings of the battle platform. Immediately afterwards, bells rolled and resounded throughout the world.

Baizhantai has reopened!

Next to Tianjun Luo Fang, the communication talisman suddenly lit up, "Luo Fang, the Hundred Battle Platform has reopened, quickly leave the mind space."

"It finally begins."

Luo Fangtianjun took a deep breath.

Thousands of years may seem like a blink of an eye to others, but to him, they are more torturous than hundreds of millions of years.

Every time he thought that Gu Xiuyun's opponents were the three Supreme Beings of the Universe, and they were core disciples, he felt despair in his heart.

The core disciples have all understood the two rules of perfection. Even if their directions are different and their strength is strong or weak, they are ultimately the Supreme of the Universe.

Before the breakthrough, they had strength comparable to that of the Peak Heavenly King. After the breakthrough, their strength has reached a higher level, far beyond the level of the Peak Heavenly Lord.

"My Xi Zhu are in vain."

Lord Luo Fang Tianjun shook his head and sighed, "With the strength of fellow Daoist Xi Ming, it was easy to pass the eighty level. However, we met Elder Wu Shang, and the city gate caught fire, which affected Chi Yu!"

"Hundred Battle Terrace reopened?"

Deep in the fragments of the ancient world, Taoist Duhe woke up from his meditation and shook his head, "In just ten thousand years, how can Taoist Xi Ming improve? What's more, he is already the Nine Difficulties Heavenly Lord, can he still enter the mind-only state?"

"Watching this battle makes no difference whether you watch it or not." Hua Jing sighed in a low voice.

"Let's go and take a look!" Taoist Qian Ming opened his eyes, "No one can say for sure which three the main palace has sent. What if they are core disciples with the same strength as Yin Wusheng?"

"How is that possible??" Duhelian shook his head.

Even so, the three of them still separated a ray of their minds and entered the depths of the mind space of Xihuang Palace.

Idea space.

Many practitioners have gathered around the projection of Baizhantai, most of them are half-step supremes, and some Nine Difficulties Heavenly Lords.

In the distance, an old man covered in mist stood in the sky, looking at the battle platform from a distance.

No one knows that this is a prestigious acting master - Elder Xin Xiang of Qingxiao Palace.

"A mere junior dares to go against me. Do you think there is nothing I can do against you because of the ancient divine city? You are too naive."

"I want to see how you defeat three core disciples of the Qiankun Realm!"

Xin Xiang's eyes flashed with coldness.

After all, killing core disciples is different from killing inner disciples. If Gu Xiuyun becomes a core disciple, he will be qualified to worship under a certain emperor.

At that time, if Emperor Qiankun comes forward, things may not be able to be suppressed.

But it would be much easier to just kill an inner disciple.

There was a rumble.

Figures appeared on both sides of the Baizhan Platform at the same time. One was wearing a blue Taoist robe, his eyes were as deep as a cold pool, the other had a sharp aura, and his every move showed the power of a superior.

This is a supreme being who practices superior Taoism.

At level 61, the Temple of Heaven and Earth sent the Qiankun Supreme Lian Jian. Level 71 became more difficult again, and only the best practitioners of Taoism could be invited to come forward.

"Guan Qiuyang, the envoy of the Kun position of the Huanyu Palace, has met fellow Taoist." The figure on the opposite side of the battle stage smiled slightly, "According to the rules, after the eightyth level, the practitioners dispatched have the strength comparable to the peak heavenly king, but the Huanyu Palace There are some changes this time, so I will appear first, please be careful."

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

The main topic of Baizhantai starts from level 80.

Why do the core disciples try to enter the Hundred Battle Platform? Just so that after the 80th level, I can fight against the top kings without having to worry about life or death.

"It turned out to be Master Guan Qiuyang. Taoist Xi Ming encountered a strong enemy in the first battle." The practitioners watching the battle in the mind space showed expectant looks.

The Supreme Being of the Supreme Taoism, the lowest level is also the peak Heavenly King level.

Not long after Guanqiu Yang broke through, Qiankun Supreme had not yet had time to practice his methods, and his strength was almost the same as that of the Peak Heavenly Lord.

"Before the 80th level, only the Huanyu Palace is of some interest. The other branch palaces are probably sending ordinary supreme beings."

Xin Xiang looked at the battle platform from a distance, his expression indifferent and calm.

Whether Gu Xiuyun wins or loses this battle cannot change the outcome.

"I cultivate the life and death system and am good at frontal combat. Fellow Taoist, please be careful."

Guan Qiuyang took one step forward, and his entire body grew rapidly, reaching a height of hundreds of millions of feet in the blink of an eye. The rules of life and death permeated his entire body, emitting astonishing fluctuations.


The wind roared.

Guan Qiuyang didn't give Gu Xiuyun time to react, as soon as he thought about it, Qiankun was already unfolding, and his cloud-like palm crashed down.

Compared with the secret technique of destiny, directly operating the rules of life and death is obviously much faster.

As the supreme master of the universe, Guan Qiuyang does not need to rely on any special skills or other means. He can explode the peak power of the Heavenly Lord simply by relying on the rules of life and death and the will of his mind.

"So fast!!"

Gu Xiuyun's pupils shrank, and his true energy circulated rapidly, forming a rhinoceros shadow.


Yun Tuan's palm collided with the real form of Rhino, sending him flying far away. At the same time, the first secret pattern appeared in front of Gu Xiuyun.

"You actually blocked it? The physical body of the seventh level of transcendence combined with the true form of the ancient beast is really powerful."

Guan Qiuyang frowned, the rules of life and death broke out again, the five elements, wind and thunder, time and space were manifested one after another, and the path of life and matter were all integrated into the palm of his hand, "No matter how powerful you are, you are still a practitioner of destiny, can you still compete with me?"


Yun Tuan's palm crossed the void and once again knocked the rhinoceros away in its true form.

"Blocked again?"

Surprise flashed in Guan Qiuyang's eyes.

The cultivators watching the battle also showed expressions of surprise. It would not matter if the one who blocked this attack was the system of life and death or the virtual entity. But Gu Xiuyun followed the system of destiny. Even if he had a seventh-level physical body and understood the true form of the ancient beast, it would not matter. You shouldn't be so forceful.

"Perhaps Guan Qiuyang's physical body is too weak. A perfect rule, even if he becomes the Supreme, is not enough for his martial arts cultivation to enter the seventh level of transcendence." Someone said.

"But don't forget, Guan Qiuyang has condensed the imprint of rules and can borrow the power of his mind and will. His strength is by no means inferior to the core disciples of the life and death system." Another person retorted.

Everyone was confused.

Two secret patterns appeared in front of Gu Xiuyun. Then, the twisting rules of fate enveloped the void, and the third and fourth secret patterns condensed into shape.

call out!

Four secret patterns flew towards Guanqiu Yang at the same time.

"it's over!"

The cultivators watching the battle shook their heads.

If Wu Qiuyang could break the rhino's true form and severely injure his opponent, there would still be room for change in this battle, but he failed to do so. At his peak, Gu Xiuyun could display four or even five times his unique skills. How could Guan Qiuyang be able to resist? ?

The secret patterns penetrated the void and penetrated into Guan Qiuyang's body. No Taoist secret technique could resist it.

In an instant, the phantom of the universe collapsed.

The fluctuations in Guan Qiuyang's soul began to annihilate, and the billion-foot giant stood in the center of the Hundred Battle Platform, as if he had turned into a statue.

The four secret patterns cannot be resisted by the Supreme Qiankun of the life and death system.

This lineage is mainly based on matter, and all methods are related to the physical body. The soul is not as good as other systems.

Therefore, as soon as the battle started, Guan Qiuyang took action boldly, hoping to severely damage Gu Xiuyun before he could use his unique skills.

Unfortunately, it failed after all.

"How can Taoist Xi Ming's defensive powers be so powerful?"

"I remember that ten thousand years ago, when he was not so powerful, Xiao Sha's sword light could easily tear apart the rhinoceros shadow."

"In my opinion, this person has probably refined new powers of gods and demons. Such a terrifying defense method may have integrated eight true forms."

"Eight true forms?? How is that possible?"

"What is impossible? He can reach the seventh level of transcendence. It shows that his mind and will are extremely strong. He is also a warrior. It is not surprising to fuse eight true forms. I even suspect that this person has fused nine true forms."

After the words fell, the cultivators watching the battle couldn't help but take a breath.

If the nine true forms were truly integrated, Gu Xiuyun's strength would be no less than that of the Peak Heavenly King simply by relying on the ancient holy way, the physical body of a warrior, and the twisting rules of fate.

And he is a peak heavenly king who is good at material fighting.

"Fusing nine true forms? It's indeed possible."

Supreme Xin Xiang looked at the battle stage from a distance, "According to the ancient books of Qingxiao Palace, there are two treasures carried by the Red Dust Immortal. One is the ultimate killing treasure - the God-killing Boundary-Breaking Spear, and the second is the spiritual treasure of will - Sky Vault of Destiny."

"The God-killing World-Breaking Spear is still deep in the Yuhe Ancient World, but there is no trace of it in the Sky of Destiny. It must be in his hands."

"Since this treasure is a will-type spiritual treasure, it must have the effect of sharpening his will, so he can reach the seventh level of transcendence."

Desire flashed in Xin Xiang's eyes.

Will-type spiritual treasures are the most precious treasures in the world. Even the acting elders can only possess them, not to mention that he is only in the first level of acting.

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