Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 728 I want your life

Hesheli and Wendihen tribes belonged to neither the eldest prince nor the third prince. They were two large tribes with more than 3,000 people. Such large tribes were previously firmly controlled by the Khan.

The third prince killed his father and usurped the throne. He took the order. Half of the large tribes under the Khan fell under the command of the eldest prince, and the other half were recruited by the third prince. There were still a few tribes that were undecided. Hesheli and Wendihen tribes were two of them.

The eldest prince temporarily suppressed his anger because the Zhide tribe defected to the fourth princess and asked: "Can Hesheli and Wendihen tribes be trusted?"

The man thought for a while and said: "Why not observe them first? These two tribes have a large number of people. If they sincerely surrender, it will be of great benefit to us..."

The entire tribe under the eldest prince defected, and there was not much good news under the third prince.

Among his tribes, two tribes with about 2,000 people defected to the Fourth Princess, and two of the tribes that were originally on the sidelines, the Hesheli and Wendihen tribes, also defected to the eldest prince. No matter how you look at it, the situation is very unfavorable to him.

Although the situation is unfavorable, the expression of the Third Prince in the big tent is particularly calm.

He played with a dagger in his hand and asked, "Does the Fourth Sister also plan to be independent?"

A tribal leader behind him said, "The Fourth Princess has only more than 10,000 soldiers available. When we deal with the eldest prince, she will know what to choose. Even if she doesn't know, her tribes should know."

He paused and said, "If they don't know, it won't be too late to wipe them out."

The Third Prince put down the dagger and asked, "Is everything ready for the eldest prince?"

The leader nodded and said, "Everything is ready."

The Third Prince didn't say anything else, and the leader turned and walked out of the big tent. After leaving the tent, he took back his weapons from the door. Since the third prince took power, anyone who entered his tent had to put down their weapons first.

In addition, the security around the third prince's tent was also very strict. There were a thousand people patrolling alone. Anyone who wanted to make trouble around the tent would be shot on the spot at the first time.


Wuyan tribe, Tang Ning looked at a list in his hand with a slightly surprised expression.

Since they released the news, in less than ten days, more than 5,000 people came from the eldest prince and the third prince, and several tribes surrendered as a whole.

Several tribes that did not stand and watched from the sidelines since the death of the old Khan also had many tribesmen who could not bear the temptation of food.

In total, Wanyan Yan's men have increased by nearly 7,000 people these days.

Tang Ning could not guarantee that all these people were here for food. Perhaps some of them had bad intentions, or they were spies sent by the eldest prince or the third prince. Therefore, he only accepted them on the periphery and randomly dispersed these tribes and distributed them in various places around.

Providing these people with food for a while is fine, but if a traitor sneaks in, it may cause trouble at a critical moment.

These days, in addition to Wanyan Yan, the eldest prince also gained a lot. The addition of Hesheli and Wendyhen made his men basically equal in number to the third prince. In addition, Hesheli and Wendyhen also persuaded several small and medium-sized tribes that were on the sidelines to surrender.

In this way, the eldest prince surpassed the third prince with a slight advantage and became the real king of the grassland so far.

And just yesterday, some forces under the eldest prince and the third prince had a big conflict. In this conflict, the eldest prince won in the end, which seemed to be in line with the saying that the righteous will have many supporters, and the unrighteous will have few supporters. The third prince's Khan position is not legitimate, and it is not his thing, and he is destined to lose it from his hands in the end.

Tang Ning put down the list, and Wanyan Yan walked in from outside.

She sat at the table, holding her chin and looking at Tang Ning, and asked: "When will you marry me?"

Tang Ning looked at her and asked: "Didn't we agree to wait for three years?"

Wanyan Yan said: "I will find you in three years, and we can get married now..."

Tang Ning thought about it and said: "But your father Khan just died, and getting married now... isn't it not good?"

Wanyan Yan asked in confusion: "Why?"

It seems that the grassland people may not have such taboos. Tang Ning looked at her and explained: "According to our Han customs, we cannot get married three years after the father's death."

Wanyan Yan frowned and said: " I am not a Han Chinese..."

"But I am..." Tang Ning shook his head and said, "People will talk about this."

"Okay then." Wanyan Yan was finally convinced by Tang Ning, and then looked at him and asked, "You are not lying to me, are you?"

Tang Ning said, "If you don't believe me, go ask Lao Zheng."

Thinking of Lao Zheng, Wanyan Yan shuddered and said, "I will believe you once."

Tang Ning sighed in his heart. Participating in the competition was originally a stopgap measure, but who would have thought that he would go further and further on this road. He told too many lies and finally became the truth.

He thought that Chen Huang's words before leaving were just a joke, but he was hit by his words.


The tribe where the eldest prince is located is celebrating today.

These days, since the Hesheli tribe and the Wendihen tribe surrendered, they have persuaded several tribes to follow the eldest prince, so that the eldest prince's power has surpassed the third prince and temporarily reversed the situation.

In yesterday's war, the Hesheli tribe and the Wendihen tribe were the first to bear the brunt. The two leaders led the warriors in the tribe to fight hard, severely defeated the third prince, and won the first big victory.

Today, the happy eldest prince held a banquet in the tribe to entertain many leaders under his command. The main purpose, of course, was to celebrate the victory.

"Congratulations to the eldest prince!"

"The third prince is against human ethics and will not last long!"

"The position of Khan will eventually fall into the hands of the eldest prince."


Inside the big tent, the leaders of various tribes stood up one after another and showed respect to the eldest prince from a distance.

The eldest prince's face was full of rosy glow, sweeping away the decadence of the past. In fact, he didn't need to be decadent. In the past few days, the morale of his tribes has been greatly boosted. On the other hand, the strength of the third prince's side has been frequently damaged, which also made him see that the Khan position, which is far away from him, is slowly coming towards him.

Two figures came up and raised their glasses, saying, "We also toast to the prince."

Looking at Hesheli and the leader of the Wendihen tribe, the prince smiled and said, "This cup should be toasted to the two leaders."

Hesheli and the Wendihen tribe have made great contributions to him. These days, the prince has long dispelled his doubts about them and regarded them as his true confidants.

The two leaders waved their hands: "I dare not, I dare not..."

"Hey, you two are welcome." The eldest prince waved his hand and said: "Yesterday's victory, you two have made great contributions. This king will remember this credit. If you want any reward, just ask."

The leader of the Hesheli tribe bowed and said: "This is my job."

The eldest prince waved his hand and said: "Those who have made contributions should be rewarded, and those who have made mistakes should be punished. Otherwise, how can we convince the people?"

"Thank you, eldest prince." The leader of the Hesheli tribe thought about it, looked up at him, and said: "In this case, I dare to ask the eldest prince for something..."

The eldest prince walked up, looked at him, and asked: "What is it?"

The leader of the Hesheli tribe looked at him, grinned, and said: "I want your life!"

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