In the field, Jiang Ning’s penalty once again caused controversy.

Some fans believe that Jiang Ning’s penalty is very correct, after all, Mane was knocked down, which is a fact for all to see.

But more people still feel that Jiang Ning’s sentence is unnecessary.

Not to mention whether the football has problems at the feet of Mane, when the two sides are stuck in the position, there is a collision, and it is common to cause falls.

Generally, in this case, it is enough to give some verbal warnings and let them pay attention to proportion.

But Jiang Ning directly gave a yellow card, and it also caused this Helan Guo player to be directly sent off!

The impact is enormous!

You know, it’s just about to end the first half!

With one less person, it is difficult to say whether Helan Guo can maintain this advantage in the second half!

It can be said that the appearance of this card may determine how far the Helan national team can go in this World Cup!

Therefore, for Jiang Ning’s decision, whether it is the players, fans, or the head coach, they are particularly excited.

On the field, Jiang Ning looked indifferent, surrounded by a group of Helan Country players, he was still calm, and he didn’t even have a trace of eye change.

“We respect you because you are the referee!”

“But if you arbitrarily judge the punishment, we will definitely complain to you jointly!”

“Do you know what a red card means for a game?”

“Please give us a satisfactory explanation!”

Soon, several excited Helan Guo players surrounded them.

Several people want to give a posture of explanation, this matter will definitely not spare you if you don’t explain it clearly!

Jiang Ning calmly stretched out his hands and signaled them to be quiet.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Ning issued instructions to the video referee room through the intercom equipment.

“Please do a video synchronous cross-cut when calling up the content of the video channel, combined with the moment of the shot of Seneca’s No. 17 player Diata Dyat.”

“In addition, please give this Helan national player a close-up of the eye change before he rammed Mane, and simulate the line of sight.”

As soon as Jiang Ning finished saying this, he immediately pointed to the large screen hanging in the field, signaling everyone to wait patiently for the result given by the video judge.

At this time, the audience fell silent.

Everyone waited, holding their breath.

Only the players of Helan Country began to look gloomy.

The tactics against Mane were set before the game, and they knew more or less what was going on.

It’s just that they didn’t expect Jiang Ning to give such a severe penalty, and secondly, they didn’t expect Jiang Ning to let the video referee pay attention to the sight of his teammates when they fouled.

This is equivalent to grabbing their weaknesses!

It didn’t take long for the picture just now to be restored and played.

In the picture, when Diata bypassed the defenders and shouted at Mane, the defenders of Helan Country had already launched and crashed into Mane!

You know, at this time, Diata has not actually passed the ball out!

That is, he is not fighting for the ball, nor in the card position, but targeting!

After all, the ball is still at the feet of Diata, you hit someone, you say you are in the card position to grab the ball?

In addition, the second point emphasized by Jiang Ning, sight!

The defender’s eyes were zoomed in on before he rammed Mane, and Var technique drew two dotted lines to assist.

As you can see, Diata and the football were on the right side of the penalty area at that time!

The defender, as well as Mane, was standing outside the middle of the box.

While the defender launched a charge against Mane, the direction his body was facing the center.

And most importantly, that close-up of that look!

Before the defender started, he not only faced the center, but also stared at Mane fiercely, and did not look at the direction of the so-called football landing point at all!

The two dotted lines in the video, one drawn where Diata is located, is the right side of the restricted area.

The other is the direction the defender’s line of sight is pointing, and the arrow points to Mane!

There is a huge gap between where the two dotted lines exist, and the direction they are pointing!

So, the so-called scrum, the so-called card slot, is pure fart!

This is undoubtedly a malicious foul!

No further explanation is needed, this penalty is not controversial!


The audience erupted into a violent uproar!

“Oh my God! Helan Guo, how can you…”

“If it weren’t for the Jiangning referee, I might never have known that there are so many shady things on the football field!”

“This can’t be blamed on other referees, it can only be said that the Jiangning referee is too professional!”

Huaxia Studio.

Su Dong: “It’s so relieved, I also said before that I expected Jiang Ning to bring us a wonderful penalty, but I didn’t expect it to really come!” ”

Su Dong: “Wu Lei, what do you think of this sentence?” ”

Wu Lei: “I can only say that for the punishment of this kind of foul, maybe only Jiang Ning dares to judge.” ”

Su Dong: “Oh? Why? ”

Wu Lei: “The reason is very simple, just now Mr. Su Dong you also saw, the players of Helan Kingdom will fight for reason.” ”

Wu Lei: “If you can’t come up with strong evidence, this matter can’t be clear.” ”

Wu Lei: “And once this matter is complained to FIFA, the referee will also be investigated and warned, which is quite troublesome!” ”

Su Dong: “So it is!” ”

Wu Lei nodded, “So just now I also pinched a handful of sweat for Referee Jiangning!” ”

Wu Lei: “But fortunately, Jiangning did not disappoint us!” ”

Wu Lei: “He used the sight of the fouling player before launching the collision as a breakthrough, and this kind of penalty basis is really unheard of!” ”

Wu Lei: “I believe that this penalty will be written into the FIFA Referee Training Manual and used as a classic case for all referees to learn!” ”

Su Dong: “Hahaha!” Then we Huaxia people really have a long face! ”

Su Dong: “Jiang Ning is good!” We are proud of you! ”

At this time, in the playing field.

Under Jiang Ning’s strong evidence, the Helan Guo players all shut up.

They all looked at Jiang Ning with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Never seen such a sharp referee! I was able to catch their faults from the line of sight!

For a while, they were all a little worried, what should they do in the second half?

Can you continue to target Mane?

If it continues, with the ability of this referee, I am afraid that all the defensive players will have to eat cards!

On the sidelines, the head coach of Helan Guo froze in place.

Just now, the momentum of his shouting protests and complaints was gone, replaced by a solemn face.

At this moment, he felt ridiculous!

Because, for the first time in so many years of coaching, he thought about how to arrange tactics to deal with a referee!!!


Thank you all for the flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes, reminders, and tips!

The little brother is very excited to see that the data has been rising, and he will explode for everyone! ! !


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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