Football No. 10: God's Perspective

Chapter 77 Black whistle?

In the league where Wang Po did not play, the previously smooth offensive system suddenly got stuck, and more players fought alone.

Neither Kagawa Shinji, Gundogan, nor Mkhitaryan could replace the role of No. 11 player Wang Po.

Only when the tide recedes can we know who is the real core.

Wang Po's core position is unquestionable.

Fortunately, Dortmund still leads Bayern Munich by 5 points in the standings, and the advantage is still there.

The loss of points due to rotation also made Tuchel think about the team's lineup and personnel issues.

Fighting on three fronts in the league, the Champions League, and the cup competition requires very high physical fitness for athletes, and rotation is a must.

If you want to ensure results and avoid players from being too tired in such a dense schedule, this will test Tuchel's wisdom.

Internal potential is another means of Tuchel, and he has set his sights on the bench.

The wing is his focus of consideration.

Compared with the heavily guarded middle, the defense of the wing is relatively loose, and a good wing player can completely drive the team's offense by himself.

Most of the wing players in the team now have the ability to mobilize, control, and organize, and do not have the role of involving the defense line and tearing the defense.

After a period of observation, Tuchel set his sights on an 18-year-old French black boy named Ousmane Dembele.

Facing a boy of the same age as himself, Wang Po and him actually get along very well. In training, he can understand all kinds of ideas.

In two consecutive rounds of league and cup matches, Wang Po played with Ousmane Dembele many times and helped the black boy score the first goal in his career.

The rise of newcomers gave Tuchel an extra choice in tactical personnel.

In the two rounds of the Champions League group stage against Ajax of the Dutch League, one win and one draw, and got four points.

As long as they get 1 point in the next round away game against Zenit St. Petersburg, they can advance as the first in the group.

In the cold winter, visiting St. Petersburg, Russia, an Eastern European country, the place is freezing cold and the harsh natural environment makes the teams here very uncomfortable.

On the contrary, the Russian team playing at home does not have this kind of discomfort, and with the blessing of the home fans, they often burst out with great fighting power.

It is definitely a tough bone to chew.

When arriving at the St. Petersburg Stadium, the home of Zenit St. Petersburg, Wang Po and his Dortmund teammates were stunned.

The ice and snow, the cold and biting wind is like a knife that penetrates the skin and scrapes your bones fiercely.

After putting on the equipment to warm up, I feel that my feet are stiff and unconscious.

The Hornets players are like little bees that have been rested, shrinking their necks like little penguins, and their movements are very clumsy.

On the other hand, the players of Zenit St. Petersburg, who are playing at home, are full of vigor and full of fighting spirit.

Before this game, Zenit St. Petersburg ranked third in the group, retaining the hope of appearing. It can be foreseen that the opponent will use the power of the home court to fight hard to get points.

Before the game, Tuchel repeatedly emphasized the difficulty of this game to the players and asked everyone to be in high spirits.

In terms of the starting lineup, Tuchel put the rising star Ousmane Dembele in the starting lineup. Wang Po still sat in the center of the midfield and took on the responsibility of organizing the team's offense.


With a whistle, the game began.

After all, Dortmund's strength is still higher, and they quickly took control of the ball.

However, under the ice and snow, the grass is mostly frozen soil and not flat, which seriously affects the conductivity of the ball.

This is definitely a disadvantage for Dortmund, who plays a pass-control game.

The weather is cold. Although they have tried very hard, Dortmund players did not fully warm up at the beginning, and the completion of technical movements cannot be guaranteed.

On the contrary, the players of the home team Zenit St. Petersburg were full of energy. This team is known for its physical strength. With the help of the home court, they tried their best to improve their physical strength and increase the intensity of the confrontation. Some of their actions even exceeded the normal range.

Soon on the field, the Dortmund team fell into a passive position. The players fell to the ground frequently and people were thrown to the ground.

Such a big move by the opponent aroused the dissatisfaction of the Dortmund players, and they protested to the referee, but they were ignored.

This is indulgence and tacit approval of the opponent's big move.

The trend of the game gradually changed.

Something was wrong. The slightest move on the Dortmund team was called for a foul, while the bigger move on the St. Petersburg Zenit team was allowed, and basically the foul was called on the Hornets.

Black whistle?


Wang Pu screamed and encountered a tackle from behind by the opponent, knocking him down with the ball.

The grass under the frozen soil was like concrete, and Wang Po was knocked unconscious and dizzy.

This was definitely a yellow card action, and even a strict referee could give a ruby ​​card.

As a result, the referee not only did not show the opponent a yellow card warning, but also did not blow the whistle, and gave a gesture to continue the game.

It was simply incomprehensible, and the players of the Dortmund team were stunned.

Seizing the brief distraction of the Hornet defender, the striker of the St. Petersburg Zenit team got a chance to score a single goal. The Dortmund central defender reacted and blocked the shooting route with a sliding tackle. As a result, the striker of the Zenit team fell to the ground.


The whistle blew, and the red card was given.

Not only was the central defender of Dortmund sent off with a red card, but the home team Zenit St. Petersburg was also given a penalty kick.


The players and coaches of Dortmund were fed up and surrounded the referee in protest.

Wang Po even squeezed into the crowd, took off his socks, and revealed his calf bruised by the opponent's shovel.

However, the referee did not pay attention to the appeal of the Dortmund players, and the penalty was already firm.


Tuchel rushed into the court, pointed at the referee and cursed the f language, and the latter showed anger and sent the German off with a ruby ​​card.

Two red cards, a penalty kick.

Dortmund suffered a devastating disaster.

This is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster caused by the referee.

This game is particularly important for Dortmund. In the next round, facing Paris Saint-Germain, who also wants to compete for the first place in the group, it will be difficult.

Therefore, the club made a plan before the game to ensure that the first place in the group will be qualified at all costs in this round of games.

Plans are not as good as changes, and the referee's standards are simply speechless.

The penalty cannot be changed.

Zenit St. Petersburg did not waste this penalty opportunity and scored it in one fell swoop, leading the Hornet Dortmund team 1-0 at home.

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