Football Kung Fu Player

【53】Weibo Five Consecutive Fried

The "Sunshine Avenue" audition has been successfully concluded. Thirty-two outstanding contestants have joined the stage of "Sunshine Avenue". ...At the same time, "Avenue of Sunshine" has started filming in full swing, and the first episode will be released on the 15th! I hope everyone can support it. "

On the screen, Wang Cheng on the Hunan Satellite TV channel was chanting with a smile on his face, and after Wang Cheng finished speaking, well-known music creators in the music circle appeared on the screen one after another.

"I am Black Wolf.

"I'm an old dog."

"I'm Gao Xiaosong.

Wang Xing frowned. Originally, there were no judges on "Avenue of Sunshine", but now Wang Cheng added the factor of judges privately in order to attract attention. Although the reputation is called a reviewer, in fact, the responsibility of driving is undoubtedly the same as that of the judges.

Moreover, the names above are all well-known second-tier singers, and Wang Cheng was able to have such a wealthy Genichi to invite five of them at once. You must know that every second-tier singer needs to make an appointment in advance, but Wang Cheng is obviously holding "Sunshine Avenue" temporarily, so how could this group of second-tier singers push the schedule to join "Sunshine Avenue" just for Wang Cheng? Woolen cloth?

In fact, what Wang Xing didn't know was that the reason why these five veteran second-tier singers agreed to Wang Cheng was all due to him. After the "Avenue of Moonlight" he wrote was seen by these venomous singers, they decisively joined in "Avenue of Sunshine".

You must know that singers can not only increase fans by singing, but if they serve as judges in a good program, they can add more scores than releasing a new song. Facing the temptation of "Sunshine Avenue", these cunning and cunning singers turned down their original commercial endorsements one after another, and were successfully invited by Wang Cheng.

But Wang Xing didn't respond and shook his head. Since Wang Cheng was able to invite second-tier stars, it could be regarded as his own ability, and the master bank didn't want to interfere or anything.

After all, compared to the stars in the show, Wang Xing is really not cowardly at all.


Wang Xing picked up the phone suspiciously. Both "The Voice of Yanhuang" and "Little Incident" should be on the right track. As long as the normal operation and preparations continue, I just need to wait for the show to arrive when the filming starts, but why did Chen Jian suddenly call me?

"Hey, Young Master Wang! Something is wrong!"

Just as Wang Xing connected, Chen Jian's anxious voice came over immediately.

Let me go, this hand speed has been single for at least forty years!

I didn't expect Chen Jian to be really old and strong.

Wang Xing secretly admired, and then asked in doubt.

"What's the matter? Director Chen, did something happen to the program team?"

"No, that's not true. The program crew is fine, but something happened to Wei Bo!"

Weibo? This is your old business. Why do you want me to fix your own wife?

Hunan Satellite TV Building.

Satisfied, Wang Cheng sat in the background watching the ratings of the "Sunshine Avenue" advertising video, then got up and took out his phone.

Wang Cheng made up his mind. Not only did he want this episode to crush Wei Bo's show that dared to provoke him, but he also wanted to use this show to skyrocket. Soar to the sky and become the top star among the host and program producers!

So Wang Cheng not only issued a military order on Hunan Satellite TV, but also asked for a sum of money. He also had the cheek to use all the resources to invite these five top singers and music creators in the second tier.

Even though these five agreed to join for the excellent project of "Avenue of Sunshine", Fei Wangcheng still didn't lose a single point for his appearance, and he even gritted his teeth and gave each of them an extra million! What, for this moment!

"Hey, Xiao Wang, go and inform the five teachers that now is the moment when Weibo has the highest number of online users and attention, let them start blogging now!"

Weibo at this time, Heilang's Weibo personal homepage.

Although Hei Lang, who has been in the rock band for many years, is not as famous as a first-tier star, but because of his status as a veteran rocker, his real fans are much more than ordinary second-tier stars. For example, his Weibo account only has 5 million fans, but in fact he has not bought any zombie fans at all!

That is to say, as long as Hei Lang posts a Weibo post, the attention will be at least 5 million, and the number of real fans who remove a series of ingredients and real comments will be at least 500,000!  … ………

At this time, it has been half a year since Hei Lang's last Weibo post, and Hei Lang fans also miss Hei Lang very much. When one of the fans of Heilang was wandering on the personal homepage of Heilang, he accidentally refreshed and suddenly found that Heilang, who had not updated the Weibo for thousands of years, had actually updated it! But when the fan looked carefully at the Weibo, His face instantly became dull.

"The best music program that will be broadcast in the near future - "Avenue of Sunshine", there is no one! I am waiting for you in "Avenue of Sunshine.""

And after this Weibo was discovered, the netizens went crazy instantly, not only the fans of Heilang were dumbfounded, but even a group of melon-eating people were dumbfounded. And the number of comments on Weibo also jumped up like crazy. 0......0

"Damn, rely on, this feature is going to cause trouble!"

"There are so many music shows recently, yet you can say that this is the best music show! Crazy enough, I like it!"

"Hei Lang hasn't shown up in the entertainment industry for too long, has he lost his mind? Don't talk about other small programs, even the "Voice of Yanhuang" that was broadcast at the same time didn't dare to talk like that before it aired!"


But the netizens haven't reacted yet, the old dog Weibo who is known as the number one person in rock and roll has updated his personal homepage with an identical Weibo!

"The most excellent music program that will be broadcast in the near future - "Avenue of Sunshine", there is no one. I will wait for you in "Avenue of Sunshine"."

Now the netizens are completely crazy, one Weibo can still say that this is your personal opinion, now two identical Weibos are simply trying to cause trouble!

Comments one after another appeared under Weibo, and these two Weibos were constantly reposted.

But at the same time, Gao Xiaosong's weblog was also updated.

"The most excellent music program that will be broadcast in the near future—"Sunshine Avenue", there is no one. I will wait for you at "Sunshine Avenue","

Immediately afterwards, two second-tier singers who participated in "Sunshine Avenue" also forwarded this Weibo at the same time, and fully deployed this sentence.

"I'll be waiting for you at "Sunshine Avenue"."

Five weblogs in a row completely knocked out the netizens on the webpage, and at the same time, the attention of "Avenue of Sunshine" reached a terrifying level......

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