Football Kung Fu Player

[50] A Rare Confidant In Life

"I should do my best to perform with you, just like the guests in an emotional show can be chosen by anyone..."

Before Xue Qianqian was banned, he once had a girlfriend who loved him deeply. In the end, because of Xue Qianqian's ban and downfall...he chose to leave Xue Qianqian, and fell into the embrace of a middle-aged man, and Xue Qianqian hadn't heard from that woman for a long time...

The lyrics emerged from Xue Qianqian's mind one after another, and even Xue Qianqian didn't understand why Wang Xing just sang one line, so he could memorize all the lyrics perfectly. He only thought about the last days he had spent with his girlfriend, and then he sang a sad love song just like the hero in the lyrics.

And Xue Qianqian's perfect performance was expected by Wang Xing, so Wang Xing was just immersed in the singing without any surprise. But the other three were different.

The three of Zhang Jie listened to Xue Qianqian's singing in surprise, and then thought of Wang Xing saying that he would send a song to Xue Qianqian before, but now Wang Xing looked calm again, as if he already knew that Xue Qianqian would be able to sing this song well.

You know, no matter how good a 25 song is, if it is not suitable for the singer himself, the final result can only be that it hits the street or is excavated by others, and then others are wiped out because of it.

It's like the subject matter in an online novel. Although it is an excellent subject matter, it becomes more and more difficult for the first person to write, and finally he has to rush to the street. But when the second person reads this novel, using this subject matter system is especially suitable for him. Brush tens of thousands of words a day, and instantly become a god...

And the "Yan Yuan" in front of me is like this, for Xue Qianqian, it can be called his natal song! In Xue Qianqian's hands, it is so perfect that it has been played to the extreme. Even if Xue Qianqian's singing skills still have certain flaws, it is not as perfect as Wang Xing's singing. But "Yan Yuan", which contains emotions, its score value is even higher!

Inexplicably, the three looked at Xue Qianqian with envy. According to Xue Qianqian's performance at the moment, they had no doubt that Xue Qianqian could sing the rest of the song well. Maybe even with just this song, Xue Qianqian can become popular in half the music circle! His dream of becoming a singer can be fulfilled!

As for the person who gave Xue Qianqian all this, Chen Chusheng and the three of them turned their gazes forward one after another, how mysterious and unpredictable Wang Xing looked with his indifferent face.

This is an expert!

"It's because I love you that I choose to perform this fulfillment."

Slowly, the whole song reached the end. Xue Qianqian closed his eyes, trembling so much that after singing the whole sentence, he realized that his eyes had become moist unconsciously.

"Go away, you worthless man!"

"Sorry, I lied to you, I want a good life.

"You'll find better..."

Li Tongtong, I have been away for more than a year, I wish you happiness.

Even Wang Xing, who was calm on the side, couldn't help but close his eyes after listening to the trembling singing, so as to stop the tears.

Why do you think Wang Xing wants to cry?

...It's not because of being single! Why is a single dog listening to love songs for two lifetimes!

When Wang Xing opened his eyes, he suddenly trembled for a while, vigilantly turning his internal force to the extreme.

Chen Chusheng, Zhang Jie, and Wu Mochou in front of them looked at Wang Xing with green eyes, and they looked like they were about to pounce on him.

Wang Xing made up his mind, if Wu Mochou pounced over, it would be fine, but if Chen Chusheng and Zhang Jie pounced over, he didn't care how handsome the two of them were, and each of them would be served with a set meal of the Great King Kong Palm Clap and Fly.

Unexpectedly, after Wang Xing was on guard for a long time, the three still didn't rush forward, but shouted in unison:

"Boss, do you still lack leg accessories!"

"roll roll roll"

Xue Qianqian finally opened his eyes, looked at Wang Xing with great gratitude, and bowed respectfully.

"Mr. Wang Xing, where is your signing contract, I signed it."

Xue Qianqian said without the slightest hesitation, just for the song just now, he will sign the contract no matter what!

"Sign the contract with less money?"

Wang Xing looked at Xue Qianqian respectfully, with a playful smile on his face.


Xue Qianqian said without any hesitation.

"By the way, my studio is newly built. I am Wang Xing, who is number one on the star list. Now I am blocked by the six major entertainment companies. If you sign me, it is very likely that resources will be restricted in the future. Knowing all this After that, are you still willing to sign the contract?"

Wang Xing stared into Xue Qianqian's eyes and said slowly.

Xue Qianqian's heart tightened suddenly, he always felt that Wang Xing was a little familiar, it turned out to be the legendary star who broke the record in the first rating!

And what is the concept of banning by the six major entertainment companies! It means that 90% of the program resources in the entire entertainment industry have bid farewell to him, and even the remaining 10% of the resources have shrunk to the minimum because of fear of the six major entertainment companies!

But I am already banned, how can I be banned!

"I will sign, no matter what the conditions are [you can sign the contract with me directly!"

Xue Qianqian smiled slightly, and continued to speak without hesitation. He believed that there would be infinite possibilities following the man in front of him!

Wang Xing also slowly showed a smile, Xue Qianqian's eyes didn't have a trace of falsehood just because he thought of getting "Yan Yuan", in this case Wang Xing also passed his test.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xing stretched out his right hand. Xue Qianqian held Wang Xing's hand respectfully with some doubts, no matter what weird behavior Wang Xing did, he would be his own boss, so what if he wanted to shake hands, and it's okay if he wanted to kiss.

"Okay, the contract is successful, and I will give you three million signing fees a year. Give me your bank card number."

Trust me, your old man signed the contract too hastily!

What about the contract? What about the signature? What about the requirement? What about the fingerprint?

And what the hell is three million a year? That's the salary only for stars in the top 530 in the second tier. Well, this is a newcomer. Your old man only pays three million!

Chen Chusheng and the three of them were already dumbfounded, almost speechless.

And Xue Qianqian also obediently reported the bank card number with a confused face, and then continued to fall into a sluggish state.

"Drip.....Your XX bank received 3,000,000 yuan.


Really awesome! This can no longer be described as sloppy, okay? This is simply playing, big brother!

Also, the star's signing fee is not paid after working for a period of time, why is it paid first! And what are you doing if you don't write the contract, aren't you afraid that others will take the money and run away?

Take the money and run away? For Wang Xing, there is really no such worry. He believes that as long as Xue Qianqian doesn't evaporate or jump to Mars, he can find this person from this global village.

"There are no subordinates in my studio, only friends."

Wang Xing smiled and said flatly.

Friends? Because you are friends, you don't need a contract, you don't need a signature, you don't need anything. Even the signing fee can be given to you in advance...

Xue Qianqian's eyes were moist again, for a down-and-out singer Wang Xing to be so generous, it was enough for Xue Qianqian to tie him tightly to Wang Xing's boat. Even at this moment, Xue Qianqian felt that even if he sold his life, so what.

A confidant is rare in life. .

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