Football Kung Fu Player

[34] Mentor Summoning Order

Chen Jian looked at Wang Xing in front of him in horror, his whole body was already in a state of ignorance.

After not arguing about the start-up capital (it can't be contested at all.), Wang Xing even offered to let him choose the star to contact for the show. Although Chen Jian was still immersed in the panic of 250 million yuan, he still looked forward to watching Wang Xing choose those singers and stars.

Who are the four star mentors?

The contact information of the first Naying, Wang Xing, was still obtained from Chen Jian.

Chen Jian nodded secretly, with a smile on his face. As a singer among the first-line stars, Na Ying's singing skills are still very popular among the audience, but she signed a contract with a cheating company, so she has never been popular, and almost fell out of the ranks of first-line stars.

But because of this, Naying's appearance fee is notoriously low among first-line stars. It seems that Wang Xing's choice of "One Seven Three" is still very affordable, Chen Jian is relieved, this should also save a lot of money for the program team.

"five million!"

After Chen Jian watched Wang Xing call out the number without any fluctuation, he sighed silently in his heart for a while before he convinced himself to accept the number.

Five million is not much. It is acceptable to invite a first-line star.

"Ten million!"

Brother, the price is so high! What the hell is it doubled!

Your old man thinks this is an auction!

The smile on Chen Jian's face froze instantly, and he looked at Wang Xing in front of him with a broken face.

"Twenty million!"

Chen Jian's heart beat violently, his eyes went dark, and he felt as if he was about to bid farewell to this world.

"thirty million!"

Chen Jian looked at Wang Xing who was still unresponsive, and his heart became numb.

Having been with Wang Xing for so long, he feels that his heart has become very strong!

Well, the investor hasn't been found yet, but he owes 30 million to go out!

However, after Wang Xing made another phone call lightly, and the bank actually sent 30 million to Naying's card, Chen Jian's numb heart beat violently again.

Brother, Old Man Tao is not just joking!

You are really giving start-up capital!

Thirty million, exactly thirty million!

Chen Jian's scalp was numb looking at the series of 0s behind the 3, and he felt that his powerful heart was once again violently attacked and shattered on the spot.


After that, invitations after that are simple.

Niu Huan, one of the highest-rated first-line stars of Yanhuang, a veteran of the entertainment industry for nearly 30 to 40 years, is also a well-known existence among singers!

Then, under the offensive of Wang Xing's understatement (jin) words (qian), he agreed instantly.

If you don’t come for 30 million, then 40 million! What? 40 million is not willing, 50 million!


Teacher Niu Huan's 50 million has arrived!

Chen Yixun, a first-line Yanhuang star, has a higher rating than Teacher Niu Huan, and is considered by the Xiangxiang people to be the top star of Xiangxiang! At the same time, he is also known as one of the few people who are most likely to become the top star!

Thirty million! Fifty million! Sixty million!

Chen Yixun had originally accepted a commercial performance, but the timing really conflicted. But his manager's eyes turned red when he heard about this terrifying amount. He actually directly broke the contract with the commercial performance, and the one million contract break fee was directly charged to the other party's account!


Chen Yixun's 60 million has arrived!

Mr. Wang Feng, also a first-line star of Yanhuang, a rock genius, belongs to half of the rock world, and is known as Wang Banbi's terrifying existence!

However, Mr. Wang Feng's appearance fee was actually lower than that of the others. After hearing that it was a music show, Wang Feng had the courage to offer the appearance fee on his own initiative.

five million!

Chen Jian looked at the mobile phone in front of him with tears streaming down his face, and finally found a normal price. It seems that this society has not advanced by leaps and bounds to the point where he doesn't even know it. Teacher Wang Feng, I love you!


Teacher Wang Feng's 10 million has arrived!

What, you ask why ten million and not five million!

It was as if Chen Jian was dumbfounded when he heard the sweet female voice from the bank on Wang Xing's mobile phone and then looked at Zhe Xing in a daze.

What is your old man playing here?

People have said five million, why do you still give ten million!

God! Who will save me!

Looking at Chen Jian's strange eyes, Wang Xing touched his nose and continued to answer calmly.

"This is missing..."


When that program group invites stars to appear on the stage, it doesn’t try to reduce the appearance fee! Only today is the program group’s organizer adding money to the invited stars!!! And OnePlus doubled it!

An extra five million is not money!"

Chen Jian collapsed on the chair weakly and said.

"Five million is about the same as ten million......"

Wang Xing continued with a flat face.

Chen Jian:

140 million, a little less than the number in mind.

Wang Xing thought silently in his heart, then got up and continued to calculate the money he would need to spend next.

Since we are going to do it, we must do our best, and we must invite the most suitable stars! And for the program "The Voice of Yanhuang", these four mentors are the most suitable mentors at the moment, so it is so good Resolutely dug up those stars.

As for the reason why other program groups pay after the recording of the program or a part of it, but Wang Xing took the lead in paying the appearance fee. That is, Wang Xing was not worried at all that the star would not take the money to record the show.

Because these stars know very well that those who can directly spend such a sum of money to invite them to record the show, even if they are greedy for this sum of money, the other party can directly make them spit it out, or even spit it out even more!

Of course, the more important thing is that the personalities of the mentors selected by the star Wang Xing are still trustworthy, so Wang Xing has no worries.

Next on 5.7, the site selection and stage construction of "The Voice of Yanhuang" will be done, which is also very important for a program. Moreover, the time when Wang Xing asked these program groups to come to record the program was ten days later, which means that Wang Xing arranged the program scenes within ten days.

selection, decoration, retouching, poster

Ten days is far from enough for a series of things at a normal speed, but if you have money, then ten days is more than enough.

Thinking of this, Wang Xing no longer hesitated, and directly got up and prepared to walk out of the director's office. Seeing this, Chen Jian quickly got up in the same way, ready to follow.

If you don't follow your old man closely, the ghost knows what horrible things your old man will do!

At this moment, the door of the director's office was slowly pushed open, and the head of a young man shyly stuck out...

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