Football Kung Fu Player

【75】This Mistake Should Not Be (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Yaher Maiba looked up at the bright red word, with unprecedented anger in his eyes, suppressed anger, and finally took a deep breath before finally accepting the fact in front of him.

"This boy from the Celestial Dynasty can really do it?!" Yaher Maiba clenched his fists vigorously.

In fact, if he continues to challenge the height of the more difficult hurdles, only Wang Xing will have sufficient physical strength under the premise that other high jumpers are exhausted. His current body will inevitably be a little unable to support , There will be some other unnecessary changes.

The others were already showing signs of exhaustion. If he was the only one who was still alive and well, as if he was just about to start, it would inevitably make people suspect that once he was found to be using banned drugs, he would really become a joke.

"Eight Five Three" "I can only give up first, and on the day of the finals, I will make him look good again!"

Yaher Maiba looked at Wang Xing, who had successfully challenged him, with great reluctance. This kid from the Celestial Dynasty never seemed to worry about matters related to physical strength. He wished that others would not pay attention to him, but he did not. A little thought to hide.

The various actions made make people unable to help but exclaim in their hearts.

It seems to be a monster with infinite physical strength like an abyss. In the past games, no one can do it like Wang Xing, who can almost ignore the intense consumption of each game.

Forbearance, even if the current Yaher Mayba has the certainty of winning the finals, he can't expose his strength prematurely, otherwise, if there is a problem, it will threaten his entire career.

"Let me go, but don't be too crazy, there will be times when you cry!"

Yaher Maiba slowly let go of his tightly clenched hands, then looked at the 2.3-meter-high rail in front of him, gritted his teeth and took forward steps, during the run-up process , His mind is also constantly recalling some actions that require fouls.

"As long as I make some actions that confuse the public, even on the day of the finals, these idiots will not have too much doubt about me, but they will just think that I am performing normally." At the last jump, Yaher Maiba stepped on the floor with his right foot, and when he jumped up high, the corner of his mouth hooked triumphantly and contemptuously.

Because he knows the audience watching his game too well. Most of them can be said to be laymen. It was an inadvertent mistake.

"Compared to the glory I will get in the future, your current pride is nothing more than insignificant!" Facing their own future, Yaher and Mayba couldn't help but smile brighter on their faces.


Sure enough, when Yahr Mayba's body was in the wrong position due to an oblique angle, his muscular body knocked down one side of the crossbar due to lack of momentum, and fell into the trap prepared to prevent the high jumper from being injured. on the mat.

"Oh, this mistake is really undeserved!" The high jump commentator patted his forehead with one hand and said regretfully.

When seeing Yaher Mayba fall on the blue mat, the high jump commentator who had great hopes for Yaher Mayba could only sigh in a tone of great regret: "This A mistake made by Yaher may have been caused by carelessness, but what makes us believe even more is that without this mistake, this black player from the United States may have performed even better."

"The performance just now is simply unbelievable, why did you make such a mistake that shouldn't have happened.

"It's really shocking. Fortunately, I still have hope in him."

"But this time it should be a matter of physical strength. If he has enough physical strength to support him, he may be able to perform better!"

"Come on! I like you!!"

Many Han country tourists raised their hands high at this moment, regardless of whether they were holding drinks or food, they all pronounced Yahr Maiba's name in English uniformly.

"Yahel!" "Yahel!!"


All of a sudden, in front of these crazy Korean tourists, as long as there is a player who can beat Wang Xing, then all of this is necessary, even if this player does not know them well , didn't even pay attention...

"Yahel, you must work hard, behind you is our entire Korean nation!"

"Don't give up! You have to believe in yourself!"

"Be sure to defeat that monster Wang Xing, you will be a hero!"


Countless exciting words sounded in Yaher Mayba's ears. Facing so many crowds of supporters for the first time, this made this Olympian, who has been struggling to be famous, try to use it for the first time. The sweetness of forbidden drugs.

"This, this is the picture I dream of!" Yaher Maiba wished he could fly into this group of fanatical fans immediately, his eyes blurred slightly.

"C'mon, I don't see you Han people being so excited after Wang Xing jumped over." Chen Luo said leisurely to himself dissatisfied.

In fact, after Chen Luo saw this Yaher Mayba made a mistake, he had already let go of his vigilance. He was just a guy who couldn't even jump 2.3 meters. With Wang Xing's strength, he just jumped 2.1 meters. The meter jump is also extremely easy. This 2.3 meters should be quite capable of swimming 3.7 meters.

"Come on, Wang Xing!" Chen Luo raised his arms and shouted in Wang Xing's direction.

Amidst the shouts of countless Han people, Chen Luo's voice was undoubtedly insignificant, but at the moment when Chen Luo cheered, there were tens of thousands of Chinese tourists standing behind him. Undoubtedly, in an instant, the momentum of the shouting crushed the angry youth of the Han Dynasty.

"Wang Xing!" "Wang Xing!!"

"Wang Xing!!!"

The deafening and eager shouts resounded in the high jump room for an instant. On this open-air competition field, some birds passed by inadvertently. When passing, the feathers all over their bodies trembled, and then quickly ran away. …

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