Football Kung Fu Player

【3】Sad Koreans! 【2 More】

On the flight home!

At this moment, all the members of the Korean team were like wilted eggplants, lowering their heads sadly and remaining silent. They were not the first batch of Olympians to return to China, but they were the worst Olympians ever.

this is a shame

Originally like a rooster, the football coach of the Chinese national team held his head high and his chest high. Not long ago, he threatened that he would kill the Tianchao team all by himself. With a menacing and arrogant appearance, he was about to watch the Chinese Olympic team in a state of embarrassment. The appearance of being ridiculed in his own land.

This allowed them to re-establish the flag of the most powerful country in the universe.

But now, all this has changed, under the brilliance of this losing streak.

But it became... so ridiculous...

"Captain, I..."

A football player of the Korean team was sobbing and speechless at this moment. He had never felt such a shame. He had been indoctrinated with the belief that Korea is the strongest nation since he was a child.

At this moment, it unexpectedly gradually collapsed silently!

Lost, lost completely, lost even the last trace of dignity, their nonsense and fierce fighting spirit not long ago have been completely destroyed by that bloody 10€.

There were tears in Jin Douxuan's eyes, he didn't expect that after this Olympic Games, they would become the first batch of athletes returning home.

They wanted to escape this great shame countless times, but under the eyes of the people all over the world, and even spread to their own country, it was already too late, even if it was too late, it was already too late.

The coach of the Korean team, now like a wild dog about to die from a patient, glanced blankly at the players of the Han country team who were already hugging each other and crying. In his mind, at this moment, he couldn't help but see the majestic look from yesterday , The self who does not take all opponents seriously.

Biting his lips tightly, blood was already overflowing, but he seemed to have lost his senses. This incomparable sense of shame lingered on his body all the time, every moment, every second, silent torture with him...


Roaring like crazy, with eyes wide open and ferocious, like a bald hyena full of scars, that is, (cfae) dying, with a roar, all the cries of the Chinese Olympic team are heard at this moment It stopped abruptly, and they turned their eyes to the coach who suddenly yelled wildly in puzzlement.


I saw that plump body swaying in place at this moment, and then a support became unstable, and it unexpectedly fell forward heavily.

When his mouth and nose touched the floor, the strong pressure, like a football being shot, suddenly squeezed to the part that first touched the ground.

The blood...slowly spread...

Hearing the sudden noise, the medical staff quickly trotted out of the emergency room, turned over the unconscious football coach of the Han country team, and looked at his distorted mouth and nose, feeling overwhelmed with pain Foaming, he hurriedly took simple rescue measures.

Seoul of Han country!

At this moment, countless Han people raised their hands high, and in each of their hands, there was a very eye-catching, big red character, which read the signs they made for protest.

At this moment, they are all gathered at the position of the national airport, and the surrounding area is tight, but there is no trace of dissatisfaction on their faces, and their faces are full of anger.

"The food of our country was wasted in vain. You don't deserve to eat the food we pay taxes for!"

"Shameful guys! You shouldn't come back, you should directly sign your nationality certificate and go to disgusting other countries!!"

"Get out of our Daehan, we don't need people like you who come back in disgrace!"

They wantonly used the dirtiest language to insult the plane with their national flag that had parked beside the airport. The loud abuse at this moment also made countless people more passionate.

Korean Sports General Administration.


Following a loud bang in the room, several angry voices sounded one after another.

"Bastards! What are you doing! What are you eating?!"

A middle-aged man in a black and white suit with the appearance of a leader looked at a group of men in suits who bowed their heads with anger. He patted the table angrily. His right hand was already faintly red and swollen. But he didn't seem to feel it. Angry like a lion, he gritted his teeth fiercely, as if he wanted to vent his anger on their heads.

"Why, why did our majestic Korean nation make such a joke! This makes us how to behave in front of other countries in the future. Don't you know that when this kind of thing happens, we, as the number one power dignity, will everyone in the world laugh at it!"

The middle-aged man in the black and white suit had inexhaustible anger at the moment, he roared angrily.

"Leader Jin, please listen to my explanation. It's not our Korean team's mistake this time. It's actually because the Celestial Dynasty is too powerful, especially Wang Xing. You should have heard of his legend. He is simply a superman. ………”


At this moment, the middle-aged man called Leader Jin slapped the report in his hand on the man who was thinking about explaining himself, and black and white papers fell all over the sky.

"Get out!"

Leader Jin roared angrily: "I'm telling you guys clearly today, if you don't want to find a way to get me over this matter, you should all get out of here. Our Daehan is born the strongest, and the four sick men of Central Asia The word should be for the people of the Celestial Dynasty to bear it, so, do you all know what to do?!"

"You mean?"

One of the people who was scolded mustered up his courage, glanced at his colleague who had been dumped in the report, and said in a low voice, "Find someone to take the blame?"

"Hmph! Let that self-recommended Pu Shuoshu bear the burden. Didn't he say that he could easily defeat the Tianchao team? Since he failed, he must work hard like a Han countryman!"

After tidying up his somewhat messy black and white suit, the middle-aged man revealed a cold smile, which made the subordinates around him shudder.

As for the football coach of the Han Guo team who was in a coma, he probably would never have dreamed at this moment that his choice this time would ruin his life's destiny.

Moreover, he will endlessly bear this humiliation for his proud country.

Until he dies...will bear his life...

This is his fate from now on, a road home that will be despised by everyone...

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