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Mizuhara, Kojiro Shinomiya, and Gin Dojima all picked up a piece of Dongpo pork, put it in their mouths, and tasted and chewed it carefully.

In an instant, the taste of Dongpo pork spread out. This first famous dish in Hangzhou, and perhaps the most famous dish in the entire Jiangnan region, immediately made Gin Dojima, Kojiro Shinomiya, and Fuyumi Mizuhara feel completely different. Dongpo pork melted in the mouths of the three people, and the rich taste was in the mouths of Gin Dojima. It was fat but not greasy, with a wine aroma, bright red color, mellow taste, crispy but not broken, and very delicious.

The feeling of this Dongpo pork is like jelly. Of course, its taste is much richer than jelly. It is really extraordinary. The moment you taste it, you can feel the taste of Dongpo pork! The three people have already fallen in love with this Dongpo pork!

Who can resist it? This taste is simply incomparable!

The taste of Dongpo pork melts in your mouth, with the aroma of wine and meat mixed together, making the eyes of Dojima Gin and the other two brighten.

"The taste……"

"The aroma is overflowing and delicious.……"

"It is indeed a super dish that has been passed down for hundreds of years in the Celestial Empire. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of countless people."But Mizuhara Fuyumi also praised it highly. Hearing

Mizuhara Fuyumi praising Dongpo Pork like this, Rou Mei and Tanaka Hui secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that there was hope for this food battle.

After all, the previous performance of Kurokiba Ryo was really strong, which surprised Rou Mei and Tanaka Hui. However, they did not expect Ye Nan's performance to be equally amazing, so they were very happy for Ye Nan and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It is not easy for Ye Nan to have such a performance.

"This Dongpo pork looks delicious. Ye Nan is indeed worthy of his name. He really wants to promote Chinese cuisine. It looks delicious. I wonder if I can try this dish.……"Rou Mei was seen mumbling to herself, with some feelings rising in her heart, and she also hoped to taste the flavor of Dongpo pork.

Rou Mei herself was very interested in meat dishes, and seeing how Ye Nan handled Dongpo pork, it goes without saying that she was also very interested and wanted to know how Ye Nan made this dish, and wanted to discuss it with Ye Nan.

Rou Mei's thoughts popped up in her mind, and she looked at Ye, and always focused on Ye Nan, with a trace of admiration that she herself did not even notice.

Ye Nan's performance was really good.

Mizuhara Fuyumi praised it highly, and Shinomiya Kojiro was also surprised. Then he pushed his glasses, and then began to eat the dish again. He kept tasting it and felt that the taste of this dish was indeed unusual.

"This is the delicacy from the Celestial Empire. This meat dish is really extraordinary. This is the first time I have seen such a processing method. It is really amazing."Shinomiya Kojiro murmured to himself.

At the same time, Dojima Gin also nodded slightly. When Dojima Gin tasted the first bite of Dongpo Pork, he felt the extraordinary taste of Dongpo Pork.

After seeing the performance of Dojima Gin, Shinomiya Kojiro, and Mizuhara Fuyumi, Kurokiba Ryo's heart moved slightly and felt a little uneasy. He also smelled the fragrance of Dongpo Pork and saw how Ye Nan made Dongpo Pork. Suddenly, Kurokiba Ryo realized that something was wrong.

Ye Nan's performance, could it be that...

Nakiri Alice was also a little nervous. No matter what, after all, Kurokiba Ryo was her nominal... 's subordinates. If Kurokiba Ryo loses this time in the food battle, won't he really be expelled from Totsuki Academy?

And Nakiri Erina was also a little nervous. She was nervously waiting for the results to be announced.

The three judges also fell into silence.

Dojima Gin, Mizuhara Fuyumi, and Shinomiya Kojiro were all carefully savoring the taste of the deep-fried pork chop and Dongpo pork. These two dishes were indeed unique and left the three with endless aftertastes.

The three of them carefully savored the two dishes, and finally their eyes became gradually firm. At the same time, they also looked at Ye Nan and Kurokiba Ryo, and finally made their own choices.

""Well, whether it is Ye Nan or Kurokiba Ryo-kun, they are both very good, but I already have an answer in my mind, this dish deserves it." Mizuhara Fuyumi said lightly.

Dojima Gin and Shinomiya Kojiro also nodded slightly.

Obviously, they already have the answer in their hearts.

Hearing Dojima Gin and the other two say this, everyone became nervous. After all, this time's food battle was really a bit big.

What will be the result of this food battle?

I saw Dojima Gin and the other two raised their cards at the same time and showed their answers.

In an instant, I saw Dojima Gin, Mizuhara Fuyumi and Shinomiya Kojiro all chose the same person, and the answers in their hearts were the same.

Ye Nan!

Ye Nan's name appeared on the three people's cardboards. Ye Nan deservedly won this food battle and won the victory!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel A

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