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Kurokiba has already finished it!

That's right, Ryo Kurokiba has already finished his fried pork chop. After Ryo Kurokiba finished making the fried pork chop, as the fire in the oil pan went out, Ryo Kurokiba indicated that he had finished the fried pork chop first. Ryo Kurokiba finished the fried pork chop, he held his fried pork chop, walked in front of several judges, and said lightly:"My dish is finished, it's a special Japanese fried pork chop."

"Fried pork cutlet... although it looks very appetizing, but Kurokiba Ryo, we have eaten this kind of food too many times, are you sure it will be different?" Mizuhara Fuyumi was very demanding, glanced at Kurokiba Ryo, and asked coldly. Mizuhara Fuyumi and others are graduates of Totsuki, it goes without saying that they have a high vision, and they have been in the food industry for many years. What have they not seen?

What's more, it is the most common and common food like fried pork cutlet. Which school or prosperous building in Japan does not have fried pork cutlet?

It can be said that it is definitely the most common food in Japan.

It is really a very simple thing.

Therefore, Mizuhara Fuyumi certainly does not think that there is anything special about fried pork cutlet.

"Humph, eat it first before you comment like that. Why are you talking so much nonsense? You will know after you eat it."Kurokiba Ryo said coldly.

Kurokiba Ryo looked impatient, as if he didn't even bother to explain anything more. He said coldly, causing dissatisfaction among Mizuhara Fuyumi.

"You!" Mizuhara Fuyumi looked at Kurokiba Ryo with dissatisfaction:"You are just a student, but your attitude is so bad!……"

This is what happened to Kurokiba Ryo after he entered the state of cooking. He seemed to have changed into a different person, from the lazy and slack person before, to a sharp guy with an arrogant look, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Mizuhara Fuyumi was of course also very unhappy with Kurokiba Ryo.

However, Dojima Gin was trying to smooth things over. Dojima Gin said,"Try the taste of this fried pork chop first. It's not too late to taste it first. Maybe this is really a different fried pork chop."

Hearing what Dojima Gin said, Mizuhara Fuyumi had to hold back and didn't get angry, but her expression was still angry.

Kurokiba Ryo confidently served the fried pork chop to the three people.

From the outside, the fried pork chop was indeed no different, but the onlookers saw Kurokiba Ryo's confident look and felt that something was wrong.

Tansho Kei put his hands together and said,"

I really, really hope Ye Nan will win." Rou Mei nodded,"Of course I also hope Nan can win, but this Kurokiba Ryo doesn't look simple."

Kurokiba Ryo chuckled, looking calm, and at the same time glanced at Ye Nan, he sneered,"Ye Nan, you are sure to lose this time, I deliberately put a bomb in my ingredients, you can never imagine the taste."

Ye Nan's hand paused slightly, at this time he finally finished his Dongpo pork, this dish was served by Ye Nan.

When Ye Nan heard what Kurokiba Ryo said, he smiled faintly,"It's too early to be happy now, Kurokiba Ryo, you seem to think too simply."

"Really? Then let me open your eyes." Kurokiba Ryo said lightly.

At this time, the three judges headed by Dojima Gin finally took a bite of the fried pork chop.

In an instant, the aroma of the fried pork chop filled the air, and at the same time, the mouth was full of the taste of pork chop. The pork was even more mellow and rich, and the thickness of the pork chop was needless to say, which made the mouth full of surprises. At the same time, the pork chop was not dry at all, and the taste was just right.

Generally speaking, the meat used for fried pork chops may be pure lean meat, so it tastes delicious, but it will affect the taste.

However, Dojima Gin and the other two felt that it was particularly delicious. The food had reached the extreme temptation, and it was top-notch to a certain extent, so strong that it was explosive.

It was really like putting a bomb on the taste buds, filling the entire mouth with a sensational taste. This rich taste was really fresh in the memory of the judges, and they were completely conquered by the taste.

"How could this be? How could this fried pork chop taste so delicious, soft and crispy, and have a layer of fragrance, as if it melts in your mouth?……"The disdain on Mizuhara Fuyumi's face disappeared, replaced by shock. Mizuhara

Fuyumi really couldn't understand how there could be such an excellent deep-fried pork cutlet dish! ~

Not only Mizuhara Fuyumi, but even Shinomiya Kojiro, who was always picky, was intoxicated by it and felt the amazingness of this dish.

"Humph, Ye Nan, I told you I will definitely win this time. You are destined not to be my opponent, what a pity, you are destined to lose to me."Kurokiba Ryo sneered, a bit of complacency appeared on the corner of his mouth, looking at Ye Nan with a disdainful smile.

In the game, Kurokiba Ryo was a particularly arrogant guy.

"It's so easy to compete with a piece of trash like you. It seems that I will definitely win this food battle." Kurokiba Ryo sneered.

Hearing what Kurokiba Ryo said, Ye Nan frowned slightly.

"Ah, I know, there is a very thin layer of fat on the top of the pork!" Mizuhara Fuyumi suddenly screamed.

A hint of surprise appeared in Kurokiba Ryo's eyes:"You actually discovered it, yes, that's it, it's fat!"

"So that's how it is. Using a very, very thin layer of fat on the surface of the pork chop not only increases the taste of the pork chop, but also makes it softer. It is indeed an extraordinary dish, a completely different fried pork chop!"

Mizuhara Fuyumi exclaimed.

Everyone was suddenly enlightened.


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