The taste of rum and blackcurrant ice cream made all the customers praise it and received rave reviews.

In this hot summer, the customers really liked the refreshing feeling and thought it was the best ice cream they had ever eaten.

Who could refuse this summer delicacy?

Soon, Ye Nan's shop was surrounded by people, and Ye Nan took the opportunity to make ice cream with machines to meet the needs of customers.

Ten servings.

Twenty servings.

Fifty servings.

One hundred servings...

Ye Nan's ice cream began to sell rapidly, and the speed was jaw-dropping. No one had expected it, and it even exceeded Ye Nan's own expectations.

"Damn it!" At this time, Erina and Hisako were squeezed out by the crowd. Erina clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

"Miss, he, his ice cream is very popular……"Feishazi didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Although the location of Ye Nan's shop is not very good, Ye Nan attracted some customers with his cooking demonstration, and then used Erina and Feishazi's performance of eating ice cream to successfully arouse everyone's curiosity.

Word spread quickly.

Soon, Ye Nan's remote shop was crowded with customers.

In contrast, the business of other shops around was basically taken away by Ye Nan, and the deserted appearance was extremely pitiful.

It can only be said that Ye Nan took almost everything into account.

From the beginning of the bet with Erina, he was ready.

Erina gritted her teeth and said,"It's okay, it's not that easy for him to win. Now he has only sold more than a hundred ice creams. When the sales reach a certain amount, it will slowly decrease. Don't forget that he has to sell a thousand ice creams. How can it be so easy."

Feishazi nodded gently. Erina was right.

Although Ye Nan is in a strong momentum now, you have to know that it is a thousand ice creams. This is not a small number, and it is not something that can be completed in one go.

Ye Nan was of course well aware of this, but he remained calm.

As time went by, Ye Nan finally sold about 300 servings of ice cream by noon.

However, there was still a big gap from Ye Nan's goal of 1,000 servings.

Erina looked at Ye Nan with a little pride and said,"Ye Nan, it's almost noon, and you've only sold 300 servings. I admit that you are great, but even though you are great, it's still too difficult to sell 1,000 servings a day.""

"It's not too late for you to admit defeat now." Erina said proudly.

Ye Nan shrugged:"Really? It seems that you have concluded that I can't sell a thousand ice creams?"

"Of course." Erina crossed her arms and looked proud.

Hisako looked at Ye Nan, then at Erina, and couldn't help but sigh. The eldest lady and Ye Nan were always at loggerheads, which made the secretary a little overwhelmed.

"You seem to have forgotten something." Ye Nan seemed to have it all figured out.

Erina was startled, but saw Ye Nan pointing to the sky:"It's only morning now, the weather is far from the hottest. It's noon and afternoon when ice cream will really sell well."

Erina and Hisako were shocked at the same time!

Yes, Ye Nan sold more than 300 copies in just one morning. No, to be exact, more than 300 copies were sold within a few hours, but Erina overlooked the fact that the hottest noon and afternoon of the day had not yet arrived. The hotter the weather, the more advantages it has for Ye Nan's ice cream!

Erina's bad premonition became stronger.

Sure enough, after noon, the sun was scorching.

The earth seemed to be in a steamer.

In front of Ye Nan's ice cream shop, the number of people has begun to double, and more and more. And some tourists even buy more than one ice cream, it is also very common to buy two or three. Ye Nan's ice cream sales began to soar!

Five hundred copies.

Six hundred copies.

Eight hundred copies.

Seeing that Erina's expression was getting worse and worse.

A long queue had formed in front of Ye Nan's shop, and people came in an endless stream to buy ice cream, not only because it was delicious, but also because it was a heat relief.

"This guy actually combined ice cream with weather factors. More and more people are coming. Am I really going to lose this time?……"Erina didn't know what to feel.

Finally, at 4pm,

Ye Nan's 1,000 ice creams were sold out.

"Done, sorry everyone, we are closed today."Ye Nan apologized to the customers, and the crowd dispersed disappointedly. Then Ye Nan looked at Erina.

Erina bit her lip.

"You won, so you have to accept the loss. Just give me something you want me to eat." Erina said.

Erina gritted her teeth, but she didn't deny it.

Erina lost. She looked at Ye Nan stubbornly, wondering what kind of unpalatable food Ye Nan would take out to"torture" her.

Ye Nan had said before that he would let Erina taste something, which made Erina subconsciously think that Ye Nan was going to give her something unpalatable to tease her. A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Ye Nan's mouth.


I finally finished writing this and found that I didn’t get any flowers or rewards. You bad people!!

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