Shen Lang felt that he was no longer a chef. With his current strength, he would beat the whole world in a minute if he walked into the fighting arena.

After all, this was the world of food wars. Although the food was awesome, the fighting power was not good.

Just as Shen Lang was sighing in his heart, there was a knock on the door, and he heard a very pleasant voice:

“Junior, are you up?”

“Do you want to go to the club with your senior sister?”

Shen Lang opened the door and asked curiously:

“Senior sister, do you get up so early every day?”

Hiyori looked at Shen Lang and smiled:

“Isn’t it too lazy to waste the beautiful morning time in bed on the weekend?”

“The sports festival will start tomorrow, so I am going to the club to cheer for everyone. Do you want to go with me, junior?”

Shen Lang thought about it and agreed. Anyway, there is not much to do today, so why not go for a walk.

Seeing Shen Lang agreed, Hiyori was very happy. The two went downstairs and found Seiichiro humming a little song while cooking.

“Hey? Shen Lang, I have a day off today. Why are you up so early?”

“Are you going to go out and play with Hiyori?”

Before Shen Lang could say anything, Hiyori said to Seiichiro:

“Senior Caibo, I plan to take Shen Lang to visit my club.”

“We don’t eat breakfast at home.”

“Take Shen Lang to the Local Cuisine Research Society?”

Seiichiro didn’t know what he was thinking of. He put the things in his hand and ran to Shen Lang.

“Shen Lang, did Hiyoko tell you about the sports festival?”

“I tell you, you can help, but don’t try too hard. The fat guys in Chanko Nabe Club are not very good at cooking, but they are very strong. Although you are also very strong, they have more people……”

“Senior, what nonsense are you talking about!”

Hiwako glared at Seiichiro:

“My junior is so concerned about me and wants to help me, you can’t discourage him. Otherwise, I will be angry.”

“Hi, Hiyoko, I just said that casually!”

Seiichiro put his arm around Shen Lang’s shoulders and said with a playful smile:

“I tell you, Hiyori, you have finally found the right person. Ah Yin may look muscular, but he is just a weak man. It is useless to find him. But Shen Lang is different. He is handsome and strong. With his help, there is still a 0.1% chance that you will win the championship in the sports festival!”


Hiyori directly grabbed Shen Lang’s arm:

“Junior, let’s go. We don’t want to chat with this guy anymore! Senior Cai Bo discourages others all day long. It’s really abominable. No wonder no girl likes him. Senior, I guess you will be single for the rest of your life.”…………..

Shen Lang was a little speechless. Rihezi had been using the phrase”you can’t find a girlfriend” to attack others all day long.

This was really a bit heartbreaking.

Following Rihezi out of the Polar Star House, I don’t know where Rihezi pushed out a bicycle:

“There is still some distance from our Polestar dormitory to the school. Do you want to ride a bike?”

“This is my bicycle. If we squeeze together, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Looking at the bicycle in Hiyori’s hand, Shen Lang thought for a moment and said directly:

“How about you ride the bike and I’ll walk?”

“Anyway, I have good physical strength, so it’s okay to walk a few more steps just for exercise”

“Walk? Why walk? Isn’t it a waste if you don’t ride a bike? Besides, riding a bike is also a form of exercise!”

Hiyoko looked at Shen Lang eagerly:

“Does the junior hate the senior?”

“without…I never thought of it that way!”

“Then you can take me with you on your bike!”

Hiyori put the bike in Shen Lang’s hands, and then she sat on the back seat.

“Junior, it’s time to go!”

Shen Lang had no choice but to get on his bike and ride towards the school district.

Riyoko sat on the back of the bike, holding Shen Lang’s waist, feeling the breeze blowing in her face. The senior was in a great mood.

“I used to ride my bike to school alone, but now I feel like sitting on the back seat isn’t that bad!”

“Why don’t you be a full-time driver for me in the future? I will pay you.”

“How much can you offer me?”

“Money? It’s so vulgar to mention money! The salary that the senior sister mentioned means that if the senior sister gets any good ingredients in the future, she will be the first to share them with the junior brother! Junior brother, what do you think?”

“not good……”

Seeing that Shen Lang directly rejected her, Hiyori, who was sitting in the back seat, was so angry that she wanted to grit her teeth.

“Junior, I’m telling you, you just came to school, you can’t be as unemotional as Dojima-senpai and Saiba-senpai.”

“Rejecting a girl’s request will hurt her feelings.”

“Girl? Where are the girls? Where are they?”

Shen Lang looked around pretentiously, as if he was looking for a girl.

Seeing Shen Lang’s expression, Rihezi was so angry that she grabbed Shen Lang’s waist.

“Junior, why do I just realize that you are such a straight man?”

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