Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 685: Who is with me (4)

Zuo Qiu Dan saw many monks, especially the previously evacuated monks from the Demon Golden Dan, approaching the cracks in the Yin Mo Cliff, but for a while they were all blocked by the mad rush of the opponents.

Zuo Qiu Dan did not say hello to anyone else, but went straight towards the edge of the crack in Yin Mo Cliff and killed him alone.

It's just that the time is too short, less than ten breaths before and after. Even with Zuo Qiu Dan's tyranny, he is still unable to kill him immediately when he shuttles through the fiercely fighting battle groups of all sizes.

On the contrary, only those low-level monks, because they all knew that they did not have the strength to go down to the cracks of Yin Mo Cliff to save people, instead gathered more and more in the cracks of Yin Mo Cliff.

When Li Yan went down, Zuo Qiu Dan was less than five miles away from the crack in Yinmo Cliff. He was very dissatisfied with Li Yan's approach.

He didn't think there was anything Li Yan could do. The girl in white was a warning to others. This was just another scapegoat. He still felt sorry for people like Li Yan. ??

After meeting Li Yan several times, he had a good impression of Li Yan and considered him to be a proud member of the younger generation.

So, Zuo Qiu Dan launched an all-out surprise attack in the last five miles, planning to bring Li Yan with him in the end. As for the girl in white, it all depended on the situation.

He and Wei Zhongran hadn't seen each other in nearly thirty years, so he didn't know Zhao Min, and he just thought he was Wei Zhongran's disciple. Of course, if he could save him, he would definitely take action.

If he was unable to do so, he would still choose to save Li Yan first, as he was also a junior. Of course, this was all under the premise of ensuring that he and Wei Zhongran were safe.

Zuo Qiandan knew Zhao Zhi, but on a battlefield filled with mid-level and high-level monks, he would not have noticed Zhao Zhi's previous call unless he did something as eye-catching as Wei Zhongran.

After the final sprint started, Zuoqiu Dan killed two foreign golden elixir cultivators in just a moment.

Those two people were only in the middle stage of Jin Dan. When faced with the red mist rolled out by Zuo Qiu Dan, they were involved in it before they had time to escape. They only resisted for less than a breath and fell into the air one after another.

But as a result, he was also targeted by an alien mid-stage Nascent Soul monk high in the sky.

I don’t know if the two people killed by Zuo Qiu Dan were his blood descendants. The monk in the middle stage of Yuanying actually received the water seal of Zen Arhat from the Pure Land Sect.

Although he was spitting blood from his mouth, he still slashed at the Zuo Prison Pill below with a fierce expression.

Zuo Qiudan suddenly felt that he could no longer move at all, and then a grain of purple sand the size of a thumb hit the top of his head.

Zuo Qiu Dan was also shocked. Although he could also have the magic power to fight against Yuanying monks, he was referring to ordinary Yuanying early stage monks.

In front of the truly powerful Nascent Soul cultivator, no matter how powerful he is, he will eventually be unable to fight across several realms.

But he could only think of so much. The grain of purple sand had arrived in an instant. Zuo Qiudan sighed in his heart. His desperation finally attracted the attention of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

But the next moment, Zuo Qundan felt his back


There was a chill, followed by a burning sting, and his whole body instantly became free again.

A Buddha's call came from above his head, and the Zen Arhat of the Pure Land Sect was already standing in the sky.

A large transparent hole appeared on the left chest of the foreign monk opposite, and several tendons like torn vines were clearly visible.

The foreign monk sprayed blood from his mouth and kept retreating.

Liao Chan was also a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. During the fight with him, the other party actually tried to kill one of his disciples under his nose.

He knew that person. He was a kid from the Zuo family in Shengzhou. He seemed to be a master of elixirs.

The Zuo family of Shengzhou was a first-class immortal cultivating family of the Pure Land Sect. Liao Chan Arhat could not let Zuo Qiu Dan die. Although his attack was a little slow, he still saved Zuo Qiu Dan.

However, Zuo Qiu Dan was still scraped by the grain of purple sand on his back, and was seriously injured.

Seeing the foreign monks being so rampant, Zen Arhat took the opportunity to flick his fingers, and a Buddhist bead flashed again from the distance, and instantly landed on the forehead of the foreign Nascent Soul monk.

The foreign Yuanying monk just tried his best to eat the opponent's seal before he took the time to attack Zuoqi Dan.

However, a flaw was exposed in this way, and a Buddhist bead from Liao Chan was hit in the left chest. Liao Chan was so powerful that he was not merciful, and the Buddhist bead turned around in an instant and was sacrificed to the opponent's head.

The foreign Nascent Soul monk was extremely angry at Zen for ruining his good deeds. A large area of ​​spiritual light shone in the large hole in his left chest, and the blood hole healed quickly.

There was a cold snort in his nose and a soft drink.

"Buddhist Kung Fu is mediocre. Hu must kill that boy today."

As he spoke, he clasped the fingers of his left hand like a claw towards the Buddha beads above his head. At the same time, he waved his right hand again, intending to kill Zuo Qiu Dan again.

But the next moment, his expression changed drastically, and his cold drink turned into an exclamation.

"Marya beads!"

He retracted his palm fiercely, and was about to dodge again. How could Liao Chan on the opposite side let him escape? He was waiting for this moment, otherwise the opponent would have taken precautions and disappeared without a trace in a teleport.

Liao Zen raised a single palm of his right hand, flexed his middle finger sharply, moved the remaining four fingers forward a little, and drank quickly.


The figure of the foreign Nascent Soul cultivator, which had begun to blur, suddenly paused. It was with this slight delay that the Buddhist bead passed through his body in a hurry.

The foreign monk let out a scream, and his body-protecting spiritual light that had resisted Zen's attack was instantly disintegrated and frozen.

The whole head exploded, and a two-inch Nascent Soul escaped instantly with a look of panic on its face, holding a storage bag.

Buddhism also cultivates mind power, and Confucianism also cultivates Haoran Zhengqi and spiritual power. They are completely different. Not only can they

By attacking the enemy, it can entangle the opponent's consciousness and soul, and it is difficult to remove. It is the last thing a monk wants to encounter.

Although the foreign Nascent Soul monks know that there is such a thing as Buddhist telepathy, they have been wandering in the turbulent space all year round and have almost never seen it.

Although there have been battles with the Pure Land Sect in the past few months, telepathy is not something that anyone can easily cultivate, so the foreign Nascent Soul monks also know that this thing is very difficult to deal with.

They don't have any specific means on how to deal with it.

Today, he fought against the Pure Land Sect monk. Although this foreign cultivator was always prepared, the other party fought with him for a long time and no telepathy appeared.

It was as if the other party had no telepathy at all, and coupled with his haste just now, he was hit by this move all at once. ??

At this moment, although his Nascent Soul escaped, the Zen Arhat in the distance had no intention of chasing him, which made the foreign Nascent Soul cultivator even more panicked.

Because he already felt that his soul was wrapped with a layer of gray stuff, and his consciousness was rapidly declining...


The Zuo Prisoner Pill on the edge of the crack in Yinmo Cliff was stunned. Li Yan only threw Wei Zhongran's body up, while he turned around and quickly flew downwards.


After catching Wei Zhongran's body, Zuo Qiudan hesitated for a moment without paying any attention to the "bang bang" attacks from the demon cultivators outside the protective spirit shield.

"He actually wants to save the girl in white!"

However, at this moment, Zuo Qiu Dan had to protect Wei Zhongran first, and after hesitation, he did not follow it.

In the distance, there were several sounds of breaking through the air. Yan Longzi and Li Yuyin, as well as the master of Sixiang Peak, surnamed Peak Master Yi, and several other golden elixir monks had appeared. Their speed was only a few breaths slower than Zuo Qiandan...

Li Yan's figure just flickered, and with the help of the suction force in the abyss, his figure was like an arrow piercing the thick fog, and he was at Zhao Min's side in just two breaths.

He also grabbed the long belt around Zhao Min's waist. At this time, Zhao Min also opened his beautiful eyes and just looked at Li Yan quietly, while Li Yan chuckled at him.

"Master is fine, it's time for us to go up!"

Then, the black light on Li Yan flashed wildly again, and Zhao Min suddenly stretched out an arm and put it on Li Yan.

She did not let her body turn sideways, but almost became shoulder to shoulder with Li Yan.

At this time, Li Yan raised his head and looked up at the sky. The spiritual power in his body once again swept over his whole body. His body was raised again, and the power of "Five Elements Returning to Hongmeng" was unleashed again.

But at this moment, Li Yan's face, which had been smiling just now, suddenly changed drastically, and turned pale the next moment.

Zhao Min, who was beside her, fell sharply downward again, but she only fell half a person's height. Her jade hands, relying on the strength of Li Yan's shoulders, could barely stabilize her body.

At this time, the stone around him


The rain, the corpses of the monks on both sides, and the magic weapon fragments seemed to have accelerated time in an instant. These things fell straight down at several times the speed.

Li Yan's body that had just risen, after rising slightly, also fell rapidly towards the abyss...

By this time, sixteen breaths had passed since Wei Zhongran burst out from the bottom of the crack in Yin Mo Cliff. This time was only the time it took for an ordinary person to take more than ten breaths.

And Yan Longzi and others just landed on the edge of the cliff above...

The two-dimensional passage at the bottom of the crack in Yin Mo Cliff has finally begun to dislocate and reorganize, and it is constantly changing the laws of space around the second-dimensional barrier.

"Junior Sister Min..."

"Li Yan!"

"Senior, hurry up..."

"Oh! This is terrible!"

Li Yan and Zhao Min, who were falling rapidly, vaguely heard the screams and shouts of Gong Chenying, Wei Chituo, Lin Daqiao, Zuo Qiandan and some familiar monks above.

There seemed to be the voices of the master's wife, the senior brother, and the head master, but they were no longer audible, and those voices quickly disappeared in the ears.

For a moment, Li Yan used all his strength several times and was unable to rise at all, but he also slightly controlled the speed of his descent.

Li Yan suppressed the fear in his heart and forced himself to calm down. It was estimated that in this moment, he and Zhao Min had fallen about a hundred feet.

Because the speed was too fast, all the sounds became blurred, except for the constant "whooshing" sound in the ears.

Li Yan and Zhao Min didn't know that after the laws of space began to change, the space force had already taken them away from their original space position while they were descending.

Li Yan, who was falling, deliberately controlled his body balance while also quickly looking around. He had already noticed that something was wrong, and he was quickly thinking about countermeasures. But in just this moment, his back was already soaked. , he couldn't think of a solution for a while.

At this moment, his right hand shook violently. The force came suddenly, and he tried his best to control his body. When he felt the force, his right hand was involuntarily shaken away.

Immediately, the hand on his shoulder pushed hard, and a strong force came. After a pause, Li Yan's descending body was shocked and flew upwards several feet.


Li Yan suddenly woke up from his thoughts. After Zhao Min pushed him away, he fell away at a faster speed due to the shock.

The long black-haired ponytail was already a little scattered. As it floated upwards, it flew freely on both sides of her cheeks...

However, the look she looked at Li Yan was unusually clear. There was a smile on the face that was as heroic as carved from white jade, and the rounded edges on the face made it softer and more gorgeous.

At the same time, she pointed at the sky, waved her hand gently to Li Yan, without saying any words, closed her beautiful eyes again, and let herself fall away like that...

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