Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 632: Once upon a time in a snowy night

More than half an hour later, it was already dark. More than 150 miles away from the nameless valley, there was an isolated peak and cliff.

In a pile of rocks near the top of the mountain, there are hundreds of large and small stones scattered around, which look like undulating monsters in the night.

A large stone was buried deep in the soil, with large weeds growing out of its roots. At one corner of the big stone, it was halfway leaning against a smaller stone.

That was Li Yan sitting there, but even if someone walked by him, all he saw was a small stone standing sideways.

"There are already ten teams of various sizes within fifty miles nearby, with as many as a hundred people, and they are led by several Jindan monks. These should be the outer perimeter of the unknown valley."

Li Yan sat there motionless, his mind quickly recalling the groups of monks he had just met in succession, trying to analyze useful information from the clues.

From the expressions on the faces of some of the team monks he encountered, he could tell that these teams must be aware of each other's existence and should be patrolling different areas.

Li Yan didn't know that if it had been yesterday, he would have encountered these monks earlier. At that time, their patrol range was within five hundred miles outside the Nameless Valley.

It was only after these monks received the order this afternoon that they narrowed the area to three hundred miles. It seemed that three hundred miles was already a small area. After all, there were more than a hundred monks patrolling together.

In fact, it's still the same principle. They have to take into account a range of three hundred miles in every direction. Once a hundred people are separated, the area of ​​protection is still not small.

"These are the traitors who are willing to surrender to the demons!"

Encountering so many human monks, Li Yan had guessed their identities. He had begun to hesitate whether to continue approaching the nameless valley, but stopped here, and then waited for the Nascent Soul monks to take action.

At least in the hands of these monks, Li Yan still had a little confidence that he could hide. Otherwise, if he continued to approach the unknown valley, the chance of death would have increased to 99%.

Although it is now only more than 150 miles away from the valley, and still a little away from Li Yan's judgment of the Demon General's 100-mile cordon, this is completely uncontrollable.

Li Yan didn't dare to use his consciousness to investigate at this time. What's the difference between that and seeking death?

After thinking about it for a while, Li Yan decided not to go any further. This kind of risk must not be taken.

What's more, after the Nascent Soul monks from both sides fought and left, he could reach there very quickly with the "Feng Chongtian" movement technique, which was more than a hundred miles away. Everything had to be done on the premise of saving his life. .

Thinking of this, he concentrated even more and held his breath, and the "Sneaking Night Hidden" slowly circulated throughout his body, no longer distinguishable from the surrounding environment.

He knew that as long as he remained motionless like this, those old monsters from Fengliang Mountain who were secretly following him would know, so he would just wait for the opportunity and start his next plan on his own.

But at this moment, Li Yan's expression suddenly moved in his heart.


, two figures were slowly rising up from the bottom of the mountain, heading towards him.

"Huh? Have you been discovered?"

Li Yan, who had just made a decision, was shocked. He had been targeted in advance. Otherwise, after sitting for a while, someone suddenly leaned towards him.

But immediately Li Yan felt that something was wrong. Although the two men flew straight to him, they did not have any murderous intent on their bodies. Instead, they looked even more cautious, and they did not look like they were guarding against him.

Because the two people were careful and looked around frequently. Although they were flying in the direction of themselves, their attention was very distracted.

Although Li Yan did not dare to release his spiritual consciousness in the direction of the valley, he still released a small amount of awareness in the surrounding small area, so he was still somewhat aware of the situation of the two people.

However, as the two people approached, Li Yan completely absorbed his spiritual consciousness into his body, and soon the two people flew near him. At this time, they were only about ten feet away from Li Yan.

There was an abandoned cave of low-level monsters. Li Yan had explored this before, otherwise how could he be assured of where he was hiding now.

The two people flashed into the cave like ghosts, and then two voices broke into Li Yan's ears. The two people were probably quite confident in their own cultivation, so they did not transmit the sound.

From a distance of ten feet, with Li Yan's current cultivation level, he could hear clearly without using his spiritual consciousness.

"Hmph, Fellow Daoist Zheng is so courageous. I'm not afraid that Master Wan Zun will kill you if he finds out about it. You actually have the idea of ​​being a slave!"

This was a cold yet seductive voice. Although the voice had the meaning of reprimand, it was more of a teasing tone.

The moment he heard this voice, Li Yan couldn't help but be stunned. This voice was somewhat familiar to him, and some pictures from the past quickly appeared in his mind.

Immortal cultivators have the ability to remember what they have seen and heard. That was what happened to Li Yan on the way to the Pure Land Sect a year ago.

That day, he left a city called Yuguan City. Because he didn't get the Crystal Bone Water, he was depressed and decided not to continue on his way in the night when the north wind was howling and the wind and snow were dancing.

While hiding from the wind and snow, he took shelter in a cave.

The woman named Su Hong who was "returning to come back" outside the cave fled here, and she was chased by a beautiful woman with green rose hair. At that time, after Li Yan overheard the conversation between the two, he wanted to get the Crystal Bone Water. He secretly attacked the beautiful woman with blue hair.

Finally, he fled with Su Hong all the way.

As soon as this woman spoke today, Li Yan thought of that beautiful woman with green gauze.

Think about it again when Su Hong said that a mysterious force appeared near Yuguan City. Now this

The beautiful woman with green silk hair appears here again. There is no doubt that this woman was already a traitor who took refuge in the demon clan.

While Li Yan was thinking, another slightly frivolous voice sounded.

"Elder Zhong, I have true feelings for you. I want to stay with you for the rest of my life and fly together. I am definitely not just a whim like Wan Zunzun.

What's more, Wan Zunzhen has countless women, and it's not like you don't know how long it has been since he came to see you.

I came here a few times before, but it was also to see your sect master, hehehe..."

"Oh? Zheng Xingfan, what do you mean by this? Just say that the slave family is just someone else's plaything, or that it can be obtained by anyone."

The woman's voice suddenly became cold, and even the last trace of her charm was gone. ??

"Look, Elder Zhong, why did you say this? It's not like you don't know how I've treated you since we met a few years ago.

Am I the kind of person who just talks about it? Every time you asked me to do something, I didn't agree without hesitation. Instead of being like those guys who don't see rabbits and don't let go of hawks, they just want your happiness. people. "

The man's voice gradually lost its frivolity, and finally became more serious.

"Do you know what will happen to you if Master Wan Zun knows about this matter? The slave family is his forbidden family. Although he has not been to the slave family for a long time, he will never allow others to have any twisted thoughts. ”

"Hmph, he can show off his power in front of us, but in front of those demon cultivators from the demon world, he is very humble. However, this kind of thing soon no longer deters me much.

I assisted Master Tiedong in the South China Sea, but I found many hidden immortal cultivating families and sects. This great achievement alone made Master Tiedong look at me with admiration.

Even though Mr. Tiedong ordered us to come over and assist Mr. Mu in defending this place, there were also some suggestions from me.

Master Tiedong has made it clear that he plans to transfer me to his command as a sergeant, and will give me a good position in the army.

By then, although I can't compete with Wan Zunzi, it will be extremely difficult for him to touch me. "

"You said that you want to work under Master Tiedong? Zheng Xingfan, how come the slave family has never heard of it? You think the slave family is a three-year-old child, and you can believe you if you give him a piece of candy?

However, as a disciple of a first-class Nanhai cultivator sect, you have betrayed so many sects and families that are closely related to you this time. Even if your already imprisoned Taichang elders find out, they will probably eat you alive. will have their hearts. "

"Hehehe, those old guys in the sect are all stubborn people. They are like your sect who plan big things and know the general situation.

Let’s not mention that matter. Lord Tiedong’s intention to take care of me, how can I talk about this kind of thing casually? How about this


, let me show you something..."

A moment later, Li Yan heard a soft cry from the beautiful woman with green gauze.

"This...this...this is the Iron Demon Order, this is Master Tiedong's token..."

"This is natural. When did I lie to you? In the future, I will have a lot of cultivation resources. Of course, you will also have abundant cultivation resources. With your and my qualifications, it is not impossible to condense the Nascent Soul. ”

There was a hint of pride in the man's words.

"Can you really bring the slave family to Lord Tiedong's tent?" The voice of the beautiful woman with green silk gauze has lost its coolness and is filled with doubts.

Only she and the "Red Candle Fairy" truly know the true relationship between her and Wan Zunzhe.

"Although I can't say anything in front of Lord Tiedong, it doesn't matter, senior, he values ​​me very much and is basically willing to accept what I say."

Seeing the snow-white looming in the translucent green gauze dress in front of him, and his plump buttocks swaying, Zheng Xingfan's heart was already filled with lust, and he started talking big words, all he wanted was to get instant pleasure.

He has long coveted the women of the Hongchan Sect, especially the head of the Hongchan Sect and this beautiful woman with green gauze.

The leader of the Hongchan Sect was determined to follow Wan Zunzun, and his cultivation level was much higher than him, so Zheng Xingfan did not dare to have any thoughts.

But this beautiful woman with green gauze only has some relationship with Wan Zunzhe, and he has also inquired about it. Even if Wan Zunzhe comes, he rarely looks for the beautiful woman with green gauze. She seems to be a little worried about the "Red Candle Fairy" .

Moreover, in the entire Hongchan sect, only the beautiful woman with green gauze can compete with the "Red Candle Fairy" in terms of charm. Zheng Xingfan is also a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir, so he naturally has a very high vision.

He found out in private that the beautiful woman with green gauze was actually extremely coquettish. This woman could be said to have sex with all men every day, which was not enough in the past.

She herself had slept with so many men just by using her body to obtain information about the enemy. However, since the invasion of the demons and Master Wan Zun came to the stage, fewer and fewer monks dared to contact her.

Zheng Xingfan was originally a lustful ghost, but now he had a backer, especially Tiedong, who was much more powerful than Wan Zunzhe. This was a fact that everyone recognized.

As a result, his heart was even more eager to move, especially this coquettish beauty. Recently, it seemed that she would appear in front of him intentionally or unintentionally, making his eyes red every night.

"But you are not afraid of offending the Master Wan Zun, but the slave family is still afraid! Today you have invited the slave family to come here, and that's all. If there is nothing else, the slave family will go back.

We are still guarding the outer perimeter. If something goes wrong, if the mistake happens to you or me, even Master Tiedong will not spare us. "

The beautiful woman with green gauze seemed to believe Zheng Xingfan's words, and her tone was not as cold as before, but instead had a tone of discussion.

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