Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 617 Tonggui Ridge (15)

After Wang Ning arrived at Gong Yuantai's side, she immediately swallowed several "Qi Recovery Pills" one after another. She didn't care whether Gong Yuantai would defend her or not, and vomited on the spot.

Gong Yuantai was left speechless for a while. Did he really refuse to save him?

The situation of Tantai Dongyue is not much different from that of Gong Yuantai. They are both poison cultivators, but Gong Yuantai is good at poisonous erysipelas and poisonous mist.

Tantai Dongyue is a disciple of Buli Peak. The monks she fights with are often the result of being surrounded by various Gu insects and cannot get close to her. Therefore, Tantai Dongyue is not afraid of being surrounded by many people on her side.

Even if the demon cultivator in the distance wanted the Nanhai cultivator to self-destruct and have a fatal impact on her, it would be difficult. The Gu worms all over the sky were invisible barriers.

After listening to Gong Yuantai's words, the Fengliangshan monks also had a strong spiritual energy. They all took their own responsibilities and collided with the Nanhai monks who were surrounding them from several directions.

At this time, they didn't care whether the other party would suddenly self-destruct, but their spiritual consciousness still kept an eye on whether the other party's aura would suddenly become restless.

After a brief gathering, there were only a few dozen people left. Many Fengliang Mountain monks were frightened and felt that today's Qing Sixteenth Team was simply a joke.

As soon as I took over in the morning, they used powerful magic weapons to raze "Tonggui Ridge" to the ground. Then they followed Li Yan's orders and rushed up.

There was not even simple cooperation between the teams. After only a few dozen breaths of fighting between the two sides, they had to think about how to escape back.

But these thoughts just passed by in a flash, so where is the time to think about them now?

And at the moment when dozens of people rushed towards the Nanhai monks, dozens of powerful auras roared across, and then a series of voices rose into the sky.

"Want to leave? Leave everything to me!"

"There are still a few great beauties, it's better to capture them alive..."

"That book boy is mine. I let him run away just now. Now you still can't fight with me."


For a moment, demonic sounds were heard everywhere, some were ridiculing, while others were eyeing Wang Ning, Tantai Dongyue and seven or eight other female cultivators with lewd expressions on their faces.

And the demon cultivator who had been staring at Bro came through the air with a snowflake ax on his shoulder.

The distance between the demon cultivator and Gong Yuantai was only about five miles, which could be said to be an instant arrival for the cultivators. At this time, many Nanhai cultivators were swarming around Gong Yuantai and the others.

Although a complete encirclement has not yet been formed, Gong Yuantai and the others think that it will be difficult to break out of the encirclement in a short while.

Moreover, when these Nanhai monks approach, there is no guarantee that the Demonic Cultivators will not take the opportunity to cause them to self-destruct, which will cause them to suffer heavy casualties.

But seeing that the demon cultivator finally joined the battle group, everyone knew that the other party was also planning to do the final killing.

Although the Fengliang Mountain monks are now gathering forces, there are not many monks who can escape.

Gong Yuantai’s aura


Dasheng, he growled.

"Let's fight!"

The others had already taken the lead in flying to the north, and in response to him, dazzling rays of light rose into the sky, and solemnity and ferociousness began to appear on everyone's face.

Their goal is the north.

Gong Yuantai and the others only rushed forward less than a hundred feet before colliding with dozens of Nanhai monks. The world that had just calmed down once again erupted with various lights and spells colliding with loud noises.

Gong Yuantai and the others knew that they would soon be attacked from both front and back. Later, the pressure on the rear end that Senior Sister Tantai was responsible for would double. By then, I am afraid most of them would have to return to defend against the enemy and help.

Now that they are at a disadvantage, if they divide their forces to fight against the demonic cultivators, the danger will be immeasurably greater. At that time, they can only rely on their own abilities, and only as many as they can escape.

. In fact, every Fengliang Mountain monk understands this situation, so this time they used all their cultivation skills, which suddenly allowed them to rush forward nearly a thousand feet.

The intensity of this fighting was much greater than before. The number of casualties on both sides rose sharply in an instant. In the distance, there were more Nanhai monks pressing over from the other three directions. The advantage of many people was irreversible.

Just when Gong Yuantai and the others were fighting extremely fiercely, after rushing north for a while, they felt something was wrong.

Because of the contact between a large number of monks from both sides, no Nanhai monk has self-destructed yet, and the demonic cultivator who was shouting from behind has not appeared yet.

Just when Gong Yuantai was about to take the time to investigate, Tantai Dongyue, who was in charge of the rear, suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Something's wrong, there seems to be something wrong with those demon cultivators!"

Tantai Dongyue led thirteen people to take charge of the rear. Everyone had to withstand attacks several times greater than their own enemies. Fortunately, they were conscious and knew how to cooperate, but those Nanhai monks almost all attacked individually based on instinct.

At the same time, Tantai Dongyue was assisted by a large number of Gu insects. Compared with the other three directions, the monks on their side were temporarily dead.

Tantai Dongyue still took the time to be alert to the movements in the south, but after a few observations, she discovered something was wrong.

Logically speaking, those demonic cultivators had no enemies to stop them. They only flew four to five miles away, but more than ten breaths had passed and the demonic cultivators still did not catch up;

Secondly, the soaring demonic energy to the south just now is now rapidly decreasing. Although the shouts and shouts are still there, the sounds heard by Tantai Dongyue, who is paying attention to the movements there, have changed their tone, and they are roars and curses.

It seems to be cursing someone.

Tantai Dongyue first glanced at the monks. They also sensed the abnormality in the south, but everyone was fighting against these Nanhai monks who had lost their minds. The opponent's offensive was like huge waves hitting them again and again. How could they still survive? Dare to disperse

Too much energy exploring the distance.

Tantai Dongyue saw that others also noticed the abnormality, and became more sure that he had not misjudged, so he separated a ray of consciousness that controlled the Gu worms and quickly spread it to the distance. On the other hand, he controlled the Gu worms to continue to contain the enemy.

After just a quick glance, Tantai Dongyue's expression became very exciting, and then she did not use the sound transmission method, but directly whispered it.

Her voice was not loud, but most of the monks here could hear her clearly, including Gong Yuantai who had just become suspicious.


At this time, they were about four miles south of Tantai Dongyue, where they found a different world.

There were six demon cultivators chasing a human monk in the sky, and the bodies of four demon cultivators were already lying on the ground.

On a nearby mountaintop, a mountainside, or a valley, fifteen demonic cultivators were scattered on it, and some were sitting cross-legged, breathing hard;

Some were lying on the ground, their chests rising and falling violently, and their breaths getting stronger and weaker.

Some were kneeling on their knees, throwing the magic weapon aside, holding it with both hands, their faces were extremely twisted in pain, and their muscles were constantly twitching.

Tantai Dongyue recognized that the human monk who was being chased by the six demon cultivators was none other than Li Yan, the captain of the Qing Sixteenth Team who had been missing for some time.


When Li Yan led his team to attack, his target had already been on the twenty-five demon cultivators behind him.

A bold plan came to mind, and he wanted to secretly kill these demon cultivators.

Now the strength of the two sides is not at the same level at all. They were just bombarded by the unknown powerful magic weapon, causing huge casualties.

And with no danger to defend, Li Yan and the others already lost more than they won.

The biggest advantage of the demon army is that it can control the Nanhai monks, squeeze their potential, and make them willing to trade their lives for their lives.

But this is also a shortcoming. If the demon cultivator who holds the forbidden token can be killed, then the problem encountered now should be solved.

There were more than twenty demon cultivators attacking the "Tonggui Ridge" they were defending, so Li Yan had to plan carefully.

Although he knew the approximate gap between the demon soldiers and himself after fighting against Teng Wuji, and this time he had improved a lot after absorbing the essence and blood of the "Immortal Dark Phoenix" again.

But if he is surrounded by more than two dozen demon soldiers, Li Yan is not a real golden elixir monk. His spiritual power is limited, and it can kill him here. He must try his best to let the other party die first before being exposed.

All of this, for Li Yan, is a conspiracy that he is better at.

As soon as "Tonggui Ridge" came into their hands today, the opponent took the opportunity to flatten it. The demons calculated that "Tonggui Ridge" would be weak during the defense.

Li Yan was not easy to get angry on weekdays. After all, he was young and energetic, and he still had a bad breath in his heart. So he


I just want to bet big.

When he rushed into the enemy crowd and took the opportunity to disappear, he had already used the "sneaking and hiding at night" technique to reach the team of demon cultivators at the rear.

But a plan is a plan after all. These demon cultivators are not close to each other and are not gathered together. This makes it difficult for Li Yan to implement his plan.

After thinking about it for a while, he could only implement his plan piece by piece. At that time, he could only say what he could achieve.

He secretly observed the wind for a while, and when there happened to be a cloud drifting towards this direction in the sky, he found a white cloud, quietly sneaked over, and used his "stealth and hiding at night" technique to blend into the white cloud. middle.

He only dared to use a trace of spiritual power to control the white clouds to float towards a demon cultivator.

During this period, Li Yan did not dare to make any big moves at all, lest the clouds' flying path and speed would become abnormal and be discovered by the demon cultivator.

When a cultivator stands in the sky, he often sees clouds floating by his side. This is a normal phenomenon, but as a cultivator, he is still very wary of things around him.

When the clouds brushed past some demonic cultivators, some demonic cultivators sensed that there was nothing abnormal and then allowed the clouds to brush against their bodies without avoiding them. This was the best time for Li Yan to take action. .

Some demon cultivators impatiently brushed away the floating clouds, but as long as the two parties were in close contact, Li Yan could probably take action.

However, some demon cultivators chased Yunduo away from a distance. At this time, Li Yan had no choice but to look for Yunduo again, and came again.

In this way, Li Yan's total time was not short. The fighting on the battlefield was extremely fierce and the casualties were heavy.

Li Yan didn't know these situations at first. He focused all his attention on how to calculate every target.

Until the end, when there were still six demon cultivators who had no time to start the plot, they heard the shouts of these demon cultivators, and they all jumped into the sky, planning to take action personally.

Li Yan glanced back with his consciousness, and he was suddenly shocked. In just a moment, he only had more than sixty people left.

At this time, Li Yan had no time to continue plotting against his opponent. When he saw twenty-five demon cultivators flying up in a frenzied voice, he emerged from hiding and actually unleashed spiritual power on nineteen of them at the same time. attack.

His sudden appearance surprised the demon cultivators who were trying to save him, but when they sensed that every spiritual power Li Yan attacked was not very strong, they all couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The other party's hidden skill was very subtle, but I didn't know if it was because of the sudden burst of demonic energy on my side that broke the human monk's hidden state.

In the panic, this human monk had already lost his control and started attacking indiscriminately. However, the area of ​​​​the attack was too large. Could it be that he really thought that he was invincible against ten or one hundred people.

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