Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 602: Streaming Talisman

Li Yan prefers to let everyone know the situation he is facing.

He doesn't want to participate in such a war. He has already embarked on the path of immortality. He wants to embark on a path of immortality, but now he still has relatives.

If Li Yan had the ability, he would rather take all his relatives to other continents, regardless of the sinking and decline of the Desolate Moon Continent.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do any of this. He could only fight to the death to protect his loved ones.

"When Tonggui Ridge was attacked, why couldn't the monks from Eryi Fengliang Mountain come to the rescue? That would greatly reduce the pressure here."

Bro tied up the straps on his shoulders and said dissatisfiedly.


Not far away, Qiao Baiye whispered, if Fengliang Mountain had a helping hand, this place would not be like this a long time ago. This idiot even asked such a ridiculous question.

Sure enough, Gong Yuantai just glanced at Bro.

"I think Brother Dao Lai Bro doesn't have a deep understanding of the terrain here yet. If he is a monk who has done scouting missions here in the early days, he will definitely know it.

The overall scope of 'Tonggui Ridge' protrudes forward. If the main vein of Fengliang Mountain is a body, then it is a protruding hand. On both sides of it are large open spaces.

The so-called two wings are actually on the sides and rear. Every time the demons attack, they basically attack from multiple points at the same time.

Where else can monks be found to come to help?

The second is that if reinforcements go out, they will be directly intercepted by the demons immediately, leaving only this lonely mountain peak and a large number of enemies on both sides.

We were able to come here today because the upper-level monks received intelligence information and analyzed that the demons would not launch an attack within this period of time. This allowed us to take the opportunity to rush over, otherwise we might have been intercepted by the demons in the middle. "

After hearing this, Broo rolled his eyes and said, "That's easy to solve. Just set up a teleportation array on this mountain. That's it. Just keep adding more monks from the rear. In this way, we will have a steady stream of reinforcements."

To say that Bro's method is really the best plan, the immortal cultivators are not mortal armies and are easily penetrated and destroyed by the enemy in terms of supplies.

Gong Yuantai shook his head, "The teleportation array can be deployed, but this is not the key. How many monks do you really think there are foundation-building and above monks in the Desolate Moon Continent?

As fellow Taoist Brother Bro said, "a steady stream", if that were the case, you wouldn't have been recruited here nearby. Our monks should have gathered in large numbers for various defenses. Fengliang Mountain would have been covered with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of monks. .

Now almost the entire South China Sea monks are controlled by the demons. One of the four desolate moon continents is gone, leaving only the areas under the jurisdiction of the three major sects. The demon army can attack any defense point at will, so the number of monks we are restrained is even greater. There are many, and monks need to be deployed at many defense points for prevention.

In addition, we have too many places to defend, not just the Fengliang we heard about now.


Mountain, Demon Swallowing Ridge and Jian Fuyuan, it's just that this is where the demon clan's initiative direction is currently determined.

If the defense on the east, west, and north sides is neglected, the demon army may make a surprise attack in those directions. The distance is nothing to the cultivators, so the best thing to do is to invest in the defense of the cultivators in the other three directions.

No matter how powerful the four major sects are, it is impossible to set up teleportation arrays at all attack points.

Especially when I heard that the cracks in Yin Mo Cliff are widening day by day, which almost contains most of our strength, and there are more monks transferred there than here. "

Nowadays, the cracks in Yinmo Cliff are no longer mysterious, and Gong Yuantai also has a considerable status in Laojun Peak, so he knows a lot about it.

But when these words fell into Li Yan's ears, he knew that the real situation was not what Gong Yuantai said. He got more complete and more information.

Wei Zhongran told him privately that the reason why they had been defensive here instead of counterattacking was because they were waiting for the opportunity.

One is that the powerful Nascent Soul master from "Luoshu Lake" has quietly sneaked back to the South China Sea. Here we are waiting for the last news about him, so that we can finally attack from both inside and outside to deliver a fatal blow.

The second reason is that after hearing this, Li Yan felt that immortal cultivators were ruthless.

There are three major defense offices and most of the defense points here. With the capabilities of the four major sects, the materials consumed to build the teleportation array can make countless people amazed and crazy.

However, the four major sects have profound foundations. Even when the Taixuan Sect escaped, they brought with them more than 70% of their resources. Naturally, they can still establish various transmission points.

Especially in key locations like "Tonggui Ridge", teleportation arrays can be established, but the four major sects will not do so, and they find various reasons and continue to spread rumors that the "Yin Mo Cliff Crack" is in a critical situation, etc. matters.

Its purpose is to strongly attract the demons coming from the South China Sea Passage to attack here desperately, thereby consuming a large number of demons' army and foreign monks.

If teleportation arrays are established at each attack point, and a large number of sufficient monks are provided to supplement the fighting, then the demons will only need to attack for a period of time to find that it is impossible for them to take down the three defenses of Fengliang Mountain.

At that time, they would change the direction of their attack and think of other ways, but the initiative would still be with the demons. All of this was because the demons continued to change and revise their strategic plans, causing the battle to take unpredictable directions.

Therefore, the four major sects are holding the demons hostage like this, making them feel that the number of monks here is insufficient, and they may soon capture the three defenses including Fengliang Mountain.

And Wei Zhongran and the others also received orders to cooperate with the attack of the demon army and shrink the defense range little by little, so that the demon side could feel mentally and visually that the situation was indeed going according to their plan, even more at all costs.

Attacking invisibly consumes a lot of power.

Li Yan sighed deeply when he thought about this result. Every day, the four major sects kept sending out the "just right" number of monks to fight the demons according to the number of deaths, and they were consuming each other's lives.

At the same time, this is equivalent to completely giving up the lives of most of the monks in Nanhai, watching helplessly as they are constantly detained by the demon cultivators and then come up to fight with their own people.

The death of a large number of monks did not arouse the slightest sympathy from the high-end monks. They still made plans according to their own ideas step by step.

After Wei Zhongran told Li Yan this, he took out something and handed it to Li Yan, which was a "streaming talisman".

This talisman can be regarded as a short-distance teleportation array. Therefore, the "streaming talisman" is valuable and is often only owned by mid-to-high-level monks. It is also rarely seen in the market.

The main reason is that the raw materials consumed to refine this talisman are also very expensive, but the teleportation distance is only about a hundred miles. This is enough to set up a small teleportation array, and the teleportation distance is definitely far more than a hundred miles.

Another reason is that using this teleportation talisman is very troublesome. A corresponding receiving array must be set up in advance, and the receiving array and the "streaming talisman" must be made using the same refining technique.

Otherwise, more than 80% of the teleporters will directly escape into the chaotic space, which is simply a certain death outcome.

Wei Zhongran had already set up a receiving magic circle in his cave in Fengliang Mountain. As long as Li Yan activated this talisman, he could instantly return to Wei Zhongran's cave in Fengliang Mountain.

Of course, Li Yan would not speak out about all this, but he also wanted to let everyone understand the current situation. He himself would not use the "Streaming Light Talisman" unless he was at the end of his rope.

He knew that Wei Zhongran wanted him to do his best to kill the demon cultivator when his life was guaranteed, but did not want him to run away immediately if something happened.

"Fellow fellow Taoists, you have listened to what Senior Brother Gong said. Now that you have been ordered to come, you can only fight to the death against the demons. I think you all know the consequences of being a deserter on the battlefield. I don't need to say more about this.

Since Senior Brother Gong is more familiar with this place than me, the vacant position of deputy captain of the Qing Sixteenth Team is easy to handle, so Senior Brother Gong will take over it. What do you think? "

Li Yan saw that everyone immediately became silent after listening to Gong Yuantai's words, and the atmosphere became depressing. Everyone below had helplessness on their faces, and some even had expressions of sadness and anger.

Most of the helpless monks have families and sects behind them. They were warned before coming here that if they were timid or fled, the entire family or sect behind them would be affected, and he would also be listed as one of the four major sects. A must-kill target.

As for some monks with sad and angry faces, all of them are casual monks. They are alone and can just escape to a remote mountain and let it be dark outside.


What are we doing?

However, they were captured by the Golden Core cultivators. In order to prevent them from escaping, the casual cultivators must leave a trace of their essence in the hands of the four major sects. As long as you dare to disobey, you can escape to the ends of the earth. Life or death is only a matter of others' thoughts. thing.

However, nearly half of the recruited monks still volunteered to fight the demons. Such monks were either passionate or had read about previous demon invasions in the classics.

He knew that unless he could leave the Desolate Moon Continent, once the demon invasion was successful, their figures would appear in any corner of the Desolate Moon Continent. Therefore, there was no so-called paradise.

Li Yan didn't care about this and immediately started making arrangements.

The demons may attack here in the next moment, so they have enough time to prepare mentally. They must seize the time to arrange everything.

Monks are not an army among mortals. Even fellow disciples rarely have time to cooperate. Monks prefer to practice alone and look for opportunities to cultivate immortality by themselves.

But when encountering this kind of war, cooperation becomes a bit messy.

"If this war continues, it is estimated that in one or two years, the cooperation between the monks will become much closer." Li Yan couldn't help but think.

After Li Yan broke the silence.

"We need a monk who is familiar with the battlefield to assist Fellow Daoist Li. It makes no sense for me, Fellow Daoist Gong, to serve as the deputy captain!" Wang Ning was the first to speak.

With someone familiar with the situation assisting Li Yan, their lives would be more secure. Who would not be able to figure this out? Of course Wang Ning would not argue anymore.

"I agree!"



For a time, many fake elixirs spoke one after another. They were the main combat force of this team and did not want to listen to the opinions of the monks below the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen. Of course, except for a book boy here.

Seeing that most people agreed, Li Yan nodded. As for a few fake pills, they either remained silent or were a little dissatisfied. He didn't consider those people's little thoughts at all, otherwise what else would he, the captain, do?

The proposal just now was just spoken out to let others know. Whether you agree with it or not, the result will be the same. He has the final say on everything on the battlefield.

Li Yan looked at Gong Yuantai again. Li Yan's suggestion surprised Gong Yuantai. Logically speaking, a team like this should have a vice-captain, but usually the captain appoints someone he trusts to serve.

Li Yan arrived at the Qing Sixteenth Team alone, so he didn't propose anyone to be the vice-captain in the past three days. Everyone thought that Li Yan was planning to take over the power.

Gong Yuantai didn't expect that he just said a few words based on his feelings, and that Junior Brother Li would have such suggestions and arrangements.

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