Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 576: Ninth Heaven of the Netherworld

Thinking of this, Wei Zhongran suddenly frowned.

"No, how come Li Yan's body has traces of having practiced Qiongqi Purgatory Technique, and his level of tyranny is far higher than that of Chen Ying and Min'er.

This is also the reason why it can be sustained until now. This is definitely not taught by Miner. She has no right to secretly pass this technique to others at will. Is it Chen Ying? "

Wei Zhongran was shocked, and then even Gong Chenying couldn't spread the clan's secret law casually, unless...

"Qing Ah Wang!" A thought quickly flashed through Wei Zhongran's mind.

"Did Wuyi, I, and the others think wrong all along, that Li Yan and Chen Ying are in love?" Wei Zhongran couldn't help but look at the unconscious Li Yan again.

He immediately shook his head slightly, "That's not right, this shouldn't be Qiongqi Purgatory Technique. Even if Chen Ying taught it to him, even if the two of them were in love, it could only be taught to the third level at most. ??

But Li Yan's physical strength can already compete with the middle stage of Jindan Demonic Cultivation, not to mention the third level of Qiongqi Purgatory Technique, even the fourth level cannot.

Chenying is a stubborn person and will not betray his clan's rules until death. Is this another powerful body-refining technique similar to Qiongqi's Purgatory Technique?

But how Li Yan obtained this magical skill, and I have never heard of it..."

For a moment, Wei Zhongran felt that he had guessed wrong. He knew the Tianli clan much better than others, and he also knew the Qiongqi Purgatory Technique very well. Instead, he felt that he was too suspicious.


Li Yan only felt that his body was getting colder and colder, but his thinking was getting clearer and clearer, as if he was becoming more awake due to the cold.

As a familiar voice came vaguely, "Uncle Wei, why is Junior Brother Li's breath getting more and more disordered..."

A flash of lightning flashed across Li Yan's mind, and many images flashed past his eyes in an instant.

"It seems that I was fighting with someone before. It was a golden elixir demon cultivator. I dead?"

In an instant, Li Yan remembered many things, but what brought him panic and fear.

He has never been to Jiuyou Underworld, but he feels like he has arrived here now.

Death is fearful to everyone, and Li Yan is no exception. He raised his head and looked around. It was always quiet here, and he was the only one alone in the world.

Even though he was usually extremely calm, he just felt his heart sinking.

"I am one step ahead of Bai Rou and the others. That demon cultivator will not let Senior Sister Bai and the others go no matter what. Maybe I will meet their souls again soon."

Li Yan felt colder and colder, feeling his body losing consciousness a little bit. He subconsciously tried to use magic power to resist several times, but the wave of spiritual power that used to flow endlessly in his veins was empty.

Slowly, Li Yan found that his consciousness also felt like it was separated from his body. All his consciousness was converging towards the top of his head and he could not sense anywhere else. He was about to break through the Niwan Palace and fly away.



At the same time, in the originally gray sky above Li Yan's head, those dark gray clouds were slowly starting to hover, and their speed was getting faster and faster.

Soon a vortex formed above Li Yan's head, and the center of the vortex became brighter and brighter.

As the vortex rotates, a huge suction force is generated from the middle. Li Yan's three souls and seven souls appear in Li Yan's Niwan Palace, and Li Yan's faces of happiness, sadness or anger appear alternately.

Li Yan was shocked. He already felt something bad in his heart. There were bursts of pain in the Niwan Palace. This was the instinct of the three souls and seven souls to get rid of their restraints.

Although he doesn't know where he is, he also understands that once the three souls and seven souls leave the body, he is not a Yuanying monk, and it is absolutely impossible to return the soul to its place.

"Didn't you say that the soul was taken away by the Black and White Impermanence Ghost? I'm going to fly away on my own."

He looked at the vortex above his head that was spinning faster and faster, and the white light in it was getting brighter and brighter. At this moment, it actually felt dazzling, making the surrounding gray world appear more colorless.

A small part of Li Yan's soul had already moved out of his body under the powerful suction force.

Li Yan was shocked and angry, and quickly concentrated all his consciousness to block the Niwan Palace, but it was all in vain. Things did not change at all because of his efforts, and the soul continued to be stretched upward. stretch.

Li Yan looked down in shock, only to see that his entire body was already filled with blue fire. However, he felt no pain and could not feel the temperature. It was indescribably weird.

Li Yan felt that his soul was being pulled out of the Niwan Palace bit by bit. The only thing he still had any sense of his body was the small Niwan Palace.

After several times of concentrating and raising his energy, he finally smiled bitterly and finally gave up trying. "Among the six people, I am the one who goes to hell first."


In Li Yan's cave in Fengliang Mountain, Wei Zhongran was the only one standing in the cave. Looking at Li Yan lying on the bed, feeling Li Yan's soul slowly gathering in Niwan Palace, Wei Zhongran sighed softly.

"Most of my body is damaged, and I can't save it anymore. My soul is about to melt!"

Wei Zhongran patted his waist with one hand, and a light green, almost transparent vial appeared in the Niwan Palace above Li Yan's head.

Then he quickly drew several arcs in the air with his hands, and complex ancient Weiwei mantras that shone in white or gold appeared in the sky above where Li Yan was lying flat, and the illuminated Li Yan's body flickered in and out.

Wei Zhongran could feel Li Yan's body slowly getting colder. Even though he had a lot of middle-grade elixirs in his hands, Li Yan's body had almost become a sieve full of loopholes.

Especially the dozens of cracked places in the internal organs

, under the inspection of Wei Zhongran's spiritual consciousness, it looked like a baby's open mouth, with a piece of meat inside.

Only the rare treasures of heaven and earth have the ability to regenerate and renew muscles. Even if Wei Zhongran invited his own master, there was nothing he could do. Unless the cultivator takes action, it is possible to resurrect Li Yan, but it is obviously impossible.

Wei Zhongran heard that the ancestors of the four major sects who transformed themselves into gods were all in retreat for a final, all-out fight against the demons. How could they consume mana because of a foundation-building monk at this time?

Even if he asked his master to intercede, it would be impossible.

"Looking at the serious injury to the demon cultivator's throat, and the force of Li Yan's last blow, if the opponent had not been a powerful physical cultivator, his neck would have been cut off with this blow."

Of course Wei Zhongran understood how powerful the backlash was against Li Yan, and he was also surprised by Li Yan's last desperate blow.

Under the sneak attack, he was not sure that he could withstand Li Yan's attack with his body.

Now Wei Zhongran could only cast a spell to collect Li Yan's soul first, and then find a suitable body for him later. This was almost a miracle for a mortal, but in the eyes of a strong monk, it was still possible.

And just when those ancient incantations began to condense into a larger incantation and printed towards Li Yan Niwan Palace, a faint silver light suddenly flashed across Li Yan's motionless body.

Although the silver light disappeared in a flash, it could not escape Wei Zhongran's eyes. He immediately stopped holding the spell and looked at it again.


Li Yan simply let go of the three souls and seven souls. At this moment, he still had hope. Familiar faces passed by his eyes. Li Yan sighed and slowly closed his eyes.

But at this moment, his body covered with blue fire suddenly appeared from his lower abdomen. Even though the blue fire was floating, it still couldn't cover up the brilliance of this silver light.

At the same time, a cold and indifferent voice suddenly appeared in Li Yan's consciousness: "Nine levels of the Netherworld, one level and one Nirvana, crossing the Yellow Spring River, the thought of immortality."

This voice was very familiar to Li Yan. It was exactly the same as the cold voice in Yinzhi Space.

Just when Li Yan was stunned and had yet to respond to what he meant by his words, the silver light on his lower abdomen suddenly became dazzling, with circles of silver ripples appearing.

The silver light swept over him like a wave, spreading all over his body in an instant.

The blue fire outside Li Yan was immediately suppressed and became unstable. The silver ripples swept over and covered Li Yan's Niwan Palace and whole body in an instant.

The half of Li Yan's soul that had been pulled out was cut off by the suction from the vortex above his head in the next moment, and the soul quickly fell back into the Niwan Palace.


Wei Zhongran stared closely at Li Yan's lower abdomen, who was lying on the bed. After a flash of silver light suddenly appeared, Li Yan's exposed belly was covered with scars.


On the skin, a layer of silver quickly spread and covered it.

In an instant, Li Yan's whole person, including his face, seemed to be covered with a silver mask, turning into a silvery light, which made people feel a little scared.

Wei Zhongran immediately stopped the magic spell in his hand. However, his figure did not move, but his body was already glowing with a golden color.

He stared at Li Yan, and although his hands stopped moving, if he found Li Yan was wrong, he was ready to stop him at any time.

Wei Zhongran's first reaction to Li Yan's strange change was, "He was taken over by someone else."

But when his consciousness scanned Li Yan's body, he was suddenly surprised and happy, and then he scanned it carefully with his consciousness again uncertainly.

After a long while, he murmured, "Is it caused by the poisonous body? How can there be such a strange physique in the world?"

In Wei Zhongran's consciousness, Li Yan's body, covered by silver light, was slowly recovering. Some broken bones could clearly be seen, and the tendons were slowly moving.

Even the most severely damaged organs in the body were filled with silver, making Wei Zhongran unable to see clearly.

But the appearance of these silver lights clearly meant that Li Yan had to endure great pain. Li Yan, who was in a coma, was gritting his teeth and his body was twitching incessantly.

Even with such severe pain, Li Yan still woke up without any pain.


After the vortex above Li Yan's head lost its target, a ferocious face slowly emerged from the bright center.

He looked down at Li Yan standing on the single bridge ferociously, with an extremely angry expression in his eyes. It opened its mouth and roared silently, and the dark clouds still hanging above Li Yan's head began to rotate rapidly.

But after a while, the rotating dark cloud seemed like a ferocious beast that had lost its target. After a few circles, the ferocious face in the center of the vortex above showed doubts and confusion in its eyes.

Slowly, the vortex became dimmed, and then the vortex finally disappeared. There was still a gray sky above Li Yan's head.

Li Yan's already unconscious body suddenly felt severe pain. Li Yan breathed in and quickly looked down.

He found that the silver light in his lower abdomen was getting brighter and brighter, and the tendons in his body seemed to be being pulled out one by one, and then roughly twisted together again.

Li Yan felt that his three souls and seven souls were trembling in pain, and sweat poured out of his body.

Li Yan kept roaring in this empty space, and the blue fire streaks on his body began to fall one after another.

He was in so much pain that he wanted to run wildly, but his body was still firmly nailed to the bridge.

What frightened him even more was that, as thousands of swords were being twisted around Xiunei, his consciousness became clearer and clearer, and as a result, the pain he endured became greater and greater.

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