Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 564: Soul Absorbing Bottle

At the same time, Bai Rou had the same thought as Li Yan, and knew that it was better to fight head-on at close range than to be locked tightly by the opponent.

As long as you can get close to the opponent, and under the condition of fighting for three puppets, after receiving one or two blows from the opponent, and then self-destructing the puppet when the opponent is not prepared, a powerful isolation wall will be temporarily formed between them and the demon cultivator. .

By then, the four people on the ground would be wrapped up, and they would at least have some time to escape from here.

It's just that the self-destruction of the natal magic weapon caused irreversible damage to Bairou herself. It may take her several years to recover. During this period, her cultivation will definitely not improve, and she may even fall.

Moreover, the next time she wants to refine a natal magic weapon, the difficulty will increase exponentially. Maybe until she can condense the golden elixir, she may not be able to successfully refine a natal magic weapon.

What I am still a little worried about now is that no monks from the other side should appear here again, otherwise there will be no possibility of escape for the rest of us.

But what they didn't know was that the demonic cultivators nearby had all rushed back to gather, and the monks on their side were forced by the opponent's powerful spiritual consciousness to retreat northward, causing thousands of people to appear between the two sides. The open area inside.

However, the scene that made Bai Rou eat so much happened immediately. When he saw Li Yan, he jumped out directly. Bai Rou shouted urgently, "Junior Brother Li, you can't..."

At the same time as she spoke, Bai Rou pinched the magic in her hand, and the three puppets chased after Li Yan before they could embed the middle-grade spiritual stone.

Bai Rou was anxious in her heart. Junior Brother Li has always been calm, but why did he become so reckless and actually take the initiative to face the opponent? He was the golden elixir demon.

In this way, the only chance that he might have been able to use the power of the puppet to resist the opponent for a moment was gone.

To pounce on a middle-stage Jindan cultivator is undoubtedly to fly a moth into a flame. Even if the opponent is an early-stage Jindan cultivator, it will undoubtedly lead to death.

The golden elixir is the golden elixir. No matter how powerful Bairou thinks her puppet is, she would not dare to take the initiative to confront a golden elixir stage monk. At most, she can only dare to stick to the spot and wait for opportunities to fight.

Why is Li Yan so confused now? "Maybe...maybe Uncle Wei also gave him a life-saving magic weapon with a golden elixir strike. He stepped forward to find an opportunity to use it. I don't know for sure..."

Bai Rou's mind was a little flustered for a moment, and she could only have hope in her heart.

But it all happened in a flash of lightning, just when Li Yan pounced on Hong Mang and Bai Rou just made a secret to control the three giant gibbon puppets.

The "Incandescent Demon Tiger" had stepped forward to block the three long-armed giant ape puppets. Looking at Bai Rou behind him, the eyes of the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" flashed with a faint light. He raised his paw lightly and headed towards the three flying giant apes. The giant gibbon puppet patted over.

The moment the claws of the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" were shot out, the entire claws expanded rapidly, like a wall in an instant, with an unparalleled dull sound, "Woo"


It smashed down with a single sound, but it underestimated Bai Rou, so the attack speed was still leisurely.

The "Incandescent Devil Tiger" in front of her blocked the way in an instant. Bai Rou could not help but raise her eyebrows, and the magic formula in her hand suddenly changed. She raised her other jade hand at the same time, and three white rays of light shot into the gibbon giant ape's chest. in vivo.

The bodies of the three giant gibbon puppets that were facing the "Incandescent Demonic Tiger" trembled violently, and in an instant, a powerful force burst out from their bodies, causing the spiritual energy of the world to spin sharply.

Not far away, Teng Wuji, who was making the secrets, was also shocked: "Mid-grade spiritual stones. They still have medium-grade spiritual stones on them. They must be disciples of the four major sects. The other sects are low-level foundation-building disciples." How come there are middle-grade spiritual stones on my body?"

At this time, Li Yan was already close to the red fire light. At this moment, the red fire light had stopped in the air. It was a crystal red jade bottle, just like a Taoist jade purification bottle, but the color was surprisingly bright red and strange.

Seeing Li Yan flying towards him, the mouth of the bottle suddenly flipped over, and several beams of red light shot out, shining on Li Yan.

In the distance, Teng Wuji was holding a magic trick and was staring at Li Yan who was flying towards him with a mocking look on his face. He did not expect that this foundation-building monk would be so reckless. Facing him, he still had the courage to fly towards him. .

Teng Wuji himself is considered a thunder attribute mutant monk, but the practice of "Dark Gold Thunder and Light" requires the help of the power of thunder, so practicing this technique cannot be practiced every day, and there are also requirements for the practice environment.

When he was in the demon world, there was still a secret realm where thunder and lightning were born, but it could only be entered by exchanging magic crystals. Although it was expensive, Teng Wuji could still afford it. After ten days, he would enter the second day of cultivation.

Since arriving in Desolate Moon Continent, he can only practice during thunderstorms, and not all the thunder and lightning that fall can meet his training needs. As a result, his "Dark Gold Lightning" cannot be used easily. Once consumed, it is difficult to recover.

In order to quickly find where Li Yan and the others were hiding, Teng Wuji used the "dark gold lightning", but he still used it in a large quantity and low power.

If you are facing a golden elixir monk, the "dark golden thunder light" he fires will turn nearly a hundred miles into a scorched earth, and it will definitely not be like the way he just dealt with Li Yan and the others, which only turned the twenty-mile valley into a scorched earth. Potholes.

Now it would be impossible for him to use "Dark Gold Lightning" to deal with that girl. He didn't want to hurt this stunning girl.

Now he already knows that the three puppets of the woman are made from special materials, and a small amount of "dark gold thunder and light" will not work at all. If he strengthens the power of "dark gold thunder and light", he may accidentally hurt the opponent, or even directly Killing is also possible.

That kind of result was not what he wanted to see, so of course he would be most at ease if he captured the "Incandescent Demon Tiger".

The green-shirted young man in front of him also had an extraordinary physical body and could resist the "Dark Gold Lightning". Although he didn't know to what extent he could resist it, Teng Wuji didn't want to waste any "Dark Gold Lightning" for a while.

So he summoned the "Spirit Absorbing Bottle", hoping to capture Li Yan in one fell swoop.

The red light emitted from the mouth of the "spirit-absorbing bottle" will be sucked into the bottle by all living creatures illuminated by this light. After an hour and three moments, it will be sucked into a mummy inside the bottle, with all spiritual power in the body lost and no vitality. Nothing.

What satisfies Teng Wuji the most is that he can observe through his spiritual consciousness whether it is a monster or a monk in the "soul-absorbing bottle", when they see his shriveled body and gradually weakening soul, they are wailing and screaming. Cry for mercy.

That was the time when he felt most happy, as if everything in the world was under his feet. He was a superior demon who could easily decide the life and death of others.

At this time, Li Yan looked at the red light shining towards him. With his spiritual energy surging all over his body, he looked at the "Spirit Absorbing Bottle" with full vigilance.

Li Yan's consciousness swept towards the red light, and he was stunned for the next moment, because he did not feel the pressure of the attack from the red light, but at the same time, a terrifying danger struck him throughout his body.

Li Yan immediately dodged to one side. Even if he didn't feel anything wrong with these beams of red light, Li Yan would not let this light touch him easily.

The red light emitted from the "Spirit Absorbing Bottle" swept away everything, and Teng Wuji showed contempt on his face, thinking, "This little guy is being cautious."

In the past, when he used the "Spirit Absorbing Bottle", at least half of the monks would use magic weapons or magic to directly connect with it after seeing the "Spirit Absorbing Bottle" emitting red light.

Just like that, it will be in vain, because these red lights of my own have no attack power at all. Only when they encounter something with the breath of life, will they suddenly change.

In this situation, the opponent will be stunned for a moment, and Teng Wuji will take advantage of the situation and shoot the red light on them. However, what if the boy in green shirt on the opposite side is cautious.

Teng Wuji raised his hand, interlocked his thumb and middle finger, and pointed towards the "Spirit-Sucking Bottle". Just as Li Yan's body was avoiding it, several beams of red light that had been concentrated on the mouth of the "Spirit-Sucking Bottle" suddenly Like a giant python opening its mouth, the bundles in the mouth of the python's head spread out, covering an area of ​​more than ten feet in an instant.

Although Li Yan avoided it, he still wanted to get close to Teng Wuji, so he did not immediately use the "Feng Chongtian" movement technique. This time, he was unable to guard against it, and his body was instantly covered by red light.

Li Yan felt that the space around him was suddenly filled with mucus, and his body was suddenly wrapped in it, a feeling of life and death.


The sense of crisis is even stronger.

Li Yan was horrified. The spiritual power in his body was running wildly, but the power of the package outside was stronger, making it impossible for him to break away.

And at first, only a small piece of red light shone on his body. In just a few breaths, the red light that spread out like a giant python's mouth began to gather on his body, as if attracted by him.

Li Yan cast several spells in succession. No matter whether the water mist was steaming from his body, the fire was raging, or the wind blade was whistling, he could not cut through the large net composed of the red light outside him.

In just a short moment, the sweat on Li Yan's body soaked through his clothes. Although he had been between life and death several times since he began to cultivate as an immortal, this was the first time he felt like being captured by a human being.

This feeling of being slaughtered at the next moment made Li Yan, who had always been calm, become panicked. Now the demon cultivator only needed to point lightly at him, and his entire cultivation was completely sealed. .

But what Li Yan didn't know was that even Teng Wuji himself didn't dare to touch a single bit of these red lights, so even when these red lights were sent to him, he kept hiding as far away as possible.

It took two or three breaths from the time Li Yan encountered the red light and then was trapped by the red light. Then the "spirit-absorbing bottle" above Li Yan's head with its mouth tilted downward began to tremble with a "buzz".

Li Yan suddenly felt as if he had been shrunk a thousand times, and was carried by the red light net and flew into the mouth of the bottle. In the blink of an eye, he was gone.

The space where Li Yan originally stood was also empty.

The night was as dark as ink, and Bai Rou in the distance could see everything here clearly, but before she could react, Li Yan was already taken in by the opponent's magic weapon. Bai Rou exclaimed, "Junior Brother Li..."

The next moment, tears welled up in Bai Rou's eyes, a pair of jade hands created a series of snow-white afterimages, and the magic formula poured out. She knew that the three puppets were the last resort at this time, and she did not dare to do it immediately. If she blew herself up, she would lose even the slightest hope of saving Li Yan.

In an instant, the three giant mad ape puppets completely gave up their defense and rushed forward as if they were risking their lives.

Let the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" turn into a white wind, shuttle between the three puppets, leaving deep claw marks on their bodies. The three puppets are also killing each other, and the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" is often forced. But as soon as the attack comes out, you have to dodge immediately, otherwise it will end in a gut-wrenching outcome.

In order to maximize her attack power, Bai Rou even removed the protective spiritual power outside the body of the three puppets. She just relied on the hardness of the materials of the three puppets to rush forward in an attempt to get close to the "spirit-absorbing bottle".

Under such a sudden change, the "Incandescent Demonic Tiger" was in a hurry. After two breaths, it was at a disadvantage. This made the monster roar again and again. It never expected that it could not even deal with a foundation-building monk.

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