Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 561 No way to heaven

"Junior Brother Yan, you didn't hold back this time, right? Now I hope you can delay it for a little longer." King Hu Xiao looked nervously into the air and asked carefully.

"At this time, if you can still hold on, don't you still have some reservations about the defensive array you have set up in my illusion array?" Yan Feijun swallowed his saliva and replied as if he was absentmindedly.

They had no confidence that the formation they had set up would be able to hide it from a golden elixir stage demon cultivator, but at the same time, a trace of luck and hope arose in their hearts: "Maybe it can really be done!"

Listening to the nonsense spoken by the two of them, Sun Guoshu smiled bitterly at Li Yan who looked at him and shook his head.

Now everyone understands that it seems that what King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun just said are nonsense, but this also shows that everyone is extremely nervous and just want to increase their confidence through some words.

Bai Rou also regained her appearance at this time. Next to her stood quietly three gibbon puppets, two large and one small, like three patron saints in the dark night.

As for Yu Yuanjun, except when Bai Rou and the others returned to their original appearance after falling, he looked at Bai Rou with surprise in his eyes. As Teng Wuji came, he could only stare at the magic circle nervously. The demonic cultivator outside. ??

Yu Yuanjun seemed to be afraid that if he looked away, the other person would pounce in front of him the next moment. He had to stare at the other person all the time to feel psychologically safe.

"Young humans, you have only three breaths to come out on your own. Don't let me bother you. This will make your death easier.

Otherwise, huh, if I wait until I take action to capture you, the result will be that in every reincarnation, you will never want to be reborn as an adult in your soul. "

Teng Wuji's eyes flickered, like the gazes of two vicious beasts that devoured people in the dark night. The moment he spoke, the valley with a radius of more than 20 miles became extremely silent for an instant.

Several people in the formation felt as if the wind in the dark night valley had stopped, and the chirping of insects had stopped abruptly. Only a chilling feeling spread in the air.

"He hasn't discovered us yet!" Li Yan said lightly.

Yan Feijun and others also heard the meaning of Mo Xiu's words, and everyone was a little surprised. It seemed that the magic array had worked.

At this time, a winter-like sound came from the air again, "One..."

"We should be able to hide until the strong ones come to save us!" Hope rose again in Yu Yuanjun's heart. From the conversation just now, he learned that the "Ten Thousand Miles Transmission Symbol" had been sent out for some time.

It's just that these people are very weird. They didn't mention whether the ancestors of their families were coming, and they seemed to regard themselves as "inside agents" who were trying to find out the news.

There were a few times when he just murmured and wanted to ask in detail, but was immediately stopped by the dark-skinned young man's cold gaze.

Regarding the young man who should be the team leader, Yu Yuanjun went from being afraid at first to being confused now. This man's cultivation level is lower than his own.


Demonic cultivators who have transformed into fake elixir realms, and there are two highly skilled cultivators in this team who also think they are following the lead.

"Could it be that the four of them have also been banned, and the banning token is in the hands of the young man in blue?" Yu Yuanjun suddenly had an absurd idea in his mind.

Just when Yu Yuanjun asked the question and his thoughts flew to Li Yan again, Teng Wuji's voice above had already counted "three".

Several people in the formation also became nervous. They didn't know if the other party was just threatening, and they haven't found a way yet.

The demon cultivator standing in the air let out a series of sneers, "Hey, hey, hey," and then his arms suddenly spread out flat, like a pair of bat wings.

As he stretched his arms, the demon cultivator suddenly erupted with a terrifying power that made the whole world tremble.

Black energy surged around Teng Wuji's body, and there was a faint "rumbling" sound of thunder.

Seeing this scene, Sun Guoshu suddenly whispered "No..." and at the same time his expression changed drastically, as if he had guessed something.

But before he finished speaking, he saw Teng Wuji in the distance, his arms like wings, fanning forward.

Following this blow, dark golden light groups suddenly emerged from his body. The light groups were large and small, as if they were overwhelming, like meteors streaking across the night sky in an instant.

The dark golden light clusters were as dense as rain, and they immediately hit the valley with a radius of twenty miles. Countless dark golden light clusters shone in the dark night, and the valley was dark and uncertain, but they appeared to be layered and indescribably weird.

There is no need for Sun Guoshu to finish now. Everyone already understands that their realm has led them into a misunderstanding. It is possible that Sun Guoshu is the only one here who has seen the powerful group attack magic of the Golden Core Stage monks, at least in Li Yan's experience. Never seen before.

If they were faced with an ordinary golden elixir, Li Yan and the others might be able to delay some time by hiding like this, but this demon cultivator is a real strong man, and he also has the magic of group attack. Powerful monk.

The dark golden light group he summoned, and through the faint thunder, Li Yan and the others were either disciples of a large sect or well-informed casual cultivators, and knew that it was the power of thunder.

The power of thunder is the most powerful among the group attack magic. The next moment, Li Yan and the others knew what disaster meant.

For an instant, the entire valley seemed to be plunged into a hell of thunder and fire. A series of rumbling explosions sounded, and balls of dark red fire quickly ignited the trees and weeds in the entire valley.

The valley seemed to have ushered in the end of the world, with large and small charred black pits rapidly forming on the ground.

And where Li Yan and the others were located

The position of the magic array was also hit by two dark gold light balls. Fortunately, these two dark gold light balls were smaller. The two dark gold light balls combined were only the size of a baby's fist.

But even so, the formation was already making an overwhelming "ka-ka" sound.

King Hu Xiao is indeed a master of defense in the foundation-building stage of Sixiang Peak. Under his hand, he actually prevented the formation from collapsing immediately. However, King Hu Xiao already spit out several mouthfuls in a row with the sound of "puff, puff, puff". Blood immediately fell to the ground.

The real golden elixir cultivator is really a terrifying existence in this world. Teng Wuji still attacked Shilili at the same time. When the formation was just a ball of light less than the size of a baby's fist, Hu, who was a fake elixir cultivator, was already stunned. King Xiao suffered a heavy blow.

Since Yan Feijun was only transfiguring the surrounding scene, he received much less frontal attacks, but after screaming, he knelt directly on the ground. He held his head in his hands, his face full of pain.

The illusion formation relies more on the control of the power of divine consciousness. At this moment, his divine consciousness was rubbed by the power of thunder contained in the light group, almost causing him to faint on the spot.

Li Yan and the others were shocked and hurriedly stepped forward to help King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun. However, Teng Wuji's eyes had already fallen here and he did not give them any time to think.

Teng Wuji did not launch another dark golden light attack, but his body quickly reached the tops of Li Yan and the others.

Teng Wuji's eyes flashed sharply. The moment the light ball fell, he already knew where the person he was looking for was.

Under the phantom formation, other places were already full of shrubs and weeds, but here the trees were still full of vitality and swaying in the wind. There was no other explanation for the scene except that it was obscured or transformed by the formation.

As soon as Teng Wuji reached the sky above Li Yan's formation, murderous intent burst out in his eyes. This time he raised his hand, and a dark golden light group half a foot in size quickly condensed in his hand.


At the same time, near Fengliang Mountain, which was more than 7,000 miles away from Li Yan and the others, Elder Chi Gong was flying in the dark night.

He had just received the jade slips sent by Wei Zhongran not long ago. The two just had a brief exchange, and Elder Chi Gong had already decided to go to meet Li Yan and the others in person.

However, during the flight, Elder Chi Gong suddenly turned sharply to one side and dodged. From where he was just now, there was a very thin tearing sound, and then the figure of a human monk wearing a blood-red cloak slowly emerged.

He was staring at Elder Chi Gong coldly, "You must be Elder Chi Gong from the Sprite Sect, right? It's so late, where are you going?"

"Oh, foreign monk!" Elder Chi Gong narrowed his eyes. He knew that both Jindan and Yuanying were staring at each other, but on this battlefield, in comparison, it was their side that suffered the loss. .

Because of the demon clan


There may be human monks wandering around and waiting for you, but generally it is not very accurate to distinguish them by their breath.

What's more, Elder Chi Gong only knows how many Jindan monks there are in Fengliang Mountain. Since they have multiple defenses, Jindan monks are often recruited from other places to work. He can't know them all, so he still needs to identify them. It can only be confirmed after verifying the identity, which is quite troublesome.

Therefore, if Fengliang Jindan cultivator wants to approach the battlefield area of ​​the demon army, it will be much more difficult for him to infiltrate there.

Elder Chi Gong knew that the monk he met in front of him should be the foreign monk responsible for secretly watching Fengliang Mountain. He was discovered by the other party not long after he came out.


Looking at the dark golden light group heading straight towards the hidden formation, several people's expressions changed drastically. The opponent's attack was too fast. Golden elixir monks were not something they could guess at will. Their methods were superb and their fighting experience was extremely rich.

I and others thought that they could at least delay the other party's plan, but they discovered their hiding place with just a casual blow, and the next moment they used thunderous means to kill several of them instantly.

Li Yan felt even more regretful in his heart. If he had known this, they would have at least been able to escape for about a hundred miles while they were still some distance away before being overtaken by the other party. Maybe there would be another turning point at that time. , I still underestimated my opponent.

But he was just a foundation-building monk, and he had only seen so many golden elixir monks. What's more, Li Yan was just a careful mind, and the results could not be inferred from real things, so he was a real immortal.

Seeing that the opponent's attack was imminent, the exhausted King Hu Xiao gave a loud shout, and sprayed out a purple light from his mouth, which hit the defensive formation, and the formation suddenly became bright.

"Let's go!" Sun Guoshu was so smooth. He had already engraved the idea of ​​​​escape into his bones. He immediately grabbed King Hu Xiao who fell backwards after spewing out purple spiritual light. Six figures had already emerged from the other side of the formation. Shoot through the air.

Everyone knew that this was the strongest defense King Hu Xiao had used with all his strength, hoping to stop the opponent for a moment.

Seeing someone's shadow, Teng Wuji curled his lips to one side. No matter how fast these people were, they could attack faster than his own.

Sure enough, as soon as the bodies of several people took off, the dark golden light group instantly grew in size and covered them below. Feeling the terrifying power coming from the dark golden light group, except for Li Yan's face, which was still normal, The remaining five people were having abnormal difficulty breathing, their faces were pale, and death instantly loomed over their heads.

At this time, Li Yan was confident that if he used "Feng Soaring", he would be more than 80% sure that he could escape from the opponent's attack range.

By taking the enemy by surprise and performing "Phoenix Soaring to the Sky" several times in succession, he was able to create a considerable distance between himself and the opponent in a very short time, and then he could continue to escape for a while with the help of the Cloud-Piercing Willow.

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