Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 554 Confirmation (1)

Jiao Hua was already in a semi-conscious state due to pain. When he heard Li Yan's words, he immediately regained consciousness and became filled with hatred. Of course, he now hoped that Li Yan would take away his magic core and let him He died like this.

Li Yan ignored him and walked towards the door. He wanted to leave Jiao Hua behind so that the demon cultivators would know the bloody nature of the cultivators in Desolate Moon Continent.

However, even if Jiao Hua was discovered later, he would not survive for a long time. Li Yan never left any room for action.

He had just injected a poison into Jiao Hua's soul and demon core. By the time others found out, the poison had already been infiltrated into the fusion. Even if Nascent Soul took action, there was little hope. What's more, with Jiao Hua's status, even seeing It’s difficult even for Nascent Soul monks.

At the end of the day, even if someone came to rescue him, if he hadn't discovered that Jiao Hua's soul and magic core were already poisonous, and Jiao Hua's body had been completely destroyed by Li Yan and became paralyzed, he would have no choice but to seize his body. .

But if that time comes, Jiao Hua's body-stealing soul will find that he will become weaker and weaker until he becomes the nourishment for other people's souls.

Moreover, his magic core will spread poisonous gas, constantly destroying his body that is being seized, causing Jiao Hua to despair, collapse, and die in boundless fear.

This will bring psychological fluctuations to some demon cultivators. Even if it is only a very small fluctuation, Li Yan's purpose has been achieved.

It didn't take much effort for Li Yan to open the sound and consciousness barrier laid by Jiao Hua. His cultivation level was already higher than Jiao Hua's, not to mention that the spiritual power condensed by the Guishui Sutra was far higher than that of the same level.

After Li Yan came out of the room, he placed a few more restrictions. He tried his best to prevent anyone from finding out why Jiao Hua didn't leave the room until tomorrow.

After doing all this, Li Yan looked towards the courtyard. It was already midnight. Except for a few monks on guard duty who were sitting cross-legged and meditating in the four corners of the courtyard, there were no other monks in the courtyard. figure.

With a sweep of his consciousness, Li Yan discovered that Bai Rou and the other two were already in one of the rooms, and that a ban had been placed outside the room. This ban should have been put in place by King Hu Xiao or Yan Feijun, and Li Yan could not recognize it either. It is easy to penetrate, but it can sense the general situation in the room.

Then Li Yan swept his consciousness again and discovered that the disciple of "Luoshu Lake" was staying in a room with the other five people. The protective restrictions on the house over there were much simpler. Li Yan wanted to steal It takes no effort at all to listen to the five people talking.

This is the "Qing Ling Sect" disciples who gave the other room to Bai Rou and the others.

The three demon cultivators in the other rooms had already meditated. They also sensed Li Yan's appearance, but after just a brief glance with their spiritual consciousness, there was no movement.

After hearing all this, Li Yan felt relieved. At least for now, everything was normal.

Li Yan walked directly to the room where Bai Rou and the other two were staying. Several police officers in the courtyard just glanced at Li Yan. After seeing that Jiao Hua's room was calm, they closed their doors again.



When Li Yan walked to the door without any concealment, the door had been opened from the inside, and Li Yan stepped in. Then he saw King Hu Xiao wave his hand again. When the door was closed, the isolation restriction was opened again.

"How is it? Junior Brother Li!" King Hu Xiao asked in a low voice as soon as the restriction was opened, and the other three people also looked hopeful.

"Hahaha, I got the prohibition token." Li Yan didn't want to delay anymore. He patted the storage bag on his waist and two red iron blocks appeared in his hand.

Then, with the four people watching, Li Yan pinched the magic formula in his hand, and then with a finger, six faces appeared on the two red iron blocks in turn like a revolving lantern.

"Junior Brother Li, you really got the prohibition token. How did you do it?"

"Junior Brother Li, where is the demon cultivator named Jiao Hua?"

When several people saw Li Yan, they immediately took out the prohibition token. They were happy at first, and then looked surprised. Li Yan had only left for half a stick of incense. They had been discussing how to cooperate with Li Yan later. Words and actions.

They thought that Li Yan went to further inquire about Jiao Hua's information and could not take action until he came back. But now they saw that Li Yan had brought the prohibition token back to everyone's surprise.

This result is simply unbelievable. No one knows what method Li Yan used. Although they were discussing the follow-up plan here, their attention was always on Li Yan's side, for fear that a battle would break out at the next moment.

Li Yan waved his hand, "Jiao Hua no longer poses a threat. We will talk about him later. Time is running out now and I cannot explain in detail. I wonder how you have heard about the situation of the two 'internal agents'?"

When several people heard this, although they had many questions in their hearts, they all felt that Li Yan was right. If they stayed here for a moment longer, accidents might happen.

Hu Xiaowang and the other two turned their attention to Bai Rou. It was Bai Rou who had the last contact with the "internal agent" just now, because only Li Yan and Bai Rou knew the most inside information here.

Although Bai Rou still looked like a middle-aged woman at this moment, occasionally there was a flash of intelligence in her eyes, and she straightened her hair around her ears.

"This person is basically confirmed to be one of the targets we are looking for. His name is Yu Yuanjun. Although your token was not in my hand just now, when I told him about his sect, his reaction was that he believed it. I guess it's 70 or 80% true. Although I couldn't admit it personally, I didn't deny it either.

As for the other target, he died during the mission six days ago. After being seriously injured by the Fengliang Mountain monk, Jiao Hua activated the prohibition token, causing the disciple to lose his mind and self-destruct his body.

, died together with the monks from Fengliang Mountain. "

There are some parts of Bai Rou's words that only Li Yan can understand. For example, when she mentioned the other party's "Zongmen", this refers to "Luoshu Lake" and not "Qinglingmen".

But as soon as Bai Rou finished speaking, Yan Feijun's regretful voice came out, "As an internal agent, the Fengliangshan monks didn't know his existence. This man was seriously injured, which was helpless, but in the end he died together with his own people. This is really unbelievable.”

He still thought that the two people who came to pick him up were internal agents. Li Yan's face was calm as usual, but in his heart he sneered, "It would be better if these two 'Luoshu Lake' disciples are dead. I don't know how many people have been killed by their hands." Our monk."

But he still nodded on the surface. He had already gotten the answer to the other person's death from the prohibition token, and was just making final confirmation.

"Why do you say it's basically confirmed?"

"The other party was extremely careful. They just pretended not to understand at first. Even when I mentioned the 'Zongmen' matter, they still looked confused. It wasn't until I told them the message they sent a few days ago that they cooperated to answer the other target. It's considered acquiescence," Bai Rou said helplessly.

"We already have their corresponding faces in the jade slips. This contact is just to let him know that we are friends, not enemies. We should be mentally prepared to avoid him not cooperating and self-defeating.

If he needs to find an opportunity for him to see the token with his own eyes, that's totally fine. "Li Yan nodded.

The rest of the people also nodded, and they could understand the caution and caution of "Inside Ying".

"Now that the other person is dead and Yu Yuanjun is alive, our plan can be carried out in advance. The next step is how to escape from 'Zhouyang Town'.

According to the information I have found out, the gathering here is probably to prepare for a big war, which is basically the same as our previous analysis.

What may have changed is that there are only four or five golden elixir demon cultivators here now, but maybe there will be a large number of golden elixir demon cultivators here tomorrow, or even Nascent Soul demon cultivators.

So our chance to escape can only be tonight, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to leave later. "

Li Yan changed his mind and did not bother with confirming his identity. As he said, it was just to make the other party mentally prepared and confirm the situation of the other target.

"Oh, a large number of golden elixir demon cultivators will come here tomorrow? This is really troublesome. Regardless of whether the news that Junior Brother Li got is true or not, we really have to leave tonight.

Now there are four or five golden elixir demon cultivators in this town. If anyone blocks us, we will be in danger. It should be said that we will die.

Now we must find a reason to take away the spy, and at the same time, we must not arouse others' suspicion.


But, this is quite difficult. "After hearing this, King Hu Xiao looked serious.

"If you want to take this person away from here, Jiao Hua is the key." Yan Feijun also said.

Then he looked at Li Yan. Although Li Yan just said that Jiao Hua could no longer pose a threat, they still hoped to get some clear answers from Li Yan.

Li Yan nodded without hesitation, "Jiao Hua will not leave his room at least before dawn. Unless someone comes directly to the door, there is still a possibility." Li Yan did not say, again The Jiao Hua who appeared now might already be a dead body.

"Oh, if Jiao Hua doesn't show up, this will be easy. I can call Yu Yuanjun over without attracting other people's attention, and I will have a reasonable reason to leave the courtyard later."

Hearing that the situation was critical, Sun Guoshu suddenly took the initiative to ask for help. After that, Sun Guoshu told the rest of the people his plan.

"Friend Daoist Sun, this plan is the safest way at present. So without further delay, we will take action now."

After listening to Sun Guoshu's plan, several people felt that although there were loopholes, if Jiao Hua really couldn't show up, it would not be a good plan. Li Yan immediately gave orders.

So the room formation restrictions immediately dissipated, and Sun Guoshu walked out directly. Soon, Sun Guoshu came to the door of the room on the other side. His expression was as usual, and he did not look at the vigilant monks in the courtyard, and said loudly.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, my master asked you to come here. I need your help with some things."

In the room on the other side, there were six people sitting cross-legged. They were all injured and were taking the time to heal their injuries.

But among them was a handsome young man of about 20 years old. From time to time, he would slightly raise his eyelids and secretly look at the other five people. He was Yu Yuanjun, a disciple of "Luoshu Lake".

The recent experiences made him feel like he was in the dark. Every day, he hoped that someone from the family would come to save him and his two brothers. They went from being full of confidence at the beginning, to being frightened, and finally to despair.

In just over a month or so, Yu Yuanjun and his clan brothers have begun to become desperate. Almost every day, monks from the "Qingling Sect" die around them, and no one knows who will be next.

Until the death of his clan brother six days ago, Yu Yuanjun completely lost hope, and the last flame in his heart was extinguished.

He didn't know the meaning of his repeated calls for help every day. Maybe it was because this place was far away from the South China Sea, and the help messages he sent could not be known to the clan members. Maybe the family was also discovered by the demon cultivator and no longer existed.

What Yu Yuanjun couldn't accept the most was that the family might have given up on them long ago, and it was impossible for him and his brothers to expose the family's position and eventually start a war with the demon cultivators.

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