Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 551: Seduction

At this moment, the short and stocky demon cultivator on the side suddenly spoke.

"Fellow Daoist Li, that's about it. Besides, we still don't know what the battle will be like tomorrow? As long as it benefits both of you, I think it's better to spend more time getting familiar with each other's fighting methods."

The short and sturdy demon cultivator had met Jiao Hua several times, so he still helped.

Li Yan put his hand on his chin for a moment, then gave the short demon cultivator a sideways look, rolled his eyes a few times, and then said, "Okay, but I made it clear to fellow Daoist Jiao, if your people tomorrow It's not as powerful as you said. We will break up on the spot. It all depends on luck on the battlefield."

Jiao Hua nodded repeatedly after hearing this, "That's no problem, fellow Daoist Li, don't worry!"

He was also a little worried about Li Yan's team. If the team of fellow Daoist Li just performed a simple mission and lost so many people, the remaining people might just be of no use. If they really take action , may not really work.

Jiao Hua now knows that there are many monks on the Desolate Moon Continent who are blindly pursuing immortality. Their realm has improved, but their combat power is really poor.

Li Yan immediately turned around and said to Bai Rou and the other two, "Get familiar with them. At least you should know each other's strengths so that you can be prepared."

The four of Bai Rou and the others hurriedly said "yes" respectfully. Of course they knew that they wanted to take the opportunity to contact the "internal agent", and of course they would not tell them about the techniques they were good at.

Bai Rou nodded and responded, and at the same time sent a message to Li Yan, "What should I do with the prohibition token?" This is what the four of them urgently need to know now, so that they can make arrangements to further cooperate with Li Yan's plan.

Li Yan's voice echoed in Bai Rou's mind the next moment, "You guys should contact the target first, but I have the 'Luoshu Lake' token, and it's not convenient to take it out now. Can you confirm with him at the end?"

At the same time, find out the current location of the other target. But you also heard what Jiao Hua said just now. The other demon cultivators in this team were killed in the battle. Maybe the other target is already dead. However, let’s go ahead first. Let’s ask clearly.

Regarding the banning token, I only have a preliminary plan now, but it still depends on the timing. I will give you a hint when I need your cooperation. "

Bai Rou responded through the voice transmission. Just now, when the four of them heard Jiao Hua talking about the previous battle, they all exchanged looks. They were mostly sure that the other target was dead. For a moment, they didn't know whether to take the remaining ones. If one person takes it back, the mission is not completed.

Knowing what Li Yan meant, he had no specific plan to speak of. He could only take one step at a time and be ready to take action at any time. However, that was a situation that no one, including Li Yan, wanted to see. , the only ending is the complete annihilation of the army.

Then Bai Rou and the other four walked towards the other six monks. Although the "Qing Ling Sect" monks didn't want to reorganize the team at this moment, in front of the demon cultivators, they could only brace themselves.


The four of them walked to a corner of the courtyard with Bai Rou and started talking in low voices.

Then Li Yan turned his head again and looked at Jiao Hua and the two demon cultivators next to him. Although he was eager to get the prohibition token on Jiao Hua, there was one more thing he needed to find out before doing so, otherwise this would happen. It made him feel uneasy.

Li Yan touched his chin with his hand again, "Fellow Daoist Jiao, when I came here just now, I saw that you seemed to be discussing something important. Is it related to this gathering?

Can you please disclose some information conveniently so that a certain family can also know something and be prepared in advance. "

Li Yan's words were very vague. After all, the information he got was all based on analysis and guessing, so he had no order to report it.

So he couldn't tell more. Maybe some information had been revealed in the order. If he seemed ignorant, he would immediately make the other party suspicious.

So Li Yan expressed his meaning vaguely, but fortunately the meaning was very clear.

At this time, the short and stocky demon cultivator and his companions approached again, while Jiao Hua chuckled.

"Fellow Daoist Li really guessed it right. This order came suddenly, and he did not explain the specific reason. He just asked us to register and count the number of people after reporting here.

This order came suddenly. It is estimated that not only we are discussing this matter, but also all the team leaders who came to "Zhouyang Town" to gather are discussing the reason.

However, I think Fellow Daoist Li should be able to see the outcome of this matter..."

When Jiao Hua said this, he looked at Li Yan with a hint of excitement on his face. What he didn't know was that his words had already given Li Yan a lot of information.

"With the team gathered like this, of course there is going to be a big battle." Li Yan nodded and said what he was thinking. He was at least sure that the order did not mention the reason for the gathering.

At this time, the short and stocky demon cultivator also said, "Of course, otherwise there would be no need to call back in such a large scale. Moreover, there is also the devil's spiritual consciousness cross-scanning to the north. This is to prevent the monks from the Desolate Moon Continent from approaching. Here it is.

The four of us were discussing this matter just now, and on the way here, I met a friend. Their team was going to another place to report. It seems that there will be a big war this time. Does Li Daoyou have any other information? "

Li Yan was shocked when he heard this, "The demon army is gathering in different places. Could it be that they are attacking the defense points from several directions?"

He knew that his side currently had three defense points, but overall there were not many elite demon clans. Even with the addition of hundreds of foreign monks and the demons left behind by the Desolate Moon Continent,

The remnants of the clan are not enough to support attacking three defense points at the same time.

"I didn't meet any familiar fellow Taoists on the way here, so I don't know the situation in other places. I just came here to report on the order." Li Yan said vaguely as usual.

"Actually, the main discussion among us just now is that the devil is so anxious to recall us and others. When will the war launch an attack? What is the main direction of our attack here?"

Jiao Hua went on to say that when it came to the upcoming war, he was excited and worried at the same time. What was exciting was that he could get more rare treasures from the storage bags of the human monks that were not found in the demon world.

On the other hand, he is worried that with his level of cultivation, he will always be sent to the front. Life and death only last in an instant.

"Oh, what do fellow Taoists think? I think the launch time should be a few days away." Li Yan said deliberately. In fact, he already had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Friend Daoist Li, you must have guessed wrong. This is far from the result of our discussion. We think that the war may happen within a day or two, or even early tomorrow morning.

And the news I got is that there are only a few demon lords here to gather the monks, but there may be demon generals leading more demons at any time. At that time, everything will be directed by the demon generals and we wait for the battle. of. "

This time, the short and stocky demon cultivator said in a deep voice that they all wanted to deliberately make friends with Li Yan, a powerful being who was already equivalent to a human fake alchemy monk. On the battlefield, there might be some similarities. When asking.

"Oh, why can the time be so certain?" Li Yan frowned and looked at the short, stocky demon cultivator. ??

"It's very simple. In such a large-scale gathering, the news cannot be blocked for too long, or even completely blocked, so the best time is to launch an attack before the opponent is prepared.

If the other party's scouts move faster, they will be able to get news of the anomaly here from a distance of thousands of miles or even a few hours. "

Li Yan felt even more nervous. The other party's analysis was not unreasonable. As a result, their tasks must be stepped up again.

"Then we should be attacking Fengliang Mountain." Li Yan said with certainty.

"This point about Fellow Daoist Li should be true..."

Next, Li Yan seemed to join in their discussion, and even expressed some of his own opinions. In this way, while Li Yan was anxious and the three demon cultivators on the other side were somewhat excited, about a cup of tea time passed.

Li Yan suddenly said, "These fellow Taoists have profound insights, and Li has benefited a lot."

"Friend Daoist Li, you are too modest. We have benefited a lot from what you said about the four major sects." Jiao Hua laughed, and Li Yangang


Of course, he couldn't appear to be ignorant. He just picked up some unimportant news and talked about it.

Li Yan was not worried about the other party because he could tell Fengliangshan's deployment with just a few words. These three demon cultivators were just demon soldiers. Their words could not determine the direction of the army.

"Oh, by the way, the war may start at any time. Fellow Daoist Jiao, I want to talk to you alone about how these human monks can use the problem to better maximize their effectiveness."

"Oh, this needs to be said. Fellow Daoist Li seems to have some understanding of human monks, so he should be able to maximize their use." Jiao Hua was still talking animatedly, but was interrupted by Li Yan. Although he said this , but he didn’t care in his heart.

The six of him probably only attacked in one wave. Even if the other party failed to kill them, he had reached his limit. At that time, it mainly depends on the four people under Li Yan. But now that the other party proposed it, of course he couldn't refuse.

Regarding this kind of thing, the short and stocky demon cultivator didn't think it was inappropriate. After he got the human cultivator, he tried every means to make it play its maximum role.

So the four of them separated. Jiao Hua said to Li Yan, "Well, let's go to the house and talk." It would be better to avoid the human monks in the courtyard for this kind of thing.

Jiao Hua raised his hand and pointed, then walked towards a room, while Li Yan followed slowly.

After entering the room, Jiao Hua pointed to an empty chair and said, "Come on, Fellow Daoist Li, please sit down!"

Li Yanze was not polite and sat down on it. "Fellow Daoist Jiao, do you know why my four people can still maintain excellent condition after a hard battle when most of the entire team is injured?"

Jiao Hua was stunned when he was about to sit down. After his body paused in mid-air, he sat down and said, "Oh, what do you mean by this, Fellow Daoist Li? Do you have any secret skills?"

But there was a sparkle in his eyes. "It seems that Li Xuan must have some secrets. No wonder he wants to discuss it with me alone. He is afraid that Fellow Taoist Wen and others will know about it." Thinking of this, Jiao Hua's interest suddenly increased. .

Li Yan looked outside the door first, and then whispered.

"I obtained a secret technique from a human monk some time ago. This technique can improve the regeneration ability of essence and blood in their body by consuming their life span, so that they can always maintain a strong state of essence and blood.

In fact, the four people you see today originally looked very young. For example, the middle-aged woman looked like a young girl a few days ago. But in the past few days of fighting, I used it twice, and their longevity was reduced. Some were consumed.

However, in the battle, they showed strength that was at least 20% beyond their own level, and they are still in excellent condition, but their appearance is a little older..."

At this point, Li Yan stopped talking and leaned back on the chair.

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