Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 535 Everyone has their own agenda

Wu Yuan was anxious. He didn't want to get entangled with Ge Feng on this matter, so he looked at Wang Changkun and others.

Wang Changkun and the others just felt that these two people suddenly became neurotic, but they just didn't know what happened. They were curious, but they didn't want to ask more questions.

"The demon monks have weird personalities." Wang Changkun thought in his heart that years of wandering in the turbulent space had made them lose interest in other things besides the hatred in their hearts.

Wang Changkun waved his hand, "Fellow Taoists, please help yourself. It's just four human monks. I will deal with it myself!"

After that, he took the lead and flew towards the jungle without looking back. In fact, he only agreed with a small part of Ge Feng's words. The opponents were just two fake alchemy monks, and he could kill them by himself.

Moreover, just now he saw these people's footsteps were sluggish, which was the sequelae left after activating the secret technique. It could take as short as ten days or as long as several months to recover.

In this case, he didn't even need to take action himself, the five people behind him could wipe out the opponent.


Wu Yuan and Gefeng stood on the magic cabinet and were chasing Li Yan in the direction of escape at an extremely fast speed. At this moment, Wu Yuan said lightly, "Gefeng, after killing this monk later, we will be alone." Half, what do you think?”

Ge Feng had already put away the stern look in his eyes, but kept staring straight ahead. When he saw Wuyuan proposed the distribution method, he answered without hesitation.

"Of course, but there should be only one of that thing. How can we separate what's inside?"

As he spoke, Ge Feng's eyes showed a strange look. He had no way to split the treasure inside into two parts. I heard that only those who reached the level of a demon could separate it, but there was little hope.

Usually whoever gets this treasure uses it alone and cannot share it equally with others.

After hearing this, Karasuhara showed a proud look on his face, "Have you ever heard of the 'Demon Yin-Yang Box'?"

"What? You have a 'Demon Transformation Yin-Yang Box'. How come you have this thing? This is... but..."

After Ge Feng heard Wu Yuan say the name of "Demon Transformation Yin and Yang Box", his expression changed drastically and he suddenly started to stutter.

The "Demon Transformation Yin-Yang Box" is a top-notch treasure that only a demon general can refine. Karasuhara is just a demon pawn, so how can he hold this thing.

However, if the other party really holds this object, he can really divide it.

At the same time, endless greed arose in Ge Feng's heart. If he could get the "Demon Transformation Yin-Yang Box", and then get that thing again, his strength would be doubled.

If he hadn't killed Wu Yuan in a moment... In the war with the Desolate Moon Continent, who would have investigated the death of several demon soldiers, but he still had a surprised expression on his face.

Wu Yuan smiled mysteriously, "This is my master's most important treasure. I finally begged my master to borrow it from my ancestor this time. It was originally intended to be used to transform the body of a monster."


Angry inside.

But he didn't want to be arranged to come to the Desolate Moon Continent at short notice, but he couldn't return it to the master for a while. "

Although Ge Feng still doubted the truth of Wu Yuan's words, he still believed it, because Wu Yuan was a monk from a top sect in the demon world, and there were really three demon general level cultivators in his sect.

So since it was difficult to distinguish the truth from Wu Yuan's words for a while, it would be better to focus on the human monk in front of him now.

Gefeng's eyes were always staring forward, and he asked strangely, "Wuyuan, why do you think this human kid has this treasure on his body? He is just a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment."

Wu Yuan pondered for a moment, and then said, "I was thinking about this problem just now, and there are many reasons.

Since the first war at the Yin Mo Cliff Crack in the Desolate Moon Continent, we demon monks have always existed. I heard that these seniors fought fiercely against the human monks one after another in order to open the passage to the second world.

Countless people died among them, so it was normal for human monks to obtain their belongings after their death.

However, the qualifications of human monks for cultivating immortals are so poor. They cannot adapt to different auras, energy, etc. in many interfaces like us demons.

Therefore, they cannot use our treasures. Since they cannot be used, how can we cherish them? So it is probably no problem for a monk in the Qi Condensation Stage to take the Demon General's belongings from his master.

If you look carefully, the monk should have set this object on the hilt of the sword. It was probably used as a decoration. When he escaped just now, he took out the magic weapon and it was revealed. What a waste of nature. "

After Wu Yuan finished speaking, he still felt that his analysis was very reasonable. He couldn't help but admire himself for his speculation, and at the same time he was angry that the monk in front of him had his own demon treasure.

After Gefeng heard this, he thought about what he had seen and heard since coming over from Nanhai. This was really the case. Even after they conquered the so-called Taixuan Sect's main altar of the four major sects in Huangyue Continent, they discovered many demons. magic weapon.

However, this demonic magic weapon obviously has no traces of human use, and even the protective formation where the demonic magic weapon is placed is not very strong.

When he thought that he would soon get the long sword from the human monk in front of him, Ge Feng's heart began to get hot, and he couldn't help but think about how to distribute it with Wu Yuan.

How could Ge Feng be a demon cultivator who trusts others? He was about to ask Wu Yuan to take out the "Demon Transformation Yin and Yang Box" to take a look and truly confirm that what the other party said was true.

Suddenly, Wu Yuan's face lit up with joy, "That kid also consumed blood and essence before, but now he is no longer able to survive."

Sure enough, he

After saying this, Ge Feng immediately turned his attention to Li Yan in front of him, and saw that the opponent's flying speed had slowed down, and the light of spiritual power outside his body was changing and flickering.

Seeing that he had successfully diverted Ge Feng's attention, Wu Yuan sneered in his heart, "Later, you can go to the underworld to see it."

He didn't have a "Demon Yin-Yang Box" at all, he just said it deliberately to stabilize his style.

His murderous thoughts had already arisen when Ge Feng followed him. Ge Feng wanted to share the treasure he was interested in. He didn't know whether to live or die.

After all, he is also the captain of the team. This style does not distinguish between superiors. The most important thing is that the monk should only have one such treasure. How can the two of them be separated.

At this time, they were only about fifty miles away from Li Yan in front. As long as they were closer, their spells could even reach and attack.

Li Yan, who was flying ahead, quietly looked at the hilt of the long sword in his hand. Between the hilt and the palm of his hand, there was a black magic core, which was taken from the young woman of Beiling Villa. At this time, under the influence of Li Yan's spiritual power, black energy was swirling around the object.

Li Yan was only 60-70% sure before. He thought that by stimulating the demonic energy in the demonic core, he could attract two demonic cultivators.

This principle is like Li Yan having a golden elixir in his hand. If others know about it, they will immediately want to kill and seize the treasure.

A golden elixir or a Nascent Soul can directly or indirectly improve a monk's cultivation level, and it can be greatly improved.

However, without the corresponding skills to absorb, most of them are absorbed through medicine and cannot be swallowed directly.

Since human golden elixirs have such effects, Li Yan believes that the magic core in his hand must have similar effects. Moreover, this is the magic core of a demon. It is undoubtedly attractive to the two foundation-building demon cultivators. deadly.

However, Li Yan has also made a series of back-up preparations. He can't really put Bai Rou and the others into danger. He still has a few demon magic weapons in his hand, and they are all demon-level magic weapons. .

He didn't believe that two monks at the demon soldier level could have no interest in the black net and pink flower magic weapon of that level. If the magic core breath could not attract the opponent, then Li Yan would take out the demon magic weapon.

But Li Yan's plan still had flaws, which was why the magic core aura suddenly appeared on his body, but there was none before.

In a hurry, Li Yan had to take out a flying sword from his storage bag, and then clamped the magic core between his palms, which should be able to dispel the other party's suspicion.

In the opponent's consciousness, the current appearance of the demonic energy is of course related to this flying sword. Generally speaking, it should be said to be in the past. Now it seems that everything is proceeding according to his plan.


In fact, Li Yan still underestimated the attraction of a magic core taken from a demon to low-level demon cultivators.

The demonic energy in the demonic core can be directly absorbed by the demonic cultivator, which can quickly improve the cultivation level of a demonic cultivator. The demonic core in Li Yan's hand is enough to go up to Wuyuan or Gefeng seven times in one year. Success is guaranteed to be promoted to a demon.

In addition to this, what makes Wu Yuan and Ge Feng even more crazy is that the magic source power in the magic core can greatly increase their physical bodies and the attack power of their spells in a short period of time.

With these two points, it was enough for Wuyuan and Gefeng to have the idea of ​​killing each other.

Li Yan's next plan was to find a place and quickly kill the two demon cultivators.

Li Yan's real idea was not just to lure away the two demon cultivators, but to avoid Bai Rou and the others, kill the pursuers, and get rid of the pursuers completely. However, none of this allowed Bai Rou and the others to understand his true strength.

As a result, the spiritual power fluctuations in Li Yan's body became unstable again, and his body swayed and fell into the rocks on a mountain peak.


"Then...the two demon cultivators are really gone!" Just as Wuyuan and Gefeng whizzed away, Yan Feijun exclaimed in a low voice with a look of disbelief in the magic circle in the jungle.

Fortunately, they were blocked by a magic circle outside, so the sound only sounded within the magic circle and could not be transmitted out.

All this changed so suddenly that even Bai Rou, who had always believed that Li Yan could do it, was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on her pretty face, and then she spoke again.

"Okay, now it's time for us to ambush the opponent. I hope everyone will attack with all their strength in the first attack. Junior Brother Li can't hold on for long.

Don't let Junior Brother Li get into trouble just because something happened to me.

The four of us should not worry about others and attack the fake elixir monk together. We will definitely kill him with one blow, and then attack the other monks irregularly. "

King Hu Xiao and Sun Guoshu had not yet come back to their senses in time. They were still looking at the magic cabinet in the distance with disbelief. It was not until Bai Rou's voice transmission sounded in their minds that they quickly responded, "Oh...oh, yes..."


"That kid has run out of mana, hurry up, hurry up!"

Seeing Li Yan in front of him, Ge Feng suddenly fell into a pile of rocks on a low mountain at an extremely fast speed. He couldn't help but feel overjoyed. He had long forgotten to ask Wu Yuan to take out the "Demon Transformation Yin and Yang Box" to take a look. He just kept urging.

Although Wu Yuan was also surprised, he was more planning on how to kill Ge Feng quietly.

Although most of Ge Feng's attention is now on the human monk, he always keeps a distance from himself. Ever since the two of them chased him alone, Ge Feng has intentionally or unintentionally kept a distance from him, and he has a demon on his body. The anger is lingering wildly, and he is always on guard against himself.

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