Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 522: Changes in Snow Mosquitoes

Li Yan shook his head repeatedly, "Fellow Daoist Yang and the others just suffered the loss of experience. I really took advantage of the magic weapon!"

"Fellow Daoist Li, these good magic weapons and monsters are also part of the strength. If we want to have them, we have to be able to produce them." A burly man said with envy on his face.

"I agree with what Fellow Daoist Zhang said. Cultivation to immortality is not just about cultivating immortality. Without such opportunities and fate, it is destiny." The middle-aged monk with a serious face nodded in approval.

"Senior Brother Li will have more experience in the future, and I will be satisfied if he can invite me and others to share in the good fortune." At this time, three women in the entire team had tears in their eyes, and a young girl covered her mouth and chuckled.

"It's no wonder that he is from the Poison Cultivator lineage. This kind of domineering cold poison was only seen by a certain family from Fellow Daoist Li today. Even extreme cold monsters like the 'Jijiu Ice Silkworm' cannot spit out such cold poison.

However, the 'Jijiu Ice Silkworm' is not a group attacking monster, and the cold poison it carries is limited. This may be one of the reasons. "A monk with a colorful thousand-legged centipede embroidered on his chest said thoughtfully.

He is also a poison cultivator, coming from a first-class poison sect. He has always been proud that his poisoning methods are not inferior to those of the Demon Sect, but he also feels a headache with cold poison like Li Yan.

When he saw the snow mosquito, the poisonous cultivator couldn't help but think of the "Jijiu Ice Silkworm", which ranked high on the list of poisonous insects and was also an extremely cold thing. However, he still felt that Li Yan was taking advantage of it. To defeat the monsters, more will defeat less.

The people who said these words to Li Yan were not disciples of the Xiaozhu Sect. Those disciples of the Xiaozhu Sect had long known that Li Yan had a small population and rich resources in Xiaozhu Peak.

So out of habit, I can only secretly sigh why Uncle Wei no longer accepts disciples, otherwise he would have been given such a powerful magic weapon.

Some of the disciples of the Demon Sect even thought of the disciples who left Xiaozhu Peak, secretly cursing, "They were short-sighted and lost their destiny as immortals."

Regarding some people's suggestion that Li Yan had taken advantage of the sharpness of the magic weapon, the disciples of the Xiaoshi Sect also scoffed, thinking, "If the boss of the Xiaoshi Sect hadn't taken into account the viciousness of the poisonous cultivators and strictly ordered fellow disciples not to fight without reason, it is estimated that the Xiaoshi Sect would have been killed every day. Many disciples and monsters will die in droves."

The poisonous cultivator simply uses all kinds of tricks to kill people.

The disciples of the Sprite Sect here are all from Sixiang Peak. What they are best at is the mixed poison attack in the formation, which is relatively mild.

But it's not like Laojun Peak, Lingchong Peak, and Buli Peak who just try their best to create poisonous things that others can't crack.

Li Yan also laughed, "I'd better leave here quickly. There was a big battle here just now. It won't be long before someone comes. The spiritual power has been scattered before, so someone may have already detected it."

It's just that when he said this, his eyes seemed to have glanced at a red-faced old man inadvertently, because the old man visibly froze when Chu Weixiong talked about the cold poison of snow mosquitoes. Although it was just an inadvertent shudder, Li Yan is sensitive


I felt it sharply.

It is important to know that the Snow Mosquito cannot be taken away from the Beiming Town Demon Tower. This is an open secret. Li Yan has long known that as long as he takes it out and uses it, others will discover it sooner or later, so he has never dared to use it, otherwise he may be harmed. Causes a lot of trouble.

Therefore, Li Yan uses the snow mosquito as a trump card. If he uses it against the enemy, he will definitely annihilate the opponent.

But the last time he entered Soil Spot, he found that the strong soul aura of these snow mosquitoes had begun to weaken and disappear.

Li Yan was shocked when he saw it. If the changes in the Snow Mosquito affected its attack power, then wouldn't he be happy in vain for what he had desperately brought out from the Beiming Town Demon Tower?

He hurriedly investigated carefully. After some investigation, his heart was filled with more doubts and speculations.

Li Yan worriedly called the Snow Mosquito King aside, and then asked if it sensed anything wrong with this space or its body.

The Snow Mosquito King thought for a long time and didn't know how to answer. In the end, he only said one: "It just feels that the soul now becomes more solid, unlike before. Although the power of the soul is very strong, it doesn't seem to belong to It’s all yours and you can leave it at any time.”

After Li Yan thought about what the Snow Mosquito King said, he felt that it should be because of the Beiming Demon Tower. The tower itself suppressed all kinds of ghosts and spirits. Like the Snow Mosquito King, it was controlled by the rules in the tower. Under this, everything about the soul monsters that are gradually born is controlled by the laws in the tower, including life.

If there is a tower spirit in Beiming Town Demon Tower, it is estimated that with just a thought, monsters like snow mosquitoes and snow spirits may cease to exist in an instant and be completely wiped out.

Now that I have brought this soul monster out of the Beiming Demon Suppression Tower, it has been restricted by the laws of the alternative world.

Like the Desolate Moon Continent, although the world also has some control over the soul, for example, after death, the law will send the person's soul to the way of reincarnation and so on.

But it is not just for souls. The laws of the Desolate Moon Continent are more complex and complicated, and not as simple as the Demon Tower of Beiming Town. Therefore, these snow mosquitoes gradually become the same as before even in the earth-stained space. The environment is completely different, and the body has shown signs of integrating the rules of earth and earth.

To be precise, it is the rules within the soil patches that are constantly restoring the life characteristics of the snow mosquito population in a subtle way.

It is estimated that even if the Snow Mosquito King and others are returned to the Beiming Town Demon Tower, they will definitely not be able to integrate with the previous Snow Mosquito population.

But another good news also makes Li Yan quite happy, that is, although the life characteristics of the snow mosquito population in the soil patch may be controlled by the rules of heaven and earth,

Change, but it seems to be only targeting the soul of the snow mosquito. The cold poison on its body has not weakened and is still extremely sharp.

After making these judgments, Li Yan felt that the snow mosquito could still be taken out and used, but today the red-faced old man was obviously doubtful.

"This person has been to Beiming Town Demon Tower." Li Yan gave a positive answer directly, but he did not have the intention to silence him yet.

He believed that even in Fengliang Mountain, there were probably many monks who had been to Beiming Town Demon Tower. Could it be that he would find and kill them one by one in order to prevent others from seeing them?

Li Yan believed that the other party was also suspicious. There are many types of mosquito-like monsters in the world, and many of them are very similar between different types. Even the disciples of Spirit Insect Peak would sometimes admit their mistakes.

However, Li Yan still glanced at the old man.

Li Yan's guess was correct. This red-faced old man had once entered Beiming Town Demon Tower, and was accidentally transported to the snowy field. Fortunately, there were five people traveling with him, and they were together. Fighting all the way to the long wall of ice and snow, only two people survived in the end.

Therefore, the old man had a particularly profound memory of the snow mosquitoes on the snowfield. Li Yan's appearance today made him involuntarily think of the snow mosquitoes in the Demon Tower of Beiming Town, but his doubts and emotions fluctuated.

Because he didn't feel the aura from these monster beasts that looked like snow mosquitoes that made him tremble deeply in his memory, a powerful and soul-exuding feeling.

Therefore, he has never been able to determine the type of monster in Li Yan's hands, but he has a sense of familiarity.

"If not, why can these mosquito-like monsters with cold breaths form almost identical attack formations like giant ice swords?

But...but...Beiming Demon Suppression Tower cannot bring out any life forms in the tower. I must be overthinking..."

The red-faced old man suddenly felt that Li Yan glanced at him casually, and he couldn't help but feel shocked. He immediately rejected his idea.

"This boy's master is the person in charge here. I am a monk under the jurisdiction of the Demon Sect. If others find out, I guess these monsters are from the Demon Tower of Beiming Town. If trouble occurs, this person will be arrested. The Pure Land Sect monk is targeting me, so I probably have no other choice but to die." He quickly buried the matter in his heart and hinted that from now on, he would not reveal any clues about his speculation.

The group of people stood on the "Cloud-piercing Willow" again. In a flash, they disappeared from the jungle without a trace. There were only fallen trees everywhere, showing the intensity of the battle just now.

Li Yan stood at the front of Chuanyunliu and carefully observed the surrounding environment whizzing by to avoid straying into danger.

The graceful Bai Rou is standing next to Li Yan


Beside her, she looked very interested in the crystal clear Snow Mosquito King lying on Li Yan's shoulder.

After the Snow Mosquito King is removed from the fighting state, it looks like a thousand-year-old ice sculpture, without any trace of ferociousness. In Bai Rou's eyes, this monster just feels a bit strangely beautiful.

Just when Bai Rou was looking at the Snow Mosquito King, she suddenly felt that Li Yan, who was observing the surroundings, glanced at her inadvertently. There seemed to be a kind of amusement in his eyes, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement on her jade face. A blush appeared, and she quickly turned her head to the side, looking into the distance with a hint of panic in her eyes.

In fact, Li Yan just glanced at him from the corner of his eye and had no other meaning. However, all this made Bai Roufang's heart beat wildly, like a caught thief.

Since the last time she encountered a strong enemy, Bai Rou had to take out a puppet that she had never used before. To be precise, since Li Yan joined the team, she tried her best not to use her own magic weapon.

Then Li Yan saw three puppets, two large and one small. As soon as these three puppets appeared, Li Yan felt that they looked very familiar, because they were three giant gibbon puppets.

These three giant gibbons are very similar to the Qianluo Ancient Puppet that he had always carried with him. For a while, Li Yan took out Qianluo Ancient Ape to study all day long.

Li Yan was very surprised that Bai Rou had refined his natal magic weapon into this form. He did not expect that Bai Rou, with such a delicate character, would actually refine his natal magic weapon into an ancient ape.

Bai Rou has always given people the impression of an orchid in the empty valley. No matter from which aspect, these three puppets are so inconsistent with Bai Rou's delicate appearance.

In Li Yan's opinion, how could a girl refine a magic weapon as beautiful as the purple-winged ice phoenix with two green wings, so Li Yan looked at Bai Rou with some astonishment in his eyes.

But then I thought that it might be because Qianluo Ancient Ape had been with Bai Rou for many years, and now it was taken back by Shuang Qingqing, and it should have a relationship, so I refined the natal magic weapon into the appearance of ancient ape, and I was relieved. .

But his stunned gaze made him feel uneasy in his heart. After taking out the three-headed puppet, Bai Rou, who had been carefully paying attention to Li Yan's expression, undoubtedly felt ashamed and annoyed.

When she was refining the puppet, it was supposed to be a two-headed golden-winged roc, but later it was changed into a giant gibbon for some reason. When she was refining the parts, she subconsciously jumped out of her mind. Method for refining Qianluo ancient ape parts.

When the last puppet parts came out, Shuang Qingqing looked at her strangely. At that time, Bai Rou realized that she had done something wrong, but she could only bite the bullet and continue to refine the remaining puppets. parts, otherwise, there is nothing wrong with the parts just now. If they are heavy, melt the materials, and then refine them, it is estimated that Shuangqingqing is not just a problem with weird eyes, this ancestor is very weird.

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