Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2055 Gathering

Li Yan saw a row of pavilions on the edge of the lotus pond, and there were five or six rows of pavilions staggered towards the back. At this time, Feng Zhiran in front of him stopped, turned around and smiled, he stretched out his right hand and pointed at the buildings not far ahead and said, " Fellow Daoist Li, the teleportation array is in a hall behind this building, but you are the first to come today, but you have to wait for a while. This is the courtyard where Taoist disciples live daily. Considering that there are also people like fellow Taoist Those who came first left a courtyard here for fellow Taoists to drink tea and rest."

After that, he led with one hand, and he turned sideways and walked forward along the path along the lotus pond. Li Yan followed with a smile.

The two of them only walked half a circle along the stone path beside the pond and arrived at the first row of houses next to the lotus pond. The doors of the first row of houses were opened between the first and second rows. in between.

The two of them walked forward for nearly a hundred meters along the long courtyard wall, and then came to the courtyard gate in front. It was said that the houses here were arranged in rows, but the distance between every two rows of houses was a full hundred meters. The wide area makes it impossible to feel like a narrow alley.

When he got here, Feng Zhiran stopped, pointed to the first courtyard in the first row and said, "This is it." Then he walked towards the courtyard gate again. Li Yan saw that the courtyard gate was quite grand, and the entrance There were two lifelike stone carvings of cloud-eating unicorns. Li Yan actually felt a hint of coercion from the carvings. They were not weaker than those at the third level of the Qi Condensation stage, which was very extraordinary.

Feng Zhiran didn't pay attention to Li Yan's observation, but went directly into the courtyard and continued, "This courtyard is not far from the teleportation array at the back. The location is also convenient. There is no restriction array in the courtyard, and other surrounding areas The buildings are all protected by formation restrictions, and most of them are Taoist disciples, so please don't walk around casually, Daoist Li, just wait here for notification, otherwise you will trigger the formation restrictions, and you will inevitably suffer a lot. Some uncles and uncles even add attack restrictions to their own courtyard formations, making it easy to kill people."

When he said this, although he looked back at Li Yan with a smile, there was a warning in his eyes. Li Yan was just as he imagined, and there was a hint of fear on his face, which made Feng Zhiran quite worried. satisfy.

At this time, they had entered the courtyard. This courtyard was quite grand. The courtyard alone was dozens of feet long. There were also several big trees in the courtyard. A bluestone path started from the courtyard gate and went around under the trees. There were trees on both sides of the path. There are some stone tables and benches, and at the end of the bluestone road is a row of houses, about five or six in size. Each room is decorated with red couplets and carved wooden windows, and some shady branches with greenery are placed on the eaves and windows. In the room, with the intention of coming out of the dust, the door in the middle of the room was opened, and two people in green clothes were standing on either side of the door with their hands hanging down. They were dressed like the handymen here, and they also had aura fluctuations around the second level of Qi Condensation.

Feng Zhiran led Li Yan directly to the middle house on the bluestone road. Once there, Feng Zhiran stopped. He pointed at the exquisite house with the open door in the middle and said with a smile, "Fellow Daoist Li, this is it." We're here, this is the hall, you can drink tea and wait inside, just greet these two people if you need anything." He said this again.


He pointed out the two young men in Tsing Yi who looked at them respectfully.

"If Fellow Daoist Li wants to be more quiet, you can choose a side room to rest by yourself. Fellow Daoist Li came early, and the rooms on both sides are empty. If it's late, you can only wait in the lobby, but it's time anyway. It won't be long, I think there will be six people there in an hour or two." After that, he pointed to the room with closed doors on both sides.

Li Yan first glanced at the hall in front of him. There were several tables and chairs on both sides of the hall, with a simple set of tea sets placed on them. Directly facing the door were three large open windows, and outside the windows was the fragrant fragrance. The lotus pond, even standing at the door, the flowing wind blows against my face with a light breath.

"Oh, I'd better go to the side room and wait." Li Yan seemed to think deeply and then said to Feng Zhiran.

"Okay, are all the rooms here empty?" Feng Zhiran was not surprised by Li Yan's answer. Immortal cultivators rarely like to sit in the same room with others. Li Yan's answer was already expected by him, and what he said next But it was for the two young men in green clothes. Although he knew that the rooms should be empty at this time, he still asked the usual question.

"Senior Brother Qibing, of course there are some. All the rooms are empty." One of the servants replied quickly.

"Then, Fellow Daoist Li, you can choose a room at will. I won't interrupt you. Shang is still patrolling. If anything happens, just go to them directly. I will go over and talk to my uncle at the teleportation array." After that, Feng Zhiran cast a spell, turned around and walked out.

Li Yan returned the gift with his hand, looked around, and his face regained his composure. He glanced at the two servants who were looking at him expectantly, and said in a cold voice, "I'm tired, wait for the teleportation array." Just let me know when you open it, and there is no need for anything else." After that, he ignored the two people and walked straight to one side.

Seeing this, the two young men in green nodded in agreement. Although their faces were respectful, there was a hint of disappointment in their eyes. They were cleaning and tidying up here, serving tea and water to the outside monks every day, and occasionally they would get some spiritual stones. , their cultivation level is extremely low. If they only rely on the spiritual stones issued by the sect every month, they don’t know when they will be able to reach the third level of Qi Condensation, be promoted to outer disciples, and get rid of their status as a handyman, so they are usually very happy to come here. Doing some chores will more or less generate extra spiritual stone income. Although they were disappointed, they had no complaints in their hearts. Most monks had eccentric personalities, and there were monks like Li Yan every day.

Li Yan walked directly to the corner room closest to the wall on one side of the courtyard, opened the door, and at a glance, he saw that the room was much smaller, but also chic and exquisite. The furnishings in the room were simple. Opposite the door was a table and chairs under the window against the wall. In order to keep the house dry and ventilated, the windows are wide open at this moment. Outside the window, there are also green lotus leaves. White and red lotus flowers nod in the wind. There is a sandalwood bed on the right side of the house. That's all in the house.

After Li Yan looked around, his consciousness instantly relaxed. After a while, he stepped in. After entering the house, he flicked his robe sleeves and the door was closed again behind him.

He walked to the window and looked out at the lotus pond and the mountains in the distance. After a moment, Li Yan stretched out his hand and touched his left wrist. Several rays of light flashed out and fell to the four corners of the house. In an instant, there was a faint spiritual power in the house. Fluctuating, the scenery outside the window in front of Li Yan became distorted and blurred for a while, then returned to normal again.

This is a simple set of protective formation flags that are usually kept in the hands of monks. It does not have any offensive properties, but simply isolates the spiritual consciousness and serves as a warning. When someone approaches and attempts to enter, or someone’s spiritual consciousness tries to penetrate in for inspection When the time comes, the people in the house will be alert.

Although Li Yan had a good reputation in Xuanqing Temple when he was exploring the city, he was cautious and would not believe everything he heard. Even if he was staying temporarily, he had to be vigilant, not to mention that this place was also a gathering place for other outside monks.

Li Yan did not close the window. Under the isolation effect of this set of flags, the situation inside the house could not be seen from the outside. Unless someone forced his way in with his spiritual sense, he could see everything outside clearly. After doing all this, Li Yan turned around and walked to the side of the bed, sat down cross-legged, and slowly closed his eyes.

Half a day is not short for ordinary people, but for monks it is just a moment of meditation. Soon the time came to noon. While Li Yan was meditating with his eyes closed, his eyelashes suddenly moved, and then inside the room There was a flash of light, the formation made a low buzzing sound, and then a voice sounded from the door: "Senior, the number of people heading north has been gathered. Please move to the teleportation formation."

After Li Yan heard this, he slowly opened his eyes and smiled. This Xuanqing Guan really does this business often, and his judgment of time is extremely accurate. At the same time, there was also a trace of helplessness in my heart. The person outside the door was also at the Qi Condensation Stage, but he called me senior. The cultivation he revealed now was only at the Qi Condensation Stage. This shows how difficult it is for low-level Qi Condensation Stage disciples to survive. In order to gain cultivation Resources, no matter what the other party's cultivation level is, they all call each other senior. They want to win the other party's favor and be rewarded with a few spiritual stones. This kind of situation does not exist in the Sprite Sect. It can be seen that small sects and small sects are short of cultivation resources.

After standing on the ground from the bed, Li Yan waved his hand again, and several rays of light from the four corners of the room flew towards his hand. Then he grabbed him, and then with a touch of his left wrist, they were included in the "soil spots". Then with a flick of his wide robe sleeves, the door opened, and he strode out the door.

A young man in green clothes was waiting outside the door with a respectful look. When he saw Li Yan coming out, he bowed respectfully, "Senior, please come this way." After saying that, he walked towards the hall.

Li Yan followed him and walked forward. The hall was only a few dozen meters away. When Li Yan just left the room, he found someone standing under the shade of a tree at the door of the hall.


He saw seven people, but he didn't scan them with his spiritual consciousness at will. As he approached, he saw the seven people clearly. Judging from their standing positions, they should be divided into three groups. One group was headed by a big man with a beard, and the other group was headed by a big man with a beard. The aura on his body was strong, and he was actually a monk in the Foundation Establishment stage. Behind him stood two young men and women. They had seven or eight levels of aura fluctuations in the Qi Condensation stage. The man looked quite handsome, wearing a white robe and a sword at his waist. He looked elegant. Suave, this attire surprised Li Yan. Monks usually seldom put their weapons outside, but mostly put them in storage bags. This man obviously had a storage bag around his waist, but then he saw the handsome man. When the young man kept looking at the woman beside him lovingly, he understood that this was a deliberate act of dressing up. The woman was wearing a yellow shirt and had a slender figure. Although she was not gorgeous in appearance, she was also pretty and pleasant. When the handsome young man glanced at her from time to time, she lowered her head a little delicately. The two of them seemed to be whispering, not mentioning the other people at all. In his eyes, he looks like a man in love with his concubine.

More than ten steps away from the bearded man, there were two men in black robes with cloaks covering their heads. Most of their faces were covered under the cloaks. Waves of Yin Qi were emanating from their bodies, making people feel a chill from a distance. , the people around him were far away from the two of them. Although the two men in black robes seemed to be together, they each lowered their heads and did not talk to each other, which made them even more cold. The fluctuations of the spiritual power and aura of these two people are very weak, making it difficult to see the cultivation level. Li Yan's spiritual consciousness has already reached the same level as foundation building after practicing the Guishui Sutra, but he can judge that the other party's realm is actually at the same level. Late stage of foundation building.

On the other side were a young man and a hunchbacked old man, who clearly looked like a master and a servant. The young man was tall, about twenty-three or four years old, with a delicate appearance. He was covered in purple clothes, but he had a sad look on his face. He is already at the ninth level of the Qi Condensation stage. The most conspicuous thing about this person is his pale skin, but it is not sickly, as if he has not seen the sun all year round. The hunchbacked old man had been standing beside the purple-shirted young man with his hands lowered. He was dressed in coarse linen clothes and carrying a package. There was no storage bag hanging on his waist. But when Li Yan saw the hunchbacked old man, his pupils could not help but shrink. The old man's He couldn't see through his cultivation, but it seemed to him that he was more dangerous than the bearded man and the two men in black robes.

The moment Li Yan went out, except for the young man and woman who just glanced this way, everyone else also looked at Li Yan. Even the two men in black robes raised their heads slightly and looked through the brim of their cloaks. He looked over, but after glancing at Li Yan's cultivation, except for the young man with a sad face who nodded slightly to Li Yan, the others all withdrew their gaze.

Li Yan sensed the surroundings as he walked. In addition to the seven people outside the hall, he could also sense the spiritual energy fluctuations coming from two side rooms. The doors of the remaining side rooms were also wide open. Obviously, the seven people in front of him should be Someone was in the side room just now. As for the two rooms with closed doors and spiritual power fluctuations, they should be teleporting monks to the east. He had inquired clearly before coming. The Xuanqing Temple Teleportation Array can teleport ten people at a time, but a minimum of six people are needed to do so. After activating a teleportation, there were only eight people in front of me including myself. Obviously, that was the number of people going north.

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